Honeymooners - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Paris Waterman

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - An account of a free wheeling couple in Costa Rica for their honeymoon. Most assuredly a stroke story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Voyeurism  

This is not Tolstoy or George R. R. Martin; it’s a stroke story. Hopefully, it’s passably written, but it is by design a stroke story, no more and certainly not less. And there is an illustrated version available if you write to: pariswaterman@gmail.com I hope you like it and rush to tell your friends.


Mark signed the check with their room number and left a generous tip for the waiter, then stood up and slipped between the girls, his arms slung around their waists as they walked to the elevator. Marcie turned around and noticed the waiter watching them leave and the noticeable bulge in his trousers. She silently wished him a good time with his own wife later that night and smiled lewdly in his direction to help him down that road.

When the elevator doors closed in front of them, Marcie kissed Mark’s neck and ear, whispering softly, “I love you baby ... thank you...”

Vivian started nibbling on his other ear, and then both women were kissing along his jawline and neck, pressing their full breasts against his chest, making their way to his mouth where a three-way kiss began before the women veered off to kiss one another again.

He cupped both their asses and Marcie wanted to just melt; to just let him handle them, maneuver them any way, every way, and intuitively knew Vivian did too.

When he opened the door to the room, Vivian looked a little overwhelmed as her large brown eyes darted around the entry that opened into a large room floored in waxed walnut, and centered by a mahogany table hosting a vase of silk roses. A chandelier over it added to the splendor of what was undoubtedly the Honeymoon suite. To the left, blandly pleasant land and seascape paintings filled a white wall; to the right, a seven-step stairway led directly to the master bedroom screened off from the other room by a scrolled iron partition and a deep blue wall with two paintings of nude couples cavorting in a garden above a king-sized bed with rumpled sheets. Vivian also took in towels strewn carelessly over chairs and lingerie and underwear thrown on the floor.

“No room service?” Vivian said with feigned seriousness.

“Oh, they came, they cleaned, and we messed it up after they left,” Mark laughed.

“Mmmm, and what’s that?” Vivian asked, pointing at one particular pink vibrator among several dildos scattered on the bed and strewn on the floor beside it.

Marcie laughed and said, “It’s a toy I use on Mark,” She picked it up and showed it to Vivian. “It looks like a regular dildo, but really it’s kind of like a strap-on. This part goes inside my pussy,” she giggled, pointing at the bulbous end of the toy. “I can feel it rubbing my clit while I fuck him up the ass.”

“Probably more than I needed to know,” Vivian said with a sideways glance at Mark, who seemed unbothered by the fact she now knew that about his sexual proclivities.

“Here, try it on yourself,” Marcie said with a smirk.

Inasmuch as they all knew what lay ahead of them that evening, Vivian accepted the toy. Her eyes widened as she held it in her hands, then brought it between her legs to see what she would look like with a cock. She moved to the mirror by the dresser and turned to the side, admiring how it pointed out.

“I’ve never worn a strap-on before,” she confessed. “But I think maybe I’d like to try one.”

The recently wedded couple exchanged a knowing smile. This was going to be very fun. Mark knew his wife would be watching the boutique owner fuck his ass with it at some point that evening. And unknown to Vivian, he was looking forward to it.

He moved closer to Vivian took the toy from her and laid it down on the dresser then brushed the hair from her face and kissed her deeply. The kiss lasted several minutes and had Vivian humping his leg like a dog, revealing just how anxious she was to fuck.

When he broke the kiss, they were on the couch in the suite’s living room and their comingled saliva was running out of the corner of her mouth.

“You’re some kind of kisser, Mark,” she panted.

He responded with a whispered, “I want you to undress Marcie for me, slut. I want to see you both get naked while I stroke my dick.”

He sat up and watched as the caliginous-toned woman got up and approached his wife who took her in her arms and embraced her before kissing her passionately.

