The Wrong Bar - Cover

The Wrong Bar

by ejd1711

Copyright© 2023 by ejd1711

Fantasy Sex Story: An unexpected encounter...

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   Humiliation   Rough   White Female   Hispanic Male   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   2nd POV   Violence   .

In the spring of 2004, my brother-in-law got engaged. At the time, my wife Lenora and I had been married for about 15 years and had led a pretty normal life. We had 3 kids and they took up most of our time. Our sex life was pretty boring and we got to it when we could. We did not experiment or do anything sexually exciting; I would perform cunnilingus on her, then we’d fuck in the missionary position, then we’d go to sleep. Despite my attempts for her to blow me, it never happened. I know it sounds pathetic but what can I say?

It was a nice party and as we didn’t go out much, we intended to have a good time. My wife Lenora is a brunette with shoulder-length thick dark brown hair, a nice figure, size C breasts, and a round ass. She was a gymnast when she was younger and kept herself in pretty good shape. She was still pretty flexible too. She is very attractive. She wore a black dress and open-toe black shoes with a slight heel. I wasn’t much taller than her and she didn’t want to be taller than me in heels. She didn’t wear stockings as it was a warm spring day. Her tanned muscular legs glistened.

When she has a few drinks, she becomes a bit of a tease with men. It never bothered me before and it would actually turn me on a little.

Her brother was marrying a Cuban girl and the engagement party was held in a local catering hall. My wife’s family is small and aside from the 2 of us, her 2 sisters and their husbands, and her mother attended. Sara, my brother-in-law’s fiancé, had a larger family and they outnumbered us 2-1 in attendance. Two of Sara’s cousins who attended the party lived close to the hall and we hung out with them. We were drinking with them and doing shots and having a great time.

I could see Lenora was having a good time and getting blasted with all the shots we were having, but we didn’t do this often and we wanted to have some fun.

The party was ending and one of the cousins, Hector, invited us to go out to a local bar that wasn’t too far from the place. It wasn’t too late so we accepted. We actually were the only ones on Lenora’s side to go.

We were pretty inebriated so we left our car in the parking lot and went with the group in another car. Uncle Juan, who was Hector’s father and didn’t drink, drove the car. It was Lenora and I, George and Hector, and Yoli, Hector’s girlfriend.

The bar wasn’t in the best part of town, but considering these guys knew the place and said they were regulars there, I thought it was ok. Lenora was drunk and could care less anyway. Uncle Juan dropped us off. He lived a few blocks away from the bar. Lenora and I would call a cab to bring us back to our car when the evening was over.

The place was like the old neighborhood bars I used to hang out growing in up in Brooklyn. The bar was long and made of dark wood and there were booths and tables all around. It was dimly lit, and the guy behind the bar was an old Spanish guy. You got your drinks from him and either sat at the bar, which had some stools or sat at a table or booth. There was a modern-looking jukebox in the corner where Latin music was playing.

There were 2 guys at the end of the bar who I assumed were local guys. They were talking loudly to each other and seemed as drunk as we were. Both were Hispanic, one had long black hair and a mustache. The other had darker skin, actually, he was black and had a shaved head and a huge neck. He looked like a bodybuilder. Both looked over at the group as we walked in, particularly at my staggering wife. One of them yelled out, “Oye, Jorge, ¿qué zorra caliente nos has traído esta noche”?

Oddly, I didn’t see any women. Lenora and Yoli were the only 2 women in the place.

We all went to the bar and ordered drinks. I stood at the bar while Lenora sat down next to me. George pushed his way in next to me, between Lenora and me. Hector and Yoli sat on the other side of Lenora.

The guys at the other end of the bar obviously knew George and came over to our side of the bar and started to drink with us. I was ordering another drink when George introduced them to Lenora, but not to me. I was a little drunk too but thought it odd that he did that.

I asked George who those guys were, and he said, “That’s Tomas, with the long hair, and Tito. They’re always in here looking for ‘la panocha’,” and he laughed. I didn’t know what that meant, but I had their names now.

Then George went back to talking about the party and how drunk he was and what a nice time he had.

I didn’t realize how big those guys were until they came over to where we were. They both were clearly over 6 feet tall. I’m only 5’6” and Lenora is shorter at 5’1”, so they towered over us.

Everyone was having a good time. I was still talking to George. He was buying shots of tequila for everyone. Lenora was still drinking and talking with Tomas and Tito. I couldn’t even see her because of George and Tomas, but I heard her laughing. Hector was now farther down the bar with Yoli. It seemed they were distancing themselves from the group for some reason.

I would catch George talking in Spanish to the old bartender every so often. The old man would glance at me, then at Lenora, then smile slyly and nod at George. George also spoke Spanish to Tomas, and Tomas would look at me then go back to talking to Lenora.

I had to go to the bathroom to take a piss. I was going to tell Lenora but I couldn’t get her attention. She was too busy talking with those guys.

