Honeymooners - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - An account of a free wheeling couple in Costa Rica for their honeymoon. Most assuredly a stroke story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Voyeurism  

Exceptionally edited by Barney70

Remember, this is about you.”

Then she rose up from between Nadia’s legs and Nadia could see her juices displayed on Marcie’s chin.

“So ... that was your chin, the thing I was rubbing against,” she said wide-eyed. “I came on your chin.”

“Yes, Pretty--Pretty. Do you want to lick yourself off of my chin?”

Nadia wanted to kiss Marcie, but simply said, “Yes.”

Marcie giggled and brought her chin to the girl’s lips and Nadia opened her mouth and sucked and licked on the older woman’s chin until all of her juices were gone.

In return, Marcie licked the younger woman to one more delightful orgasm, and then raised herself up on her elbows and said, “Please go sit by Mark. I have other business to finish.”

As the slightly confused Nadia rolled off the couch and moved to the loveseat where Mark sat without bothering to shield her breasts or pussy from his eyes, she heard Marcie call out: “You’re next, Percy!”

“Nadia,” Marcie cooed to the young girl, as her boyfriend moved toward the couch where Marcie waited for him. “Percy seems a little tense after watching you get off.”

Percy had already closed the short distance between them and stood beside them clasping his erection through the material of his shorts. Marcie was eying it and already had one hand on his shoulder.

Mark placed a protective arm around Nadia’s shoulder as she joined him on the loveseat. She was concentrating on Marcie and Percy and made no objection when his hand cupped her breast. Nadia nodded; already concerned about telling Marcie she’d go along with whatever she did. “It’s okay Percy; she’s a very good masseuse.”

Nadia was studying Marcie’s massaging technique as she rubbed Percy’s back, kneeling over his half naked body, and realized that Marcie’s breasts were almost fully exposed as they swayed pendulously from side to side as she moved above Percy.

That’s what he saw when she was massaging me! Nadia thought and glanced at Mark, who was observing his wife as closely as she was while fondling Nadia’s breast. Only then did she realize where Mark’s hand was; and then wondered what she should do about it.

But before she could take any action at all, Marcie intervened by calling out: “Baby, you should go downstairs and find that desk clerk who has some contacts at the airport. See if they have any idea when the airport will reopen.”

“You think they’ll know this soon?” Mark said.

“Just go.” She said insistently.

“Oh, all right,” he said, and he got up, put his sandals on, and went out.

Nadia realized belatedly that she missed the warm feel of his hand on her breast and wondered what the remainder of this strange day held in store for her and Percy.

She turned her attention to the couple on the couch. Marcie was now sitting on Percy’s thighs, pulling his shorts down, exposing his stark white bottom against the rest of his well-tanned torso. Marcie grinned at Nadia for a brief moment then planted her hands on Percy’s flesh.

She seems to be taking her time there, Nadia thought. And spending an indecent amount of time of his buttocks too.

Percy had his head turned so he wasn’t facing Nadia, but he made no move to hinder the attractive woman whose hands were digging into him and providing him with unexpected pleasure.

“Turn over” Marcie said commandingly several minutes later.

“What?” he asked, as if he didn’t understand.

“Go on, turn over!” she insisted, “There’s no one here but us girls, right Nadia?”

“That’s right. Go on, do as she says,” Nadia laughed, pretending it was no big thing for him to expose himself to their new friend.

Not much fun being all cramped up like that,” Marcie chuckled. “Now let’s see what we’ve got;” and rolled him on to one side, allowing his impressive erection to spring free.

Both women burst out laughing.

“What?” Percy exclaimed as if something was wrong. He knew he was gifted in the manhood department, but their laughter had him thinking there was something amiss about it.

Marcie laughed and pulled his shorts the rest of the way off, so he was completely naked. She was still dressed in elegant light linen trousers and the crop top that revealed much of her generous breasts when she leaned forward allowing them to hang as she was doing at the moment.

“Nothing’s wrong, Percy,” Marcie said, hiding a smile. “It’s just that you popped out like a Jack-in-the-Box.”

Nadia just sat there staring, like an animal in the headlights of an oncoming car. My beautiful Percy: did I make a mistake? Am I really going to lose him because of this?

