A story in the The Teen Dreams Universe Universe
David gets home from Canada, still grieving from the loss of Sandy. Determined to finally sort out what, if anything, is between him and Cal. Can they still be friends after all that's happened and is friends all they can ever be. In the meantime there are films to make and universities to apply to.
A Dulcie Story (16) Well, how do you think our Dulcie might respond to a witch? You may - probably will - be surprised, but I won't spoil the surprise. This tale links to 'Pursuit of Peace'. enjoy!
This Story is Part of Jake's Universe
After 22 years of marriage, things go astray for Noah. A man without vision to see ahead, but highly competent at his work. Cultural pressures in a land he does not know create a current that pulls him along to a place he knows not. But he ends up with a wife and two mistresses! While this story is not specifically attached to the Jake’s Choices Universe, assumes knowledge of life in the Philippines, which I have covered in the Threads Joyfully and with Ganda stories in the Universe.
Alex's wife walks out on him shortly after his retirement, taking half his assets. Taking a cheap holiday in the Balkans he finds he has unintentionally purchased a young woman...