Sarah's Saga (3) In Dóchas, the crew begins restoring the ship after over a century in hibernation near Mars. Several times, they come to the aid of friends on Earth, while avoiding letting their presence be known. They establish a settlement on Mars enabling them to build additional ships. Ships they will need to relocate to another solar system. A search is begun for a suitable solar system. Members of the crew organize a choir. They use the choir's music to introduce them to Earth's residence.
College Men's Basketball player becoming coach of a women's college basketball team. How the players continue after college life. This is a one part story that may later be continued as a sequel.
This is a spin-off from the series More Teachable Moments. I wanted to continue with Jill and her fall into the depths of her depravity. It may help to read those stories first to set up where Jill is in her quest to learn new things. Jill will learn more about exciting and extreme activities in the coming chapters, and this is her story. Caution watch the codes.
An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has "near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation". He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.
An attractive divorced woman with some kinky fantasies meets the man of her dreams when she has a flat tire and he stops to change it for her. This is a tale of romantic S&M. Yes, there is such a thing.
A young woman, a recent high school graduate with a rich fantasy life and a taste for what are normally considered male fantasies, learns that she already knows the man of her dreams. She need only submit.