Percy looked at Nadia wordlessly as she sat there several feet away, fully nude, having forgotten the need for clothing after the exquisite orgasm Marcie had rendered. Nadia smiled her acquiescence back at him and watched as Mrs. Newlin wrapped her long fingers around Percy’s penis. Nadia felt as if a hot wire were being pushed into her heart.

Marcie leaned over his tanned athletic body brought her face to his and kissed him; the sight was almost more than Nadia could bear. Yet, another part of her wanted it; wanted her to wreck their silly sweet teenage love affair. She reasoned it would allow her to move on with her life; to study, and to make a career. Unlike Percy, she had no trust fund to rely on, and despite how she loved him in her heart, she knew she couldn’t count on that lasting a lifetime. All the adults in her little universe had divorced at least once.

Meanwhile, Marcie was slowly stoking Percy’s stiff penis while cupping his balls with her free hand.

That isn’t exactly a massage, Nadia thought, and then licked her lips while recalling the taste of that very penis from the night before; and again prior to leaving for the airport. Yet she watched fascinated as Marcie’s mouth hovered over his bulging sex organ then descended rapidly consuming half his tumescent stalk.

Nadia had difficulty breathing as Marcie tossed her brown hair to one side and took the remainder of Percy’s cock down her throat.

Nadia had not thought it possible!

Then she recalled Marcie having laughingly asking her if he had ever wanted to put it in her back door and shuddered. She had said no, but now saw that Marcie was capable of letting Percy do her that way.

Suddenly the young girl felt that she was losing him before her very eyes.

The room seemed to tilt, and Nadia felt a kind of electronic tingle along her flesh while sensing commotion all around her. Unable to take anymore, she crumpled and fell to the floor in a faint.

What Nadia hadn’t realized was that another series of strong after-shocks had hit just as Mark returned to the room. He quickly took charge and ordered Marcie and Percy into the master bath and prodded them both to climb into the extra-large tub where they cowered in each other’s arms throughout the remaining shocks.

Then Mark scooped the unconscious girl up and carried her to the corner of the bedroom that afforded the most protection. As an architect, he had a very good idea that it was the strongest bulwark available, and he was correct in that assumption. Two minutes later the shocks faded away; he waited another two minutes before taking any action, when it appeared the quake had ended, he carried the inert girl to the bed and laid her down then entered the master bath, saw that his wife and Percy were already fucking and returned to the bedroom and stripped off his clothing and joined the unconscious Nadia under the covers.

When Nadia revived some minutes later she felt a soft, warm hand idly stroking her backside.

This must be a dream, she thought. It has to be a dream. I never would have allowed that woman go down on me under any circumstances, and--and Percy wouldn’t have stood by watching, never mind letting her suck his manhood like that. I’m going to wake up and find him spooned up against me. I’m so horny; maybe we can get it on...

Eyes still closed, Nadia took in her surroundings by listening and after hearing nothing unusual she allowed herself to relax and enjoy the warm hands delightfully squeezing her derrière. Me and Percy are a couple, she reasoned. Why not enjoy the good part of our relationship while I can?

She reached back and took hold of the rigid penis pressing against her ass, raised her rear slightly, and guided it into her juicy oven.

“Mmmm,” she purred as his cock moved slowly but deeper into her vagina with each stroke. His hand came round to grasp her right breast and she closed her eyes and purred again. Percy almost always satisfied her; and this time would be no different. She still could feel traces of the orgasms Marcie had given her, but something was different, what was it?

Of course, it’s the others ... they could return at any time. But there was nowhere else to go. Percy’s obviously not bothered; he’s just slow stroking me to death. It’s sooo nice and enjoyable. I’ll cum anytime now.

Then it hit her. Percy never went this slow. He always turned on the burners and slammed that meaty cock of his into her like a jackhammer!

It wasn’t Percy---it was Mark!

She froze, not daring to look at her lover. This allowed her mind to come to grips with the possibility. She should have been outraged, disgusted, and horrified. But she wasn’t. She was fascinated and aroused by this sudden shift in her reality.

Mark began to give it to her again as she tried to work out why she felt as she did. His cock was rubbing parts of her that Percy had not yet discovered. His cock caromed off one such spot that made her scream with unexpected joy.

