A Naughty Nursery Rhyme Loosely. VERY loosely. based on the nursery rhyme, this is the modernized story of Angelique, and her children, and how they came to live in a shoe. and what happened afterwards.
A long story relating to how a boy learns sex after a traumatic experience. It is mostly true. The sex is mostly between the main character and his sister, his girlfriend and her sister. The ages are young so if that offends don't read on.
Emily's mom and dad recently remarried and brought together 7 children from 3 different marriages. That's stress enough for any teenage girl. Imagine having twin half-brothers to deal with, your own age. She thinks she hates them both. Little does she know.
A Roger and Mary's Neighborhood Story (5) Father Leary liked to have confession and pennance in his private office for some of the high school children NOTE: If the thought of a priest having an erection bothers you, you should pass on this story. UPDATED 4/24/12
Little Jessica was perfect in almost every way. At least, until she started to grow up very fast. She is awakened by a random hand under her choir gown and decides to learn more from her hunky older brother. He is only too willing to tutor her in all of the ways females can please males and vice versa.
A Story in the Brother & Sister Love Universe
A nuclear family in present day! The kids go to Catholic Private School and start a discussion between themselves. Some codes refer to later chapters - patience!