He was not one of Cathy's favourite Tutors for she felt his eyes stripping her naked whenever she sat in his classes. She wouldn't have minded so much if it was that new Professor Blunt in Media Studies for he was quite cute. Professor Tomas was everything but; he was fifty at least and quite horrible.
Gary works for a Port-a-potty company that gets him to spy on people while they use the company's product. It gives him ideas, and one thing leads to another. There's no sex in the port-a-potties, but they are part of his trap. He is ethically challenged, to say the least.
I sat staring wide eyed with shock at the TV screen, though I was staring at the screen I wasn't really taking in what it was showing any more. Lord knows how long I sat in that numbed state, but it was only the 'clunk' and auto-rewinding of the tape in the VCR that brought me semi-back to my senses... the woman being fucked and showing every sign of enjoying what was being done to her was none other than my wife of 25 years, Ruth!