It was too late! I’m going to cum, He’s making me cum!

Trying desperately to overcome the impending climax, Nadia tried to bluff her way out of an impossible situation by croaking, “What the hell do you think you’re doing? I never...”

“Shush, Nadia, or should I say, Pretty—Pretty? You were standing there watching Marcie and your boyfriend getting it on when we had another aftershock. My guess is it caused you to black out. There were three of them. They shook the hotel, but before we could leave they stopped. I carried you to the bed and set you down, never touched you otherwise. Then after a while I lay down next to you and you settled in against me. And may I remind you that it was you who grabbed my dick and begged me to put it inside you.”

“Oh my god...” Nadia said stunned at this news. “I—I’m sorry, but...” She had just realized that Mark was still slowly fucking her.

What do I do? He’s such a nice guy ... and it feels soooo nice. I’m close to cumming. She took a deep breath. How was this even possible? I’m eighteen! He has to be ten years older at least. It was sexy and dirty; fuck all, it was fantastic!

His hands moved up her flat belly to hold her breasts. It felt good, warm, intimate, and more importantly reinforced the fact that she was with a real man for the first time in her life and seemed normal enough. She pushed backward and found his manhood still firm within her. Nadia smiled at him, pretending she had known all along, and he kissed her for the first time.

She shifted position and his cock came out of her for a moment, he straightened out his legs and Nadia quickly squatted over him and took his sticky thing in hand and sank down on it.

Mmmmm, what a lovely feeling! She thought as she weighed his penis against that of Percy. Their organs were fairly similar in size, with Percy’s being perhaps an inch longer, but Mark was decidedly thicker and that had to count for something. Percy could go indefinitely, or at least repeatedly. Could Mark? Well, she’d soon find out wouldn’t she? But she had to admit that sex with him was wild, and different! Very much like the first time with Percy, full of unknowns, fear, and wonder.

Mark rubbed his face in her breasts; and he took her left nipple in his mouth.

“You’ve got magnificent tits,” he said, and then nipped at her left breast so sweetly she began kissing him.

Perhaps more importantly, she also began moving her hips back and forth, her ass on his thighs, his hard cock powerful inside her, hitting places that were new to her and she found that baffling.

This is sooo wrong! But I love it! I’m close to cumming again...

Then all was forgotten as she was coming again, and with him still going hard inside her!

Nadia was still in the throes of her climax when he surprised the hell out of her by tossing her up in the air and letting her bounce on the king-sized bed.

Nadia tried to keep from laughing delightedly---Percy had never tossed her through the air---but she couldn’t contain her joy and screamed delightedly as Mark flipped her over, lifted her by the ankles and resumed fucking her into the hotel’s mattress.

She couldn’t take her eyes off of his face; She was fascinated by it as well as his gray-blue eyes, and gleaming white teeth. He was stronger than Percy, she was certain of that. And come to think of it, he wasn’t that much older than her; it wasn’t like he had a gray beard and a fiftyish belly.

He fell on top of her; took her face in his hands and began to kiss her tenderly as his hips worked mercilessly to drive his surprisingly hard cock into her down below.

And the sound of his voice thrilled her as well. Percy had never, ever spoken to her like this.

“You’re an angel,” He whispered. “So beautiful, so precious. I could drown in your eyes; I haven’t thought of anything else from the moment I first saw you.”

“You thought about my tits ... I heard you say it!” she chided him.

But his words had moved her even more than his cock had, and she gripped him with all her strength, and came again, perhaps harder, and longer than before as he ejaculated into her, and his hot seed filled her with a deep dark satisfaction.

Then there was only silence, stillness. Until she gripped him, holding onto him as he finally began to shrink inside her.

The depravity of her betrayal seared her brain. What had she done? How could she possibly face Percy?

They lay there quietly until she had to ask...”Mark, where are they?”

“Oh, you mean Percy and my wife?”

“Yes!” She bleated with childish concern.

“The last I saw of them they were in the bathtub having a nice round of wash me and I’ll wash you,” he laughed. “Want to peek in on them, or shall we finish up here?”

Nadia sighed and then seeing the futility of it all, laughed and said, “Maybe later,” hoping to put all of this out of her mind.