I walked to the bathroom which was in the back past the bar. It was small with a sink, one urinal, and one stall. It was very tight in there, especially if more than 2 people were near the sink. As I walked there, I noticed that on the other side of the tables and booths there was a room. It had a large window with blinds that were closed. On the door there was a sign that read, “Private”.

As I took a piss, George came into the bathroom and started washing his hands. He started talking to me and asking me questions about Lenora, like where did we meet, how long were we married, and small talk stuff.

As I finished and washed my hands, I was a little confused by all these questions. I was drunk too and not really listening to him anyway but he was annoying now. More annoying was that he was kind of blocking me so I couldn’t get out of the bathroom.

I finally got past him and left. As I was walking back to the bar, I noticed that Lenora was standing up now, not sitting on the stool anymore and she was shouting. I didn’t see Hector, Yoli, or Tito. The bartender was gone too.

Lenora was drunk, and I could see her swaying with her back against the bar. The bar was actually holding her up. She was pointing up at Tomas and shouting. I could hear her slurred, drunken voice, “Don’t touch me! Who do you think you are? Keep your hands off me!” She was trying to push his hands away from her but kept missing them. He kept grabbing at her breasts. I could hear him laughing at her drunkenness.

Tomas said, “You want me to play with you, Lenora? You have been wanting me to touch you all night, puta. Now I will give you what you want. And a little more.”

I started to walk quickly towards them and yelled out, “Hey what’s going on?”, when someone hit me in the head from behind. I fell to the ground about 10 feet from Lenora and Tomas.

Tito grabbed me as I lay on the ground and turned me over. He grabbed me by the shirt with his left hand and put the index finger off his right hand over his mouth to say, “Shush”. He was smiling.

Still dazed, I grabbed his hand on my chest and tried to get up and he slapped me across the face! His slap was powerful! It knocked me back down to the ground. I was disoriented and my eyes quickly teared up. He still clutched my shirt and pushed me down.

From the bar, I heard the sound of another slap, and I thought, oh great, now Lenora slapped Tomas. But I was wrong. She was the one being slapped!

When I looked over, I saw Lenora as she received another slap across the face. Tomas must’ve had enough of Lenora’s yelling. Drunk, and dazed from the slap, Tomas now held her against the bar with his left arm. His left arm was across her chest and his left hand was holding her left breast. She was pinned.

I heard her slur something that sounded like, “Stop it. No. Stop it. No.” She looked around, then she said almost whispering, “Ed. Ed. Ed where the fuck are you?” Tomas, replied, “Ed? He’s watching us right now. He won’t help you.”

And then Tomas reached under Lenora’s black dress with his right hand and started to pull down her black panties.

Through my cloudy eyes, I could see him tearing her panties off. She was protesting, but Tomas was laughing as he ripped them off. Lenora tried to grab at his hands and he slapped her again.

Then he went to work on her. Lenora was limp now and barely able to stand without Tomas’s help. I could see his hand moving and feverishly rubbing her pussy. Her head was moving from side to side and she was moaning but in a low deep voice. I could hear the slapping sound of his hand on her pussy as it was getting wetter. The swishing sound rang out through the empty bar.

The music from the jukebox was lower now. I didn’t see anyone else around. Where was everyone? What happened to George? I hadn’t seen him since the bathroom. No one was in the place except me, Lenora, Tomas, and Tito. It also looked like someone lowered the lights as it was darker now in the place.

I could see the front door from where I lay and the sign that faced me said “Open”. They had locked the door and put the “Closed” sign up.

I could hear Lenora whimpering as Tomas’s fingers were rubbing her clit. My wife was being fingered in front of me by a stranger. In between her squealing from his fingerfucking, she cried out lowly, “No, stop. Stop. Stop. My husband...”, but she stopped talking and moaned louder. Tomas had no intention of stopping.

Tito released my shirt but looked down at me menacingly. Even though that was my wife and I wanted to do something, I was frozen and too afraid to move.

Tomas started to unbuckle his pants. I watched as his pants dropped to his ankles and his naked brown ass appeared. His right hand, the one that was previously fingering my wife, now gripped his large cock. I know because he turned toward me and showed me it. His left arm was still holding her up against the bar.

Tomas released his arm from across Lenora’s chest and she wobbled a little. Before she could fall, he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her down to her knees. She couldn’t protest as she was too drunk and she went right down. Once on her knees, Tomas put his left hand behind her head and grabbed a fistful of her thick brown. The force of it made her scream out.

With his right hand, he rubbed the bulbous head of his cock on her red lips. She tried to turn her head from side to side to avoid his cock, but every time she did, Tomas pulled that fistful of hair!

She finally stopped protesting. He slowly pushed that big cock into her mouth. He pushed slowly until it was nearly all in her throat. I never saw my wife do anything like this and was speechless.

Once he felt comfortable, Tomas put both hands on the side of Lenora’s head and began face fucking her! She was not sucking his cock; her mouth was being fucked! He pumped faster and faster. I heard her gagging and could see the spit and saliva flying all around as Tomas held her head steady. Her arms were flailing but then her hands landed on the back of Tomas’ thighs and gripped them firmly for support.

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