Honeymooners - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 6: Frolicking Foursome

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: Frolicking Foursome - An account of a free wheeling couple in Costa Rica for their honeymoon. Most assuredly a stroke story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Voyeurism  

There was no sex in the room the rest of the day; and none that night either. Nadia slept with Percy and Marcie with Mark. Percy was content to cuddle and soon was snoring peacefully for Marcie had definitely worn the poor boy out. This was fine with Nadia, who discovered that both her vagina and rectum were both sore after being used as they had been.

But before succumbing to sleep, Nadia reflected on the last six months they had spent as a couple. Until trapped in this room with Mark and Marcie, Percy and I had barely ever had to endure 24 hours without sex. And I guess I’d enjoyed myself as much as he had. But with that days experience still fresh in mind, she realized it was possible to be hot for more than one guy at a time.

And there was no way that she could rationally say that Percy had crossed a line with Marcie, no matter how many times they’d had sex. She had certainly enjoyed herself as much as he had. Only now, having experienced so much sex, especially of what she had considered somewhat of the unconventional type with Marcie and Vivian, and then the anal with the two guys in succession, she realized it was possible to not only be hot for more than one guy at a time, but also that she couldn’t get enough of the two women, Vivian and Marcie.

On waking the following morning around ten, Nadia, still nude strode into the kitchen area after smelling fresh brewed coffee and saw Marcie looking through the telescope.

She poured herself a cup of coffee and walked up behind Marcie and peered over her shoulder at the swimming pool where the telescope was pointed.

“See anything interesting?” She said softly.

“Mmmm, see that guy to the left of the diving board?”

“Yes, what about him?”

“He’s well endowed, Nadia.”

That got the young girl’s attention. “How can you tell from here?”

“He’s wearing a speedo. Through the scope here you can see its definition. It’s a really strong scope.”

“May I see?”

“Sure, have a look.”

Nadia carefully put the coffee down on a nearby table and sat down in the chair that Marcie vacated for her.

It was exactly as Marcie had said it was. Clearly defined was putting it mildly. The guy’s schlong had to be a good ten inches in length, making him as big as or bigger than Percy. Percy had bragged incessantly about being bigger than ninety-five percent of all the males in the country. And here was a guy... she paused to look at the rest of him. He was tall, dark and even kind of handsome. This guy was every bit as good looking as Percy!

“So are you gonna hit on him like you did on me and Percy?”

Marcie moved close to the younger woman and whispered, “I really don’t know. We like the two of you. I think you guys kinda like us too. I’d like it if we stayed in touch when all this earthquake shit is over. I was thinking ... and for the record, Mark agrees with me ... that, um, if you get some vacation or free time you and Percy would be welcome to stay with us in Florida.”

“Um, don’t you live on a house boat?”

“We do, but we’re also having a house built on a nearby lake. At any rate, there’s plenty of room on the house boat if the house isn’t ready at the time you’re free to come visit.

“Would that include Percy?”

“Sure, but if you’re not together then, you’re still welcome. If there’s a new guy, or girlfriend, bring them. But I’d tell them what to expect first.”

Mark wandered into the room about then, scratching his testicles and drawing disgusting looks from both females.

“What?” He said belligerently, “You both played with them yesterday. Today’s my turn.”

Both Nadia and Marcie couldn’t help but burst out laughing, for he spoke the truth and they knew it.

“Check the schlong on the guy at the pool, Mark,” Nadia said and turned the telescope over to him.

“Hmmm, he is hung, I admit it, but does he know how to use it? That’s the real question. Oh, and I know the typical feminine response too.”

He paused and waited to see which one bit.

To his surprise it was Marcie who said, “Just thinking about a sausage that long should get the lady off, Honey.”

“You’d think so, but if he doesn’t know how to fuck properly he can damage those fragile feminine parts baby.”

A moment later Marcie said, “You know on second thought, I think you’re right about knowing how to use it. I’m not saying he doesn’t, just that some guys don’t know, or worse, don’t care.”

“Oh, I’m sorry; I forgot to tell everyone the news,” Mark said as he remembered, having put it out of his mind until then.

“What” Marcie said, with sudden intense interest.

“The phone call last night...”

“What call?” Marcie said.

“I didn’t hear the phone ring,” Nadia said with a confused look on her face.

“Aw, you guys were kind of busy. Anyway it was the front desk calling to let us know that the airport will be opening up this afternoon. They should be flying people out either tonight or tomorrow.”

Forty-five minutes later they were sitting in the hotel dining room having breakfast when Percy blurted out, “Passports! We lost our passports during the earthquake!”

Everyone seemed to be acting slightly different in Nadia’s vigilant eyes. Marcie’s eyes reflected grave concern, for no one was leaving Costa Rica without proper identification.

Percy was almost panicked.

Mark was obviously perturbed, but appeared to be thinking about what could be done to remedy the situation.

Nadia clung to the hope that he might salvage the situation.

After a minute to compose himself, Mark gave Nadia’s leg a light squeeze, kissed his wife and left the table headed toward the hotel’s registration desk.