It was then that they kissed for the first time.

“That’s my girl,” he said, as he adroitly moved his hips to provide a slightly different path for his still hardened cock to glide back and forth within her while her tongue slithered into his mouth.

He’s still hard! Nadia realized as she ended the kiss to garner more air into her lungs.

Mark asked her to turn over, and of course, she complied. This allowed her to cradle his head as he leaned in to suckle her amazing nipples, yet he continued his slow fucking, withdrawing until just the tip remained inside before pushing back in.

Ohhhh I love the way he’s sucking on them, she thought only to be distracted as his penis surged somewhat harder, managing to fill every last bit of her; changing the angle of penetration with every other stroke. His movements became faster and Nadia felt the onset of another orgasm deep inside her. Her pants turned to moans, her moans turned to cries; and then she came, long and hard as he continued thrusting. Her senses slipped away as the orgasm washed over her, her cries continued, loud and raw. His thrusting slowed then stopped. He pulled out slowly and rolled off the bed and stood facing her.

“Oh don’t leave me!” She moaned.

“Don’t worry, we’re not done. I’m going to fuck your magnificent tits. You don’t know it but you’re a walking, talking work of art.”

No one had ever talked to her this way, and Nadia loved it, memorizing his every word. Percy had never said anything remotely close to it.

She glanced down and saw that his rigid manhood now lay between her breasts.

Tit fuck, he’d said. Tit fuck, so that means he’s going to... the concept seemed to elude her at least for the moment. But she was thrilled to be taking part in a sleazy form of raunchy sex. With the first thrust the tip of his manhood rested at the base of her chin. Then it slowly slid down her chest. Nadia fathomed her part in the act and pushed her breasts together, squeezing his cock with them as it slid by. His balls rubbed on her stomach. Mark moved up again until his cock touched her chin. He slid back and forth between her breasts a few times then moved forward a little more, nudging the knob of his cock against her lips.

“Don’t take your eyes off mine,” he said instructively.

Nadia obediently kept her gaze fixed on his; her small hands gripped his muscular thighs, hanging onto him. She was enthralled with the look of lust in his eyes as he began using her mouth, moving back and forth past her saliva coated lips. She realized she was now unabashed and uninhibited. It was a moment wherein she could submit to her dirtiest fantasies without thinking about anything beyond them. Any problems she and Percy might have would have to wait until her lust was satisfied.

“That’s it, you’re doing well. I think you like my dick in your mouth, don’t you?” he said, not pausing, as he continued fucking her face with rhythmic thrusts.

Nadia struggled to signal her pleasure, unable to emit more than a gurgled sound as she sucked the delectable shaft as it pierced her lips on each upward thrust, careening off her teeth and gums as her tongue tried unsuccessfully to lick it into submission.

It wasn’t too long before they moved to what one would consider normal fellatio. In this she considered herself an artist of sorts, having blown Percy at least twice a day since arriving in Costa Rica and perhaps once or twice a week prior to that. She had no trouble moving her soft, wet lips more than halfway down the length of Percy’s cock. But Percy had never rammed his member deeper than she wanted him too.

With Mark it wasn’t quite that simple.

I get it; it’s a crazy kind of blowjob. Okay I can manage that easily enough, Nadia told herself, and then opened her mouth even wider while raising her head slightly, allowing him to slide deeper. Nadia was determined to deep throat him; telling herself it would undoubtedly impress the hell out of him. She pushed forward until she felt the throbbing head bumping against the back of her throat. She paused,

fighting off the gag reflex and having done so, looked up at him as if for his approval then moved forward again.

Mark smiled down at her and took hold of her head as if needing to hold her steady on his prick. Nadia relinquished control to him, and he promptly began thrusting his hips back and forth, relentlessly fucking her mouth while she knelt naked in front of him, dripping wet with her own juices.

As he began to savor the sight of his prick sliding in and out of her ovaled mouth, Nadia bathed the tip with her tongue, swirling it around the head and pressing on the hole; Mark’s breath quickened; he moaned and began using short, sharp movements.

