Halloween 2024
The crew of the Allied Space Craft Pioneer finds a desolate world where the inhabitants seem trapped between life and death. They're seductive, obliging, willing to do anything, and appear, at first, attractive. Their bodies move, yet their eyes are vacant, their souls lost in a twilight state. As the crew delves deeper, the Strigoians pull the crew into a dangerous mystery they must unravel or become them.
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Husband and wife; who are bored with their sex life begin swapping fantasises until something happens one day to make them ask; "Was it planned or just coincidence?"
Jennifer is the Curator for a prominent Art Gallery. An unexpected inheritance produces unexpected wealth and humiliation. How does she deal with all of it?
Short vignettes about a woman addicted to a mean colleague's semen, and how he exploits her. The origin of the situation is left deliberately unexplained. There is no overarching plot, no true beginning or end, it's all about situations.
When 14-year-old Devante is wandering around Manhattan, he accidentally stumbles upon Beverly Moore; a blond six-foot-tall self-defense instructor who bills herself as the Karate Queen. Immediately, he knows he has to break her. What follows is his story as he puts into action a devilish plan during which, not only will he defeat Beverly in single combat, but he'll make it clear to her that she is well and truly conquered by making her shatter the ultimate taboo with her own 14-year-old son.