Honeymooners - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - An account of a free wheeling couple in Costa Rica for their honeymoon. Most assuredly a stroke story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Voyeurism  

Nadia’s Adventure Continued

After bestowing a hungry kiss upon the Vivian’s genitals, Nadia raised herself up and stared down at the older woman’s wet, pink folds, then began to slowly lick the dusky skinned woman’s inner thighs causing her to moan happily.

Then inspired by the manner in which Mark was handling her anus, Nadia used her fingers to squeeze the firm ass cheeks below her, spreading them slightly and running her fingers lightly down the crack and over the crinkled asshole. At the same time, Mark was working a second finger into Nadia’s ass while gently fingering her mushy folds with his other hand.

Finally Nadia moaned and fell upon Vivian’s cunt, filling her mouth with the other woman’s juices and as she began to swallow them, told herself that this wasn’t as difficult as she’d thought it would be.

It was Vivian’s moan of satisfaction that signaled there was no need to be gentle, Nadia realized the older woman was experienced and would probably appreciate a more aggressive type oral sex and so she attacked Vivian’s cunt viciously, sucking and nibbling while shoveling two fingers in past her tongue and groping about in search of her g-spot.

Mark was enjoying the spectacle before him, but couldn’t refrain from joining in, and did so by licking Nadia’s asshole until she was wiggling her ass in rhythm to his tongues sweeping motions. Most likely the enjoyment he was providing her prevented any overt reaction on her part when his finger penetrated her anus, but she did jerk involuntarily when the second well lubricated digit joined the first.

Tearing her mouth away from Vivian’s vulva, she gasped, “What the fuck?”

“A little rear action coming your way, Nadia; just prepping you for it,” Mark cooed and surprisingly mollified her. When the second finger was firmly embedded he began a furious fingering of her ass.

Had Nadia seen her rear just then she would have been astounded at how open that hole it was; but she would know that soon enough. But Vivian’s hand on the top of her head guided her mouth back to her cunt leaving Mark to do his thing.

Fortunately for Nadia, Mark knew how to fuck a woman’s ass. He took his time; made certain the young woman’s anus was very well lubed and noted that he was inadvertently aided by Vivian’s pulling Nadia off her cunt and bringing their mouths together in a long torrid kiss just as he pushed the head of his prick into her. Mark didn’t force his way in, but waited until he felt her rectal muscles relax during the prolonged kisses.

In less than ten minutes Nadia was completely amiable to his probing and he managed to gain another three inches of depth without protest.

It became apparent to all that Nadia wasn’t sure how to react. She was excited. She had been excited from almost the moment they’d walked into the dressing room. She remembered something one of them had said about the pleasure’s found in watching people copulate. It was certainly true enough. The view of Vivian paying homage to her breasts in the wall to wall mirrors while Mark was probing her ass with his marvelous cock was proof enough of that.

She took deep breath and exclaimed, “I thought it would be painful, but so far it’s only been...” she paused to search for the proper word. “I guess fearful, please go on. I want to see if I enjoy it. Marcie said she liked it very much.”

“Work her tits, Vivian!” Mark cried out with an urgency that revealed his need.

Vivian obliged and suckled hard on each throbbing bud in turn while squeezing the girl’s bulging tit flesh with her hands. Mark surged into her rectal chamber and Nadia moaned and shook herself like a wet dog trying to get dry. Vivian bit down on the right nipple and sent her knowing fingers to the girl’s cunt, slipped in and rubbed her g-spot while Mark drove his cock deep into her rectal channel.

The depth of his penetration filled Nadia so completely that it turned the initial ache into a heady pleasure that filled her with a roiling heat and a desire for more.

For Mark it was every bit as good as he thought it would be, and he took his time knowing that he could last as long as he wanted at this point in their sexual escapade, and so once he’d broached the deeper part of her anus, he contented himself to long, full strokes and reveled in the tight grip her rectal walls afforded his shaft both inward and outward.

“How’s that feel now?” He asked, pausing to wipe a bead of sweat from his forehead.

“Oh my god, its unfuckinbelievable!” Nadia croaked while her breasts jiggled with every delicious thrust of his cock.

As Mark saw Vivian detach herself from their coupling and head into the shop, he distracted the younger woman by asking: “You like being my little cum slut don’t you?”

“Yes!” She cried, lost in the moment, and then spewed a litany of dirty profanities begging him to fuck her ass as hard as he could.

“Think you’ve learned a few new things today?”

“Fuck yeah!”

“Good, now would you do me a favor?”

“Anything, Mark. Anything!”

“I’m going to fuck you hard and after you cum I want you to take me back in your mouth and suck me until I cum, then hold it in your mouth for me, okay?”

“Yeah ... sure,” she replied.

“I might be a while in cumming,” he added.

“No problemo, Marco, baby!” she responded happily.

“So fuck away---make me cum for the zillionth time!”

He grabbed the length of her hair and pulled it, yanking Nadia’s head back as he renewed the intensity of his assault. He continued pounding her ass causing the hassock she was leaning over to start skidding across the floor.