Eventually Nadia wrapped her lips tightly around the head and massaged it with her tongue. His spasming cock felt alive in her mouth; and he cried out as his cum pulsed rhythmically into her mouth. She swallowed again and again as he continued erupting covering her tongue, teeth and gums, not to mention her throat, for she had to swallow or choke on his copious load. When he stilled she licked him clean relishing the feel of his delicious cum mixing with her saliva as it ran down her chin, and gasped around each subsequent well-timed thrust.

Finally, he slid it from her mouth, his prick emitting a wet pop as the head slipped past Nadia’s hungry lips. She gasped and tried to catch her breath; her lips and chin still wet from her cocksucking effort. But before she gathered her bearings Mark’s hands were on her shoulders pushing her back until she was pressed against the tiled floor. It felt cold against her nude body, but everything inside her was hot and electric as she gazed up at his hard naked body standing over her.

Nadia’s hand moved instinctively to her slippery wet pussy lips, and as she played with her clit, breathing hard and excited for more, gasped: “I want to taste you. I want to taste all of you!”

Mark obliged her by lowering himself over her face, and Nadia accepted his balls into her mouth, slobbering saliva over them with her tongue. Then, as he inched upward, she released his balls and began to slide eagerly through her own saliva towards his asshole. First she circled it with her index finger and after drawing an appreciative groan from him, flicked at it with her serpentine tongue, all the while congratulating herself on her newfound daring.

Until moments later when it occurred to her how filthy a slut she’d become---lying nude on a strange man’s hotel room floor performing analingus on him. She began to laugh. And I thought I was such a nice but naughty girl for thinking about giving and getting head. Wow, how little I knew about myself! He’s going love it when I stick my studded tongue up his ass!

The very idea of it had her writhing beneath him; and as his finger sloshed around inside her cunt seeking out her g-spot, the juices flowed freely and sent the most pleasant sensations soaring throughout her youthful body again.

Thusly inspired, the youthful Nadia pushed her studded tongue against the tight ring of his asshole, slipped past it, and then wiggled it continuously to get even deeper.

Mark’s subsequent groans told her all she needed to know, and stiffening her talented tongue, Nadia began fucking his asshole, thrusting in and out; moaning as he continued frigging her cunt with an expertise she hadn’t imagined possible.

Even as she came for what seemed to be the hundredth time her hands gripped the muscular cheeks of his ass, keeping them apart as she continued tongue fucking him, encouraging him to grind against her face and loving how dirty it made her feel.

“Mmm, you love licking ass, don’t you?”

She moaned her agreement, not taking her tongue off him for a second.

“Does Percy know what a little slut you are? Do you tongue-fuck him like this too?” Mark asked as he continued grinding against her mouth, groaning as she deftly managed to work her tongue as far as possible into his rectum.

“I’d never lick his ass,” Nadia finally gasped as she came up for air. “You and Marcie bring out the slut in me. I want to lick yours. Umm, and maybe Marcie’s too. I don’t know, maybe I’ll do Percy too. I feel so whorish right now.”

She watched a long string of her saliva drip into his rectum before continuing tonguing her anus.

Several minutes later as Mark fed his erection into Nadia’s eager mouth the youthful teen whispered, “But right now I want you to cum all over me, so I can lick up every last drop of your semen. I need to taste every part of you.”

Mark continued fingering her throughout her little speech until she took him into her mouth and swirled her talented tongue around his corona then sucked hard on his helmet head.

He felt the hot spasms radiating from her cunt as his fingering took her over the edge and she came hard; her juices soaking his fingers and even the palm of his hand. Yet she continued fellating him.

“You ... you’re making me cum!” He groaned. Nadia tilted her face up and opened her mouth wide to catch the spattering of cum that erupted from his cock in several long creamy jets. It coated her tongue, lips, and left cheek. Then he pushed back into her mouth so Nadia could cleanse him of all seminal traces.

“Is that what you want ... to be my dirty little cum slut?” Mark asked as she sucked his cunt probing fingers dry, her eyes never leaving his.

“Yes” Nadia admitted with a mischievous grin. “Right now I only want to live by your rules.”

“You’re following them nicely. Did you have a nice orgasm?”

“Mmm ... yes, several in fact; are you this good with Marcie?”

“I think she’d let me know if I disappointed her, why?”

She noticed his cock twitch and felt her pussy throb and smiled, still flushed from her orgasm.

