Honeymooners - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - An account of a free wheeling couple in Costa Rica for their honeymoon. Most assuredly a stroke story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Voyeurism  

Mark and Marcie slept late the following morning and missed breakfast. After coming from the shower and turning the bathroom over to his spouse, he set up the telescope and sat down behind it and scoured the pool for the lovely bikini-clad brunette he and Marcie had admired the previous day masturbating poolside.

He frowned when he didn’t see any sign of her or her boyfriend. He tried to find some other delicious female form to ogle, but other than two fiftyish women, who were not that hard on the eye, but failed to measure up to the voluptuous looks the brunette had. Mark got up and paced the living room until his wife emerged fully dressed and ready for lunch.

“I called Vivian,” Marcie chirped happily. “She’s looking forward to seeing us again.”

“That’s good,” Mark said morosely enough for Marcie to pick up exactly what was wrong. “Oh, your little whore didn’t show up at the pool today?”

“She’s not a whore,” he said defensively.

“We don’t know that” Marcie said, and quickly added, “At least not one way or the other.”

When they went down to lunch twenty minutes later they noticed the young couple was missing. For the past three days, the couple had taken their lunch at about the same time and had sat two tables removed from them.

Mark said, “Maybe they’re off shopping, having lunch in town, or doing the rain forest thing.”

Marcie responded with: “I hope they haven’t checked out. I’m looking forward to watching how you intend to approach them.”

He laughed. “I was going to ask you to do it. A woman’s touch is so much better.”

“Oh, really?” she said eyebrows arched, but smiling.

“You know you can handle it better than me, Marcie.”

“I do know that, but it’s you that wants to meet them, or her.”

“Yeah, but the guy...”

“He’s a kid, Mark, you can see that, although he is rather handsome and there is that luscious appendage he has between his legs,” then she giggled satisfied with rousing his jealous side for once.

It was at that moment they felt the first tremble of the earthquake.

Mark pulled Marcie to her feet and hurried her out of the hotel’s interior to the sandy beach some fifty feet away and there they lay down in the sand and waited until the shocks receded some two minutes later.

“Jesus, I—I’ve never experienced anything like that,” Marcie said nervously.

“Me neither,” Mark responded, “But we’d better stay here for a while until the aftershocks recede and we know it’s safe.”

“What about tsunamis?” Marcie wondered aloud.

“Damn, I forgot all about that possibility. And here we are on the friggin’ beach!”

They decided to take shelter in the hotel inasmuch as it was still standing, and they saw no readily apparent damage. In fact, he was aware the hotel had been constructed less than five years earlier and had followed the building codes that afforded it reasonably good protection from earthquakes. It was the older buildings that were vulnerable to earthquakes.

They wound up in the hotel’s indoor bar, along with many of the guests, watching the latest reports on the television when the station returned to the air some twenty minutes later. But it was two hours later that any significant news was heard from the station.

A massive earthquake of magnitude 7.0 has hit offshore Nicaragua, following which a Tsunami alert was issued. The earthquake centre was 149km southwest off the coast of Costa Rica at a depth of 33km. The quake was said to have occurred at 1:43 p.m. ET at a depth of 33 km.

Officials immediately isolated a massive 300km of the affected Central American coastline for a possible tsunami hit. But after some time, the tsunami issue was lifted.

As per Al Jazeera, U.S. Geological Survey has announced that there were no immediate reports of damage as of now because of the earthquake. However early reports have twenty-two people killed in Managua and twelve along the Costa Rican coastline, with no reports as yet from Costa Rican capital, San Jose, although there is severe damage reported.

The earthquake was felt mainly in the regions of the Nicaraguan capital of Managua, and in the Costa Rican capital San Jose and the resort areas along the Costa Rican coastline. Tremors and some damage were also felt in Panama City, Panama, leaving the people of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama in a state of panic and fear. Both Costa Rica and Nicaragua have called for a state of emergency because of severe damage and possible aftershocks.

This entire area lies along the Pacific Ring of Fire and is thus subject to significant tectonic activity, including frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity.

The hotel guests were advised not to leave the hotel grounds as several nearby buildings had collapsed and the authorities warned that others might follow and so an informal kind of martial law was in effect.