“CUMMING!” Then seemingly surprised at this she added: “I’M CUMMING FROM ASS FUCKING!”

They continued fucking until Nadia had climaxed several more times, and then flushed and soaked with sweat, and feeling split apart by each relentless thrust of his cock; she began to beg him to end it.

“I—I won’t be able to walk!”

“Haven’t you cum yet?”

He responded by jackhammering her ass for a full minute. Sweat flew off the both of them.

Her cunt throbbed in response to each and every thrust into her asshole. She would long remember how he took her, both hands on her shoulders, pulling her back and forth as his magnificent shaft tore through her rectum with every violent thrust. She would recall the wet sounds of their sex reverberating off the walls and the bed banging against the wall, and the smells ... his somewhat more than her own. She knew them well enough even at eighteen.

Vivian returned to marvel at his prowess at staying hard within her for so long, but refrained from touching either one of them.

“Please ... stop. I can’t take any more!”

His hands ran up and down her body, slick with sweat as he slowed his thrusts until he finally slid out of her ass with a soft plopping sound.

Nadia knew what to do and quickly squiggled around to take hold of his rampant prick, only to see speckled flecks of her own feces clinging to his shaft.


“What’s wrong?” Mark asked quickly enough.

“There’s, (she paused) shit all over it!”

“But it’s your shit, Nadia. Go on, you want to suck me to a finish don’t you?”

“Yeah, but can I clean it off first?”

“No, that’s why I want you to suck me off. You’ll clean me that way.”

Vivian’s heart went out to the girl, but kept her mouth shut and waited to see what the girl would do.

Nadia still radiating from her orgasms sighed and went to her knees and grasped his erection.

“Um, here goes,” she said and took about four inches of his cruddy cock into her mouth. Her eyes closed and her tongue swirled over the head. She swallowed, gasped and started to suck, swallowing every few seconds until as far as she was concerned the shit flakes were all down her gullet. When she felt it was time, she slowly took him from her mouth and inspected the shaft. It was clean.

She laughed and then giggling with relief, returned to sucking him off.

Mark smiled down at her then ran his hands through the messy tangles of her dark hair, until with a loud groan he came in her mouth. Nadia recalled his previous instructions and retained the sperm in her mouth and waited for him to tell her what to do with it.

“Vivian, how about giving our girl here a nice big kiss?”

Startled by his request, the shop owner merely nodded and moved to the younger woman. They looked at one another for a moment and then embraced. Vivian’s lips touched Nadia’s, both mouths opened and the sharing of Mark’s sperm began. Over a two minute time frame his cum changed mouths seven times before Vivian gleefully swallowed most of it.

Then she turned to Mark and kissed him, sending the remaining saliva into his mouth. When that kiss ended, he took Nadia into his arms and kissed her sending what saliva he had into her mouth to complete the cycle.

The haze of their long afternoon sexual romp began to clear everyone’s head as they slowly returned to the present.

“Oh my god,” Nadia sighed finally. “I’m such a slut! I can’t believe I did that.”

Mark let out a low laugh. “I know ... think of everything that’s happened to us in the past day.”

“A lifetime of adventures...” Nadia said softly.

Mark could only nod in agreement for he knew there was a lot more waiting for them back at the hotel.

They left the shop and perused the other shops and boutiques that were open for business and bought more goodies, like three pair of shoes and a lavender blouse. A little more than an hour later they returned to Vivian’s shop to see if the dress was ready.

It was, and Nadia skipped into the dressing room to try it on. She had never worn anything like it before. It was an iridescent green and real silk and it fit her perfectly. The slim tapered skirt followed her hips and opened at the back but covered her tummy; but what thrilled Nadia most of all were two cunningly cut pockets that held her breasts up by a strap around the neck, yet barely covered them. Looking in the full length mirror she saw that she bore a resemblance to a certain movie star. In this she was reassured by both Vivian and Mark when she reentered the shop’s main area and modeled the dress for them.

“Jesus Christ.” Mark said as his mouth fell open. “Absolutely stunning!”

“Oh!” Was all Vivian could manage.

“What do you say now?” Mark asked her a long moment later.

“Okay” Nadia said with a wry smile.

“Okay what?” Mark found himself asking.

“Vivian has style galore;” the young woman said and hugged Vivian to her trembling breasts.

The two women went from the hug to a passionate kiss that would have found them back in the dressing room going at it again had not two women entered the shop and seeing Nadia in her green silk dress made such ‘Oh’s and Ahhh’s over it that Nadia excused herself to change back into her street clothes.

Mark handed her the dress as they left the shop.

“It needed to be fitted, Mark; it needed...” Nadia protested, for she remained stunned that the dress fit her perfectly and that Vivian had managed it in under an hour.

Nadia, still glowing from her recent sexual activity said, “She’s incredible!”

“She’s a very talented woman,” he added.

“Mmmm, oh yeah, in so many ways,” Nadia said with a lewd smirk.