“Good, because I wouldn’t want to come between you guys.”

Mark stood up and pulled Nadia up off the floor with him. His strong hands clasped the round cheeks of her ass as he half dragged her to the bed and threw her down onto it. Nadia panted, breathless yet ready for more.

She groaned giddily as he seized her legs and pulled them up and apart. Fortunately she was flexible from years of dance training, and they fell back easily against her breasts as she watched him with fever filled eyes.

She smothered a moan as he bent forward until his tongue found the wet folds of her gaping pussy bubbling with excitement and slick with juices. He attacked her clit first, brought her to the edge of another orgasm before stopping and starting again, this time on her cunt.

“Fuck yesss...” she cried.

“Mmm, you like that, don’t you my little slut,” he murmured, before diving his tongue back into her.

“Yes, yes, yesssss!” Nadia caroled shrilly enough to cause Percy to peek out the bathroom door before scampering back into the waiting arms of the older woman he couldn’t get enough of even with his girlfriend getting her brains fucked out in the next room.

The supple young girl found herself gripping both ankles high over her head, providing her lover full access to everything he wanted. Mark already controlled her lower half, having raised it up off the bed, bent in half as she was, and drew the youthful girl against his mouth while he licked her ass and thrust his tongue into it with unmatched eagerness.

Nadia felt her pussy convulsing as her lover alternated sucking forcefully on her clit before switching off and sliding down to sample her pussy with an unexpected rhythm that left her gasping. Each sensation drove the young woman closer and closer to a full-bodied orgasm that had her thrusting desperately against his mouth and thrashing against the sheets. His fingers dug into her ass, holding her tightly as his tongue filled her again, feeling each spasm as she came hard.

Several minutes later Nadia realized the heat from her orgasm had not dissipated. Her pussy was still throbbing and sensitive, and her eyes were half-closed. Before she could gather her senses, he slid up over her body, and she felt the sudden hard thrust of his cock filling her pussy to the hilt.

Nadia moaned with pleasure at the sudden assault, and her slick cunt gripped his cock tightly as he pounded into her, making the bedsprings creak beneath them. Then, grunting with lust, Mark once again draped her legs over his shoulders, deepening his entry until his testicles were slapping against her ass with every inbound thrust of his cock. The room was filled with the sounds of their wet sex, which combined with their moans and groans as they fucked furiously.

Nadia’s hands slid down over his muscled back and clawed at his ass, pulling him even deeper into her, while she in turn, pushed up to meet his every thrust. Both wet with sweat, and the headboard was now slamming against the wall with each movement.

Meanwhile, in the luxurious bathroom:

Percy’s hand squeezed Marcie’s gently sloping breast; his fingers playing lightly across the nipple. She kissed him harder, her hand moving down his body, exploring. She gripped his hard cock, rubbed the tip with her thumb, and then pulled him to his feet. He leaned on the edge of the tub; feet immersed in the water allowing her to move between his legs. She kissed his flat stomach pausing as she worked downward to admire his lengthy penis. She estimated it to be about nine inches in length, about an inch longer than Mark. It also had an admirable thickness to it, and by this point, she knew he had that rare male quality when it came to sex---staying power.

Marcie kissed its head, swirling her tongue around the tip before taking him in her mouth, as deeply as she could before rising. Her head bobbed slowly as he put a hand on her head, guiding her. Her hand and mouth worked as one, pumping his cock. She wanted him to explode in her mouth; she wanted to taste his cum. She moved faster until he stopped her, lifted her face to his and kissed her. Their tongues mingled as he maneuvered her around so her back was to the wall.

When the kiss came to an end she sank down so that she was sitting on the edge of the tub. Percy was on his knees before her, kissing his way up her inner thighs until his mouth reached her pussy. Although not nearly as skilled as Mark in cunnilingus, he was a more than willing supplicant, and proved it by parting her outer labia with his tongue, then using it to lick in a series of confident swaths. Her hands on his head encouraged him and his pace quickened. His tongue danced over her clit making her gasp. Her gasps turned to moans as he continued licking, his tongue moving at an incredible speed. Soon she was panting, edging closer and closer to an orgasm until her body shuddered and her thighs clamped around his head as she came.

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