Things regained a semblance of normalcy at and around the hotel later that day, with the hotel having filled every vacant room or suite with influential people from damaged homes and at least one other nearby hotel that had sustained minor damage that included loss of its water system.

The honeymooners were having dinner when Marcie put down her coffee and hit Mark on the arm, saying: “Mark, isn’t that the couple from the pool?”

“Don’t tell me ... the one with those huge tits?”

“Yes and her boyfriend with the preposterous penis. There, over on the right side of the lobby. They seem to be having a problem with the Front Desk.”

“Um, she’s turning them away,” Mark said.

“Do you think?”

“Yeah, the earthquake’s caused a shortage of rooms. They’re kids; someone must have greased the hotel manager and taken their room. They’re stuck with no place to go.”

“Think we could entice them into joining us?”

“Marcie, you are way ahead of me, but I’m catching on. Why don’t you as the female, you know, approach them with an offer they can’t refuse. They may make our honeymoon even better than it’s been.”

“Markie, are you complaining about our honeymoon?”

“No dear, what I’m suggesting is that it might get even better.”

“Mmmm, I see your point, her tits---his cock. Mmmm, it’s worth a try. So, you want me to approach them?”

“Yes, they’re kids basically. You should be able to get them to listen. I doubt they’d trust me.”

“Oh, I don’t know. You’ve such gentle eyes,” Marcie said, but her smile told him she knew he was right.

Picking up her beach bag, she walked over to the young couple who were holding each other and whispering; most likely about what to do next.

Marcie got behind them, closer to the girl than her companion, and managed a slight contact with the girl’s arm. The girl didn’t register any awareness of the contact, but her well-endowed lover became aware of just how close Marcie was to his woman.

But he too remained quiet, albeit alert to her actions. The girl shivered when Marcie touched the arm with fingers that had been resting near an air-conditioner.

“Are you with the hotel?” He inquired hopefully. “Have they found us a room? We checked out but what with the earthquake and all ... we were almost killed on the way to the airport,” he said choking out the word ‘killed.’ “I saw a man’s arm severed from his body. He—he was on a motorbike and was run into by a pickup. Horrible, it was horrible!”

“Oh, that must have been terrible!” Marcie said, putting an arm around the girl’s shoulder and drawing her close, ostensibly comforting her, but also pressing the girl’s huge breasts against her ribcage.

My god, her tits are solid, no wonder Mark is so excited about her! Marcie thought, recalling Aniah’s and even earlier, Laura’s lush breasts. Neither of them compared to this girl’s goodies, she told herself.

“Now, now, don’t panic, I’m not with the hotel, and I’m not here to escort you out of the hotel. I’m about to do you both a favor,” Marcie purred and decided she had better keep talking for they looked ready to bolt from the hotel. “I apologize; I shouldn’t have mentioned escorting you from the hotel. That was a mistake on my part.”

The girl stood inert, waiting for Marcie’s to finish. She might have been a mannequin as she let her arms drop to her side, but Marcie knew the girl’s mind had to be racing at full speed. Who was she? What did she want? Would her boy/lover object if she wanted to help them? Could she possibly help them? Who was the guy she was with?

Marcie took that opportunity to study the girl’s companion close up. Once again she was struck by his singular handsomeness. She was well aware of his ‘package’ having seen it, or its outline in an erect state while encased in his speedos. But his face was that of a highly regarded model, and his body well defined and while lean, athletic and muscled.

“Mistake? What do you mean mistake?” The girl murmured softly, not wanting to bring the hotel management into the conversation.

My husband and I have the honeymoon suite here—here in this grand hotel. Tell me if I’ve got this wrong. You two checked out and on your way to the airport when the earthquake hit. You managed somehow to get back here only to find that your room had been given to someone else and now you’re shut out as there are no rooms available. You’re fucked. Excuse the poor choice of words, but it sums up your current situation well enough. Don’t you agree?”

The girl looked puzzled as Marcie moved behind her; she felt her eyes scrutinizing her body and her mind was racing at full tilt. How should she react? This was exciting, but... a quiet thrill rippled through her.

