The Kelly MacGuire Series Story (6) Kelly gets sent down to Miami on a recruiting trip and spends an evening entertaining two Cubans, who take extreme delight in defiling her.
A Waikiki PI Story
Waikiki PI Story #4. Our intrepid hero is on a sleazy fraud case when he is haunted by friends from his childhood. One of them, a disturbed psychotic, is the prime suspect in a gruesome murder. Will he solve the case and revitalize his friendships? (It's best to read the earlier stories in the Universe to understand the characters.)
Deke Hall discovers his neighbor is a well-known, conservative Congresswoman. Both detested by opponents, she’s adored by a faithful following. When the gorgeous, but borderline narcissistic woman approaches him, he’s suspicious of her motives. Is she really that lonely? And why of all people, would she approach him? But together they uncover her fears and needs, while discovering his own.
Mark and Cindy were in a serious financial bind and unable to keep up on the bills. It was to the point that their construction business was in jeopardy. They needed to make some good money fast. Getting a loan was not an option. Cindy's girlfriend from college knew how they could get some real money but it wasn't exactly the conventional way...
A story in the Toby Wakefield Stories Universe
Toby Wakefield tells of his experience when he, along with 15 fraternity brothers, participates in a gangbang of Marcia Zillich. The next morning he discovers that the wild girl of last night's debauch is a very sweet young woman. She tells the story of how she was kidnapped in Viet Nam, which began her odyssey into nymphomania. The story tells of her "business" as a nymphomaniac and how she struggles to overcome it.
Gavin "Gnarly" Reese was a Guitar God. Deity in the making that is. A bold move to Chicago in hopes of a career in the Metal scene, his fresh start began with finding shelter. A brownstone full of hot women presenting itself he jumped at the chance. As rough and tumble as the Iowa farm boy was, he found himself smothered by pussy and problems out the ass. Who needed sleep anyway. When you're dead, right? Rock hard! Play hard! As his granddad once said, "TAKE YOUR PICK BOY!" That he did!
Hawley Battle is a story about a teenager, who looks so different from other boys his age, people think he's deformed and retarded. It's all an act. Hawley is special in more ways than one. He is just now discovering the mysterious Thought-Provoked - Mind-Control ability he possesses - or could it be - that it possesses Hawley. Had it not been for a young Social Worker - Gina Marie Worthington, who came to meet with Ms. Battle, concerning Hawley's medical bills - the truth may have never been di