Rebecca Singleton had thought she'd left her old life behind after her move to Washington. It was only when she went back to New York for a visit that she learned that she'd left behind the best part of her old life
Greg Maitland (1) Greg Maitland thought he was coping quite well with civillian life. He had a business that just about kept it's head above water. A lovely wife and two beautiful children. His life is perfect, until he finds his wife is a star on Gang Banged Wives. Something like that can do things to a man. / (Reviews)
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (49) On this day, Dan, Karen, and Wendy are visited by a hockey agent. Alex Harper is very interested in representing Brad. Karen and Wendy have an idea to make sure Brad receives a very good contract.
A young writer finally gets his big break in Hollywood. This is the story of him leaving his life behind and finding past loves. Along the way, he is tempted by beautiful actresses and the allure of fame.
Erin is about to discover that her mom has been living next door for the last six months as a sex slave. This is a lengthy tale in the style of a classic by Vulgus. Originally written by Mike McGifford. I have his permission to edit and complete the story.