Vivian’s eyes fluttered, but before closing completely, she saw Mark unzip his linen slacks and free his vein-thickened, rock-hard cock. The thought of what she and he would be doing with it filled her mind as their kiss continued and even afterward as she began undressing Marcie; fiddling with the zipper at the back of her evening dress which seemed to catch midway down.

“It does that sometimes,” Marcie muttered before returning to their kissing. Vivian fussed with the zipper until coaxing it to grip the track and open fully. The dress slid to the floor and the shop owner took a step back to admire the still pale skin of the woman standing before her.

Realizing what the other woman was thinking, Marcie laughed and said, “I really haven’t been at the pool that much and I work nights and sleep days ... so not too much sun yet.”

Vivian unhooked the lacy black bra next and tossed it at the rumpled sheets on the bed, only it missed, and the bra clung to the sheet halfway to the floor. But it was Marcie’s breasts that interested her far more than the errant brassiere. They fell upon the rumpled bedding as Vivian went at them with a vigor that caught Marcie by surprise. She quickly covered Vivian’s hands with her own, showing her how she preferred having her tits roughed up.

Vivian thought Marcie was the sexiest woman she’d ever seen as she lay before her in only a pair of lacy black panties. Her nipples jutted out seemingly begging to be sucked and tweaked.

The Costa Rican hefted the left breast in one hand and its weight surprised her. She groaned and kissed Marcie’s throat and collarbone, licking and dragging her teeth along the pale skin, and kneading the flesh of her tits with her hands.

Marcie groaned and pulled the other woman on top of her, then rolled them both over, pinning Vivian’s wrists to the mattress, and started licking circles around and underneath a breast lapping closer and closer to the tight little nipple closest to her mouth until capturing it between her teeth and then sucking it hard. Vivian groaned and arched into the hungry mouth.

Marcie sucked even harder, taking more into her mouth; flicking the tip of the nipple with her tongue and causing Vivian to groan with unmistakable pleasure.

“Oh God,” They both heard Mark moan from his chair. “Use your teeth, baby ... make it hurt!”

Marcie snickered then gently rolled the nipple between her teeth and Vivian whimpered beneath her only to have Marcie bite down until she moaned from the inflicted pain.

When Marcie relented to some extent, Vivian yelled, NO! I LOVE THAT!”

Marcie caught her breath and looked down at the other woman and said, “Are you certain?”

“More please,” Vivian panted. “Please...”

That caused Marcie to have a mini-climax herself, and as she groaned she bit down on Vivian’s other nipple and shook her head from side to side while pulling the nipple viciously.


“Like that? Marcie chortled after releasing the savaged tit from between her teeth.

“Fuck ... now do the other one ... Quick—Quick---Quick!”

Marcie had Vivian’s back arching and her head thrown back on the rumpled sheets gasping and whimpering as she feasted on her lovely nips until unable to bear it any longer, she broke free of Marcie and kissed her hard on the mouth, pressing the dusky flesh of her tits against Marcie’s very pale but sweaty nipples causing both women to moan with pleasure.

Mark got to his knees at the foot of the bed and slid his hands up both pairs of legs. He laughed when he felt how Marcie had soaked through the lace of her panties. He spread Vivian’s legs apart and rubbed her cunt through the black tights with the palm of his hand.

“Mmmm,” he smiled. “You’re both extremely wet. Vivian, you seem such a naughty little whore. Would you like to taste Marcie’s cunt?”

She nodded her head in response.

“I thought so but forgive me if I want you to suck my dick first. You two have been all but ignoring me.”

He positioned himself so that he stood with his erection pointed directly at her swollen lips. Lips she was already licking as he placed a hand on her head and gently guided her mouth even closer to his throbbing member.

Vivian glanced at Marcie as if for her approval, and satisfied that she had no objections, licked her lips again and looking up at him with her dark eyes rubbed those very same lips over the head of his cock, let her tongue dip into his peehole to sample the precum oozing from it before swallowing the entirety of his cockhead with a soft moan.