“It was fantastic.” Mark replied. “Something rare and beautiful. Did you like it, I mean a strange woman touching you, getting off on you?”

“I don’t know, um Marcie was a strange woman when we met, soooo.”

He laughed. “Oh you know all right; you have quite a little bi-sexual streak in you.”

Nadia didn’t bother to answer him. The smirk still on her face said it all.

They continued down the avenue, noting that little actual damage had taken place in the village itself as he continued shopping for Nadia, leaving the young woman aghast at how much money he was spending on clothing, shoes, and sensual underwear for her.

Nadia protested that he’d spent too much on her, and what about Marcie?

Mark laughed and pulling her into the doorway of a closed business, squeezed her buttocks as he told her his wife wanted him to buy her these things and more for it wasn’t often he got to take an eighteen year old out and treat her like royalty.

Apparently Nadia had second thoughts about what had transpired between her and the other women as they rode back to the hotel in a taxi. “I feel bad about what happened and it’s bothering me,” Nadia confessed.

“What do you mean?” Mark asked, but he had a good idea where the sensuous girl was coming from.

“I mean about Vivian. She’s obviously a good friend of yours ... we had sex ... well you saw it.”

“Yes, I was there.”

“I’m not a lesbian, Mark. I’m not!”

“No you are not a lesbian, Nadia,” he said reassuringly.

“So what the fuck happened back there?” Nadia huffed angrily.

“Well, Vivian was certainly the aggressor; you weren’t after her, and in a way she took advantage of you.”

“She did, didn’t she?”

“If I had to guess I’d say that only another woman would know how sensitive another woman’s nipples are.”

Nadia shuddered as she recalled how thrilling the older woman’s touches were. “Yeah ... right!”

Then Nadia glanced back through the rear window to confirm that Vivian was not following them.

“Does she...?”

“Know which hotel we’re staying at?”

The young girl nodded, fearfully.

“I’m afraid so. But I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“But if she shows up and starts touching me again---I—I won’t be able to hold it together. Marcie and Percy will know...”

Nadia’s mind flashed back to the massage Marcie had given her and her arousal returned. I must be bi-sexual, she thought, I opened myself to her with the guys watching. I came from her fingering ... and I didn’t even hesitate when Vivian kissed my earlobe before playing with my girls. Are my tits that sensitive? ‘Hundreds of nerve endings,’ Vivian had said.

“Yesss,” Nadia hissed through clenched teeth just as she had before Vivian circled her areola with heavenly feather-like touches.

“Nadia,” Mark said softly, and then took pains to tell her that what had happened didn’t make her a lesbian. “I’m no expert, but I think being a lesbian is a lifestyle, you were just having fun. You fooled around with Marcie too. It was just letting go and having fun.”

“Do you like her?”

“Sure I like her. Marcie and I fucked her silly the night before the quake. I don’t love her and neither does Marcie. We do like her though.”

“What about me? Do you love me?”

He took a long time before answering the young woman who sat next to him in the taxi.

“I think I do, but not the way I love Marcie.”

“How can you love someone differently?”

“Marcie’s my wife. We have a relationship that has led us to marry. You know we’re on our honeymoon. You know, or I hope you know that she loves me too.”

“I know that!” Nadia snorted. “What about me?”

“The way I see it is that you’re in a relationship with Percy. I love being with you,” Mark said. “I even love being with Percy. I really like him. And I love being with Vivian.”

“Yeah, I know,” Nadia said as tears began to flow, “You fuck her, you fuck me and you fuck your wife. It’s seems you fuck any woman who stands still for a moment.”

Mark realized his worst fears were coming true and strove to wrest control of the situation before it exploded. “You don’t get it Nadia,” he said cruelly.

The taxi driver turned his head to look at them. He may not have understood English, but he understood the drama playing out in his taxi.


“Remember when we met in the hotel lobby? You and Percy were without a place to stay. You had no passports, no clothing, and no money. Tell me truthfully what did you feel when Marcie put her finger in your mouth?”

“WHAT? You ... you’re using that against me?”

“Come on, what did you feel?”

“I—I don’t know ... I was in a hopeless situation. I really didn’t know she was doing that to me.”

“Bullshit, Nadia. You’re aware of everything going on around you. And you’re certainly aware of a finger going into your mouth just as much as you are of my cock when I put it to those luscious lips of yours.”

“You’re disgusting!”

“Maybe, but it was you that accepted her finger.”

“I was under tremendous pressure. The fucking earthquake had left me and Percy virtually helpless and you guys seemed to be offering help.”

“My wife stuck her finger in your mouth. I could have grabbed your pussy and fingered you in the lobby and you wouldn’t have objected. You saw us as a lifeline.”

The taxi pulled up to their hotel and Mark overpaid the driver, got out and noticed that Nadia waited for him to come round to her side and open the taxi door for her.

They walked into the lobby carrying the recently purchased clothing and accessories without saying another word. As the elevator door closed Nadia dropped the packages she was holding to the floor and threw her arms around Mark then kissed him.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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