Suddenly the girl realized the woman appraising her was beautiful herself and began thinking of things that had never occurred to her before. Then she jerked upright and stifled a whimper when Marcie took a calculated risk and pressed her lightly at the base of her neck and whispered: “You’ve got a lovely necklace there.”

The girl nodded, started to say something but thought better of it, and remained silent. Marcie caught the quiet thrill that rippled through the girl, who now appeared to be even younger than she’d thought.

Marcie’s finger didn’t stop at her neck but kept moving while the girl remained rigid and mute. The finger followed the curve of the girl’s spine, into the shallow dip of her lower back, past the bottom of her grease-stained blouse, and without pausing down the back of her mud smeared flowered skirt to probe the pert curve of the girl’s derrière.

“Very nice,” Marcie whispered into the girl’s ear. “I’m sorry you lost your room, Pretty—Pretty, you can stay with us. We have a suite and it’s quite large, and there is a foldout bed—it’s the couch but opens into a double. So, there’s that.” Then she raised her hand and drew a well-manicured nail along the side of the girl’s cheek. “Pretty—Pretty,” she enunciated precisely holding the blue eyes gazing docilely back at her.

“That---That’s not my name.”


“It—It’s Nadia.”

“Well, Nadia, I’m Marcie and I’m going to call you Pretty--Pretty for the time being.”

“Hey, what’s going on?” The boyfriend said nervously.

“Pretty-Pretty ... wants to play. Don’t you “Pretty—Pretty?”

“Uhhh, Marcie,” the girl said falteringly. She bit her lower lip and said, “I think, um, I probably...”

“Shush,” Marcie said authoritatively as the extended finger on her cheek slid over to press lightly across her questioning lips. “Did I give you permission to call me that now did I? You may call me Miss, or Mistress. I think that best for the time being. But I am calling you Pretty—Pretty.”

And to enforce her position on the girl, Marcie insinuated her finger between the girl’s lips, and into her mouth against the pearly white teeth then running over her gums, pressing back the fleshy lip to expose the tightly clenched teeth through which Nadia sucked in a shivering gasp of air.

The girl instinctively grabbed Marcie’s hand, but Marcie ignored it and kept whispering to her, saying: “Oooo-pen wide for Momma.”

Nadia let her hand drop and Marcie’s insistent finger slithered in over the ridge of teeth to explore the girl’s mouth while she stood there, seemingly helpless, her arms dangling uselessly at her sides.

The girl’s tongue was dry and a little rough, probably because she had never been inspected before and was nervous about upsetting the strange woman who’d just taken control of her.

But the offer of a room after the terrible experience of the earthquake remained foremost in her mind, and Nadia barely heard Marcie’s silky whispered command: “Now suck.”

There was only a slight hesitation before the girl did exactly that, sucking on the intrusive finger as it sawed in and out of her mouth.

“That’s right. Don’t imagine it’s a cock. You are sucking my finger because I told you to.”

“I said what’s going on?” The boyfriend growled threateningly.

Seconds later, the two women looked into one another’s eyes and Nadia spit the finger from her mouth and said, “Nothing’s going on. We’re playing a game, Percy.”

Marcie nodded her approval at the girl’s response and whispered in her ear, “Well done, Pretty—Pretty,” as she watched the finger disappearing in and out of the girl’s mouth.

Nadia moaned softly as she began to inhabit her new role. Her nipples hardened and now poked through her top and bra and Marcie could feel the warmth of her pussy without touching her body. Those near breasts rose and fell in her top and the girl felt herself sliding into a different place.

“Ohhh, fuck!” Nadia sighed as Marcie plucked the finger from her mouth and wiped it on her lower lip and said: Now, let’s go see your new quarters.”

But Marcie wasn’t quite finished with young Nadia. She pulled the girl in for a hug and then slowly squeezed the cheeks of her ass, gently warming and massaging each half. Hearing the girl’s low moan, Marcie pressed on, confident that her husband would keep Pretty-Pretty’s boyfriend occupied while she got to know the young girl better, more intimately, if you will, by sliding a hand up the front of her skirt to the crotch and cupping her cunt and whispering, “Good girl, Pretty-Pretty. You and I will have a great time in our Honeymoon Suite.