He put his hands in her hair and held her in place, slowly fucking her mouth in long deep thrusts. He looked over at Marcie, and gave her a sexy smile, pushing his cock another inch or so into the other woman’s mouth. Vivian started to choke, and her eyes welled up, but she took it like the good slut she felt she was.

“Take my dick baby, take it...” Mark gasped as he pushed harder and faster, fucking her face now, just using her pretty little mouth to get himself off.

Marcie knew his cock was diamond hard now and began rubbing her wet cunt through her panties as she looked on unable to take her eyes off them as Vivian’s sweet lips wrapped around that thick shiny shaft even as his balls slapped her chin.

Mark thoroughly enjoyed her blowjob but called a halt to it before he came.

Marcie saw the disappointment in Vivian’s eyes, and quickly tried to mollify her, saying: “Oh, no! Vivian. Don’t let it bother you. He just wants to save his sperm for later, don’t you baby?”

“That’s right, Vivian. You were terrific!” Mark added.

Marcie murmured, “Would you like some more Champagne?”

She didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, she ran to a small refrigerator and took out a chilled bottle, and handed it to Mark, who opened it expertly, causing the women to shriek with joy as it popped. He filled everyone’s fluted glass and they toasted one another before he topped off the glasses again.

Vivian’s eyelids closed as Marcie’s fingertips lightly traced over her cheek, grazing the dusky toned flesh of her neck, and slipped down the front of her chest to gently tug on her nipples one after the other.

“You have beautiful breasts, Vivian,” Marcie said casually.

“Mmmm, thank you, but I’ll wager yours are nicer.”

Marcie giggled, partly from the Champagne, partly from the lust that had built up during their kissing and fondling one another. “I think Vivian might be a very, very greedy girl, Mark.”

“Do you now, Love?” He was also on his feet, stepping behind Vivian.

Vivian blinked, her glance flitting back and forth a little warily. “Did you say needy or greedy?”

Mark stepped behind his wife and pulled her panties down to her ankles and watched as she kicked them away and stood before the others stark naked save for the four-inch heels she wore to make her calves even more seductive than usual.

“You two...” Vivian said weakly. “I don’t know...”

“One at a time if you like,” Mark whispered in her ear, as he stepped out of his linen slacks and took time to fold them neatly along the crease and lay them over the back of a chair. He shed his briefs after that and then completed his sentence. “Or both of us as a kind of sandwich, or we’re open to any suggestions you might have.”

“I—I’ve never done anything remotely close to what’s possible here. I mean ... the toys and all...”

Mark moved in on her then, taking her in his arms and kissing her. She moaned into his mouth as his hand found her mons and cupped it.

Marcie sipped champagne while watching her husband’s finger enter the splayed lips of Vivian’s sodden cunt; She licked her lips wantonly as his finger moved more rapidly, making slick, obscene noises.

For the boutique owner, not having had sex with anyone for almost six months, the sensation of being fingered and kissed by a strange man at the same time was exquisite; so much so that it was hard to focus on anything else. She gave herself over to him and they sucked so hungrily on one other’s tongue that Mark had a brief coughing fit that ended the kissing.

He looked at Marcie and drolly inquired, “Want to cut in Lover?”

Vivian was limp in his arms and both Marcie and Mark knew they could do anything they wanted with their guest. As for Vivian, her skin was on fire, her cunt engorged and throbbing. She was on the cusp of a tumultuous climax and aware that a few more strokes of his finger would have her there.

But he suddenly stopped fingering her. “Yes!” He cried out.

“What is it?” Marcie queried, leaning in on them with intense interest.

“Her pussy is squeezing my finger,” and with a Cheshire-like grin, he slowly withdrew the finger.

Vivian moaned at the loss and her body gave a disappointed shudder. Her cheeks were suffused with blood; a flush that continued down her neck and spread across her upper chest. Two huge, dilated pupils fixed on Marcie. She swallowed and the tendons in her throat spoke of a mouth gone dry.

