A Glass Balls Story (3) The parallel adventures of Olivia Wright, art historian and sensuous woman, and Dom, the medieval youth, continue. Livy rediscovers a secret of Italian art and deflowers a young boy, while Dom experiments with gay love before finding two old friends.
Her friends didn't know she was a stripper, nor that she offered 'extras' when she worked private parties. At least, they didn't know until they came to one of those parties and saw her all done up like Slutty Tifa Lockhart, and the night went from there...
David's mother calls him at school to tell him that his father has left and that he ran away with a man. When David comes home she also tells him that she is pregnant from a brief affair. He is shocked to learn his mother thinks he might be gay like his father. To see if he is, she jerks him off. After that their relationship grows until the ultimate happens.
A story in the The Teen Dreams Universe Universe
David gets home from Canada, still grieving from the loss of Sandy. Determined to finally sort out what, if anything, is between him and Cal. Can they still be friends after all that's happened and is friends all they can ever be. In the meantime there are films to make and universities to apply to.
It is often said that not everything thing is as it seems, but does that mean that not everything is real? What is real? Is there a chance of other possibilities?
If you appreciate and are attracted to mature women'"then you're going to just love Vivian. Besides having a beautiful figure, she will captivate you with her intelligence and quiet gracious demeanor. But make no mistake'"along with her niceness,she is all woman; a fully sensuous female, who knows what she likes, and goes about getting it with that ever so rare elusive touch of class. This Rose is still in full bloom!