A mystery unfolds in a small English town and sets the elegant and dominant Matilda Minerva and her loyal lesbian slave Eleanor off in pursuit of a sensational new girdle, strangely lost...
When Sam Hill agreed to a marriage of convenience with his frustrated female friend Deanna, he never would have guessed that it would become a lot more than just a partnership with benefits. Life has a funny way of changing your priorities and perspectives, even for pessimists and cynics like him.
In the seventh, and last installment, of Gabriel's fourteenth-year training to be a male whore, Gabriel is sold into an Egyptian brothel only to encounter a lover from the past.
As jealousy rises in the male brothel the fourteen-year-old Gabriel has been placed in by his former mentor and controller, the Baron Wilhelm von Sternburg, Gabriel is sent to service a best-selling novelist, who is particularly earthy, open, and demanding of all that the boy can give him.
A Steam Punk Story (2) In the second Victorian era, a father despairs of the behaviour of his two wards. How can they ever be made ready for marriage? A BDSM - steam punk romance. A sequel to "The Adjustment of Nicola James"
A Visit to the House in the Woods (17) Mike has agreed to an assignation with a rather submissive young lady, but is not sure he can meet all of her needs. When twins Jade and Jasmine show up for some new breast jewelry, Mike persuades them to take the girl under their tender tutelage.Warning: Extreme breast piercing inside! If you don't like such things, don't read it.
This is a story about rape and domination and love and loss and happiness in the middle of war. People are complex. They do not understand themselves. She does not understand how she could come to love her dominator.
17 year old James comes home unexpectedly and finds his mother, Lois fucking a stranger. He is angry at her betrayal of the family. Then when his father can't make their annual ski trip James and Lois end up on a weeks vacation - alone, and sparks fly.