The sequel to "Touchdown", Sonnet 57 explores slave Jenny's further adventures after her return from captivity and the consequences for her husband Joe.
A Story in the Gate of Worlds Universe
A group of heroes are recruited to steal an artifact that could destroy an empire, but all is not as it appears, and doing the right thing may lead to their deaths.
Imagine being fisted, thru a window, by a total stranger... and loving it! Then having your Master find out and GIVE you to the stranger for punishment.
This is a slut wife story in four chapters. Consent to her dead father-in-law's wishes or lose out. She deserves what she gets. Character image based around an internet babe. Check her out!
My first erotic work and it's 100% true!!! The only thing I changed were the names. My buddy and I have been close for a while, and I always have been a family friend. But little did I know just how friendly my neighbors could be!
A story in the "Jennifer, Sex Governess" Universe
Christopher Mansker, father of four teens, hosts a bachelor party for some of his friends. The entertainment exceeds their wildest imaginations as Jennifer, the sex governess, and others are totally compromised. No spoilers; see the story codes. It's kinky.