Nadia’s mind was racing with erotic thoughts as she began to accept what was coming, and as her breathing slowed she recollected that she’d never done anything with a woman! Kissing Beverly at that pre-Prom party didn’t count, it shouldn’t count, and they had been stoned. Then too, she had rejected the advances of two older women during her senior year, although the brunette at the grocery store named Alistair had been tempting, but she had just taken up with Percy and his wondrous cock had won out.

Until Percy, boys and men had approached her with disgusting propositions every day, offering to take her out and to parties, and while she craved the attention they don’t make her feel feminine or truly desired. Until Percy, she had fucked herself at night thinking about a man taking her by bending her to his will and fucking her until she couldn’t see straight.

Until now; with this strange, but beautiful woman rubbing a hand over her most private place while I stare vacantly at the floor. Until now; with a flood of shame all but consuming me for acting so whorish in public without a second thought.

“C’mon, you can show me those tits in the elevator,” the woman said seemingly from a distance, but actually touching her body at several sensuous spots.

“Okay,” Nadia, AKA Pretty—Pretty whispered docilely.

She wasn’t surprised when Percy followed them into the elevator without protest.

In the Honeymoon Suite

Once ensconced in the Newlin’s Honeymoon suite, Mark took several articles of clothing from the dresser drawer Marcie had allotted him and handed Percy a pair of boxers, (a size larger than he was wearing) an AC/DC T-shirt that fit, and a pair of shorts that was marginally bigger than Percy normally wore. All in all, an adequate wardrobe for a man in need of fresh clothing.

“The showers available why not make use of it?” Mark chirped, and the nineteen-year-old nodded, scooped up the clothing, and trudged into the shower with only a baleful glace at Nadia his eighteen-year-old sweetheart.

Marcie took a slightly different tact, saying: “I’m going to change into something more appropriate. You stay here, Pretty---Pretty. Be dressed when I come back.” And Marcie strolled away.

As if in a daze, and perhaps she was, Nadia, AKA Pretty—Pretty, began to undress, unbuttoning her soiled blouse with hands that moved mechanically, pulling it back off her shoulders to reveal a sweat-stained cream-colored bra cradling her 34-EE breasts.

It was obvious the girl had given careful consideration to her vacationing underwear; her now deeply stained, the cream-colored bra was composed of flimsy silk straps edged in lace; the cups had bottom halves of a silky satin that curved up to modestly cover the nipples, the bottom ingeniously fitted with wired support to hold her magnificent breasts in check, and thickly embroidered with scalloped edges.

She wondered briefly what was in store for her and Percy when Marcie returned as she reached back to undo the catch of her skirt and lowered the zipper.

Gathering up two handfuls of the skirt, she worked it down over her hips with a girlish wiggle. Now she was reduced to heels, bra, and panties. A sexy wave of naughtiness shimmered through her. She found herself smiling into the mirror, then stepped back to view her reflection from head to toe.

For a long moment she stood there studying herself; the silken panties she wore were opaque, yet thin enough so one could see the shadow of a matted bush of pubic hair through the curving fabric of the reinforced gusset pulled taut between her bare legs.

She reached up behind her to unhook the bra and watched as the grimy loosened cups fell away to free a pair of huge yet supple breasts. She touched them with both hands, proudly squeezing them while looking into their mirrored reflection. Smiling broadly into the mirror she leaned over to run her panties down, slipping out of them, adding them to the growing pile of clothing on the armchair beside her.

Standing naked before the mirror, she felt a certain pride in her youthful, lush body. You want me too, don’t you, Marcie—Marcie? She thought, and then smiling into the mirror examined her lipstick, teeth, hair, and her pussy.

She donned the clothing that her host had thoughtfully left out for her starting with a pair of black panties and with the exception of the bra, everything fit surprisingly well. She decided to forgo the bra at the last minute, fearing it would pinch her breasts, and went with comfort instead of modesty.

Percy’s seen them, Mark would certainly appreciate them, and Marcie---Marcie’s a woman, she’s comfortable with a woman’s breasts. Oh yes, I’m pretty sure of that.

And holding that thought, Nadia was all a-tingle when Marcie returned after keeping her waiting another ten minutes.

Once everyone reconvened in the sumptuous living room, Mark made sure they all had a rum drink in their hand and fruit and nuts to nibble on as he began telling them about him and Marcie.

