Danni, a young Filipina prostitute marries a Caucasian weakling and comes to the U.S. where she starts fucking around with black men outside the marriage. Her black boyfriend takes her to a club and begins pimping her out, while her pathetic husband becomes a high heeled, skirt wearing Queen, having sex with men at adult video arcades. He ends up in prison and is turned out as a ladyboy whore for the black inmates.
I recieved more feedback on "Daniel" than on any other story I have posted and all asked for a continuation and most suggested a way to take it. So, for them and anyone else who might like it I give you the second (and last) chapter.
A The Adventures of Cocksockett Story More in Cal's life. Running can be worse than staying as he's discovering. A bit long for a flash, but still meets the definition
DONT READ THIS STORY! 20 people have already rated it a ‘1’ so it must be crap! A man, at the end of his rope in his relationship with his girlfriend, cooks up a scheme to put her in her place. All he has to do is maneuver the pieces on the chessboard of life so that he can achieve ultimate control of her and save her from being a bitch. Chapter 3 actually somewhat matches this synopsis.