He was told that he should contact the American Embassy and follow their instructions. Realizing that the couple would have to speak with the embassy staff themselves, he returned to the dining room and sat down, and told Nadia and Percy where they could begin.

The young couple had two items of importance that helped them unravel the red tape blocking their way home. First, and perhaps most important, Nadia had listened to her father and copied her passports identification pages and forgotten that she’d put it in the hotel safe for safekeeping until Mark mentioned that aspect of identification.

Secondly, both had their driver’s license in their respective wallets. And with those vital items all four of them left for the nearest location with American Embassy contacts, roughly four hours away by taxi.

On arriving at the Embassy, they filled out the necessary forms (DS-64 and DS-11) to get the needed emergency replacements.

They were told the replacements would be sent to their hotel within the next two days. The young couple was euphoric at first and then despondent, until Marcie reminded them that they still had a place to stay and frolic with the honeymooners.

Which they did as soon as all four were seated in the taxi for the ride back to the hotel. Percy fingered Marcie and Nadia went down on Mark until the taxi driver was watching them instead of the road and swerved off the road and narrowly missed crashing into a tree.

A twenty dollar tip and promise to be less amorous in the backseat satisfied the driver who needed his taxi to make a living, and they reached the hotel without further mishap.

After a late lunch the women were touching up their makeup in the bathroom and Nadia, after answering several questions after being called Pretty---Pretty, and not responding to it, got Marcie to talk about her relationship with Percy.

“Don’t worry about him!” Marcie laughed, “I’m keeping his jets cooled while you have your fun.”

Nadia said, “You know, although we’re about the same age, Percy’s so immature.”

“He’s certainly what I’d call a hotty,” Marcie said defending him. “Young guys like him just need a lot of loving.”

“Are you ... enjoying sex with him?”

Marcie laughed and put a hand on Nadia’s thigh; “Oh god, yes! Now Mark, he’s got his qualities, but let’s not beat around the bush, he knows what he wants but he hasn’t the energy Percy’s capable of.”

This was a blatant lie, but she was certain Nadia was naive enough to accept it as fact. But to make sure she quickly added: “You’re getting him at a good time; he’s stuck here with nothing else to do except you. Normally, he’s got work, work, work and almost no home life. I mean no time for sex after work.”

Nadia mulled this over. She had been surprised that Percy seemed to be getting along with Mark. She had thought he’d hate Mark for what he did with her, but Percy didn’t seem to be angry with Mark the way he was with her. Had she really betrayed him?

She asked Marcie what she thought about it.

“It’s the sex,” Marcie said. “Who could blame Mark for having a try for you? You’re young and sexy, God; you know damned well I wanted you myself; not to mention Vivian. You’re hot, Nad, really hot!

“I didn’t really choose Mark over Percy.” The younger woman protested, “I just ... I didn’t want to admit that I didn’t even know it was Mark I was having sex with until we were well into it. Somehow that seemed much more embarrassing than actually getting caught doing it with him. And it didn’t really make any difference; when I did turn around and see Mark’s grinning face behind me, I didn’t object, as I suppose I should have.

“Think of it this way ... I know I shouldn’t say this but, most young women are surrounded by equally young men; there’s the daddy thing—he’s at the other end of the sexual spectrum—not that you’re going to have sex with him, but there’s always an attraction to an older man because of that attraction. We make excuses for it, but if you think about it we’re actually looking to see what an experienced male brings to the table, or should I say to the bedroom.

“Look at you and Mark. Hasn’t he shown you new things sexually?”

“Um, when you put it that way, yes, he has.”

“So you’ve tried an older guy, but you should really stay with Percy.” Marcie suggested.

“Mmmm,” Nadia said trying to remain uncommitted.

They went back upstairs with Nadia’s mind mulling over Marcie’s words.

The two couples spent the next two hours at the pool, swimming and sunning. The net result was all four were randy for another sexual romp by the time they reached the honeymoon suite.

“Are we up for fun and games?” Mark inquired a few minutes later with Marcie in the shower.

“Yes,” the young couple answered quickly. Percy shed his speedos, and then helped Nadia out of her bottoms leaving her wearing just the black cover up as she’d taken off her wet bikini top as soon as they walked into the honeymoon suite, claiming it was quite chilly in a wet bikini. Percy laughed as he rubbed her pussy muttering something about warming her up.

Marcie sauntered into the room moments later wearing charcoal pantyhose and a black top that was around her waist, bearing her breasts. Still unaware of Mark’s proposed fun and games, she lay down on the dark wooden floor tugged the pantyhose down past her crotch, revealing her matted pubic hair then crossed her arms over her head and stared at the ceiling fan overhead.

“Fun and games?” she said questioningly. “Can I assume it involves sex?”

Mark laughed and said, “You know me so well ... okay, what I have in mind is a variation on the age old game of playing doctor.”

“Boooo!” Marcie said and then burped.

Everyone laughed.

“I drank too much water,” she said and burped again.

No, no,” Mark protested. “Hear me out!”

“Go on,” Percy said as his lengthy prick twitched twice, drawing thee rapt attention of both women.

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