Tracy is an executive with a rich and unusual fantasy life. Her niece is unemployed and covets her aunt's wealth. Both get their desires fulfilled.
This story was written for a friend with a particular fantasy of being turned into a sex slave. Because of this, elements of the story may be different than the average reader might expect. This story is complete fiction.
A Somali Muslim living in Minnesota is able to use white guilt over slavery to convince young teenage white girls to whore themselves out for him. Later on, he partners with a professional pimp to increase his profits.
A cyclists picks up a woman at a pit-stop offers her a treat for a suck job. His unco-operative wife is invited to a Hens Party, where she becomes drunk and finds herself indulging in an orgy, which she enjoys. She returns home minus panties and bra - read on.
Story of a couple who after becoming enganged and whether or not they really intended to, sow some wild oats before they become man and wife. She has sex with the male members of his family, plus a few others, and he has a fling with an old high school flame. But love between the two does prevail.