Based on the series 'The Walking Dead', the story follows the remaining family members making their way from Alabama to a safe haven in Georgia. Continuously searching for basic necessities and safety from the shuffling hordes of "biters", Michael, along with his younger brother David, brother-in-law Mitch, nephew Dylan and daughter, Addison, struggle to maintain their humanity in the midst of a chaotic world full of murderous zombies and lascivious human survivors.
Bai Ying, a sexy and beautiful young woman, is coveted by her husband's best friend. Can she escape Xie Bin's clutches? Or will we sink into crazy forbidden desires together?
In the enchanted halls of Hogwarts, an irresistible bond forms between Merula Snyde and the Reader. Drawn together by an undeniable chemistry, their secret encounters ignite a passion neither can resist. As they delve deeper into their forbidden connection, the Reader uncovers Merula's hidden sensuality, revealing a side of her that is both captivating and vulnerable.
A Journey to the Black Story (4) Benjamin Campbell and three others have a chance to administer their very own worlds. are they destined to fail? Originally a novel for NanoWriMo2016, this is an RPGLit novella.
Rule Number One of any sex game: play only with someone you trust. But what if that someone suddenly changes? Kevin and I have played BDSM games many times before, but he's about to change the rules...