She couldn’t answer; her pent-up lust wouldn’t let her. But her erect nipples protruded even more than before. Vivian reached between her legs, wetting her fingertips with her own juices, and brought two of them up to her mouth, painting her need onto her swollen, barely parted lips.

Mark felt the warmth of her sharp, shallow breaths as he bent forward, plunged his hands into the dark tangle of her hair, and kissed her again. Her mouth opened instantly; her tongue flicked out then curled as if beckoning him into the cavity behind it. But he didn’t oblige her; instead, he drew her lower lip into his mouth tasting her. Vivian moaned as he released her puffed-up lip only to suck her tongue into his mouth as he pressed his erection against her belly.

“I want some of that if you please,” Marcie said coolly, although she was anything but.

Mark backed off enough to allow his wife access to the coca-toned woman who turned to face Marcie so they might kiss. They mashed their mouths against one another, sucking lips in turn, then licking each other’s tongue while caressing faces and breasts while moaning and groaning happily.

That kissing session lasted several long minutes and only ended when Mark tried to kiss both of them at the same time but didn’t succeed. But Marcie brought her face back into the equation from a slightly different angle and suddenly three tongues were frolicking with one another, and all three chins were soon covered with spittle.

Marcie pulled her face away then let the tip of her tongue lick Vivian’s ear. Vivian moaned.

“Let’s fuck. That’s what you came for, isn’t it?” Marcie whispered. Vivian gave a broken groan and nodded in response then licked the drool accumulated on Mark’s chin. He laughed and scooped her up and deposited her on the bed with Marcie quickly joining them.

When he bent Vivian back over the edge of the bed, she was panting and quivering. “I can smell your excitement, Vivian,” Mark teased, rubbing her mons with lewdness bereft of any subtlety.

Moving her hips suggestively, Vivian snarled, “So fuck me then!” And then she scissored his thigh between her legs and humped it as her cunt made wet slurpy sounds while mashing against his thigh.

“Damn, she’s hot for anything!” Marcie exclaimed.

Breathing heavily, Mark said, “I knew she would be,” and seized the Costa Rican’s left nipple between his lips and sucked.

“If you keep that up she’s going to cum on your leg,” Marcie crowed exuberantly. “She wants cock. And I want to watch her get it.”

Mark’s hands traveled up Vivian’s dusky torso, cupping her breasts, trapping the nipples between his fingers. Vivian tried unsuccessfully to grab his jutting manhood.

“The question is my love, what has she done to deserve it?” Mark said to Marcie, but really was addressing both women.

“We could let her rub herself raw against that thigh of yours,” Marcie said, knowing he wouldn’t.

“What say you, Vivian?” Mark asked teasingly as he sent two fingers between her plump labia, into the steaming jungle beyond.

“Fuck meeee! Both of you ... fuck meeee!”

Marcie noted that Vivian’s clit was engorged, rigid, and eminently pinchable. She toyed with the unhooded nub and then gave it a cruel little squeeze. “Tell him you want it, Vivian. Beg for it.”

Vivian gasped and arched, making it even easier for Mark to tilt his fingers inside her cunt. Then using the soft pad of his fingertips, he grazed her g-spot.

She shuddered. “Ohhhhh yeah!”

Every subsequent brush echoed in the muscles that clenched and pulled at his fingers.

“Ohhh Christ ... do me ... for fuck’s sake ... DO ME!”

Her words reverberated off the bedroom walls.

Marcie answered her saying: “Then come for us, Vivian. And beg while you’re coming.”

Vivian’s hips were moving perfectly now, matching Mark as he fingered her. At first, she just shook her head, panting. “I can’t!”

“Oh, yes, I think you can,” Marcie teased as Mark added a third finger to the hot, liquid mess of her cunt.


“Please,” she whimpered faintly. Then he felt her tremble, and the first involuntary flutters came. “Please, please,” she repeated, a little louder.

“More. Show me how much you want it.”

