Honeymooners - Cover



by Paris Waterman

Copyright© 2021 by Paris Waterman

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Teenagers, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Group Sex, Anal Sex, Analingus, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Pegging, Voyeurism,

Erotica Sex Story: An account of a free wheeling couple in Costa Rica for their honeymoon. Most assuredly a stroke story.

Exceptionally edited by Barney70

This is not Tolstoy, or George R. R. Martin; it’s a stroke story. Hopefully, it’s passably written, but it is by design a stroke story, no more and certainly not less. And there is an illustrated version available if you write to: pariswaterman@gmail.com I hope you like it and rush to tell your friends. PW

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