Amy and her husband Adam fulfill a long-standing fantasy of hers: she is surprised, overpowered, tied up, kidnapped, beaten, and forced to serve at the mercy of her abductors.
The new recruit, Sister Mildred, finds life in the Abbey to be hard and demanding. She has her hardest problem with the vow of chastity that seems to rob her of her vital essence. Thank goodness for her tools of repentance that assure her true contrition and with obvious beneficial side effects that make the night go a lot faster.
I got an email from a reader who loved the HOUSE series. Pretty much out of ideas, I asked for suggestions for a story. His return mail had a phrase that started my muse. This is it.
You're a woman, you've reached 30 years of age, and you've had three unsuccessful relationships. Is it you? Is it something that you're doing wrong? Is it men? Maybe you have an attraction to women? No, no, that's not it. There's a darkness in your soul, but, you do want a man in your life. Sexually. And soon.
Daisy is at that difficult age when teens push back against their parents. One day she pushes a bit too far and things get out of hand. Initially, the spanking seems to help...
I had been trying to get pet to try anal sex but there was something holding her back - something very strong that made her afraid of it. One day I learned her secret...