Her hands reached up, tangling in his hair, pulling his face closer. “Mmmm, mmmm mere!” The exasperating woman groaned.

Curious Mark leaned close to her mouth to better hear her next words, only to have her throw an arm around his neck and pull him close enough to kiss. It was more a mashing of mouths than a kiss, and Vivian grunted like an animal as she ground her mouth against his.

Marcie was amazed at Vivian’s actions and goaded her on, “Go get him Viv ... show him how much you want that big cock inside you!”

On hearing Marcie’s words, Vivian threw back her head, and eyes wide yet unseeing, sobbed, “Please! Oh, fuck! Please! Somebody do meeee!”

Mark relented and pulling his fingers from her sodden cunt mounted her missionary style, and as his pulsing cock slipped into her he said, “I’ll do you, Vivian. I’ll make you my dirty little slut. Want to be my dirty little slut?”


“I didn’t hear you!”

“I—I want to be your dirty slut!”

“What about Marcie?”

“I’ll be her slut too!”

He leaned over her face, his hot breath against her cheek, and his lips near her ear teasingly bit the earlobe. Then, holding her wrists pinned tightly above her head he asked, “Are you going to do everything I ask you to?”

“Yes,” Vivian murmured obediently, as a rush of debased sexual desire swept over her. And restrained as she was, Vivian, pressed her body back against his. “I’ll do anything the two of you want.”

At this point Vivian was breathing hard; the uncertainty of what she had gotten herself into was long past and her level of excitement was through the roof.

Licking her lips, Vivian spat out: “I want it all! Fuck every hole ... just—just lick me everywhere and I’ll gladly return the favor.”

She saw his expression change at the sudden profusion of profanities spewing from her mouth.

“You’re going to have to earn it first,” she heard him say. “I’m going to tell you our rules, and if you agree, you’re going to have orgasms like you’ve never even dreamed possible. If you don’t agree, we’ll call you a taxi and you can go home. Do you want to hear the rules?”

Vivian nodded her agreement.

“I have to hear you say it.”

“I agree to your rules.”

Both Marcie and Mark already knew that Vivian would agree, but they insisted she state her obvious need out loud.

The light in the room was very bright, and Vivian’s dusky skin glowed. Her every blemish was visible, every curve. The tips of her nipples were rust-red and very plump. She had trimmed her pubic hair to a straight thin line to roughly three inches, probably shortly before leaving home to meet them.

“Let’s fuck her silly, Mark,” Marcie crowed.

Mark looked up at his wife. “Okay Baby, why don’t you feed Vivian your sweet pussy while I fuck hers?”

Vivian lay back on the bed, her feet pointed at the lower end of the bed. Marcie positioned herself over her and lowered her pussy onto her waiting mouth, and then unable to contain herself any longer, lowered her face to Vivian’s cunt.

At first, she licked cat-like at the other woman’s innermost thighs, then gradually licked inward to her outer labia. Marcie’s mouth so inflamed Vivian that she was groaning and writhing from the first warm touch of the lips upon her labia.

When Marcie opened her eyes, she realized that Mark was rubbing the tip of his cock along her own cunt, although his eyes were on her gamahuching Vivian. Marcie whimpered as he entered her at the same time Vivian shuddered and moaned into Marcie’s mouth.

“Oh, fuck you’ve got the tightest hole, baby,” he moaned as he buried his cock to the hilt. “Oh, what a hot little cunt you have, love!”

He started pumping into her, using quick, hard strokes, leaving her quivering before him.

“C’mon, baby,” he urged his newlywed wife, “Make our guest come big time. Eat her to a big one!” He urged her on, smacking her ass with one hand and pulling her hair with the other while he plundered her cunt with long, deep thrusts that had her on the edge of a frenzied climax.

Vivian chimed in next, telling Marcie that she was going to come and begging her to put a finger up her ass to help bring it on.

Just as Marcie complied with Vivian’s request, Mark started using short, hard strokes and that caused his balls to smack into her ass, adding to the horde of sensations