The young woman was impressed at how knowledgeable Mark was about so many subjects. When pressed she confessed to wanting to go to college but wasn’t sure what field she should pursue; and here he was, an architect, talking effortlessly and knowledgeably about trends in government, fashion, science, real estate, even A.I., and all sorts of things beyond sports, cars, and boats.

As they were working on their second drink, Marcie got Nadia off to one side of the room while Mark and Percy stayed put talking about sports, so they couldn’t hear the girls talking.

“What about you two?” Marcie inquired.

“We’ve been together for a couple of years.” Nadia answered slowly then added: “We’ve gone steady since we were sixteen.”

“High School sweethearts, that’s so sweet!” Marcie said and took a sip of her drink.

“Mmmm,” Nadia replied, moving closer to Marcie in order to whisper confidingly, “But I think I’ll end it with him when we get home.”

“Oh? Why? He’s so good-looking.”

When she didn’t answer right away, Marcie gave her a quizzical look and said, It’s not because he has too big a cock is it? I mean that’s usually not a prob...”

“No, not at all,” Nadia said quickly, obviously embarrassed, for despite her tan her face was flushed.

“Too quick? You know, wham, bam, thank you, ma’am?”

“No, Percy is quite ... sufficient in that regard,” she whispered. “I---I never talked like this with my girlfriends back home.”

“No job?” Marcie asked.

“Yes and no. I mean he has sort of a job but doesn’t have to be there or do anything. It’s the family business, and his father dotes on him. I like the family and they like me. Actually, it will be harder for me to break up with them than with him. The problem is that for Percy, um, life is like one great big party. I want to go to college and make something of myself. I don’t want to marry a guy who has had everything handed to him on a silver platter, you know?”

“I do know! Have you told him yet?”

“No. I haven’t figured that part out yet.”

They talked about that at length; Nadia thought Marcie very worldly, especially after learning she had a degree in music and was an accomplished pianist.

“You’ve made something of yourself, and you’re still young. I bet you’re not over thirty-three.”

“I’m twenty-nine and don’t you make me a day over it, or I’ll torture you and Percy with hot coals on the soles of your feet,” Marcie said, half-seriously.

Nadia found this funny and laughed so loud she drew the attention of the men sitting on the bed.

In a low voice that the men couldn’t hear, Marcie told Nadia that she had lots of experience with men and that with some coaching Nadia might be able to turn Percy into the man she wanted him to be, or close to it.

“No one’s perfect, Nadia. For example, Percy would be easy to change.”

“You really think so?”

“Certainly, but I’d have to seduce him first. Once a man’s sampled your goodies, they become more pliable, which means that you can mold them into the person you want them to be.”

Nadia was shocked. “You want to seduce my Percy!”

“It’s basically a matter of control,” Marcie whispered.

“Control you say?”

“Yes, for once they’ve had their way with you they’ll want another turn. That’s when the woman takes control. Just say no. Not in any way that’s definitive, but where they become uncertain as to how to achieve another sexual encounter. That’s when you get to control them by making them think they’re in charge. You’ll give in but on your terms. You set them in motion, and they’ll gladly accept those terms.”

“But why is it necessary for you to seduce him?”

Marcie had to laugh at the serious expression on the girl’s face. “Have you ever had a sensual massage?”

“A sensual massage? No, I don’t think so ... why?” Nadia asked, unsure of where Marcie was going.

“Because it will make the guys pay attention,” Marcie whispered in response and gestured toward the two men who were arguing about baseball on the other side of the wrought iron divider.

“I don’t understand,” Nadia said, somewhat overwhelmed by what Marcie had just said. Did Marcie think for one moment that Percy would fuck her while she was in the room? Not to mention her own husband?”

“You doubt me?”

“Um, I don’t know ... it sounds crazy, you know? How would you ... um, how would you?”

Nadia’s mind was awhirl. Clearly, she wanted to make Percy a better man. He was good in bed; that was for sure. But his lack of drive-in other respects was wanting in a prospective husband. But letting Marcie fuck him—in front of her, no less---was that a good thing? Marcie was older and no doubt smarter, but to let this woman fuck Percy with her husband watching ... What---what if he wants to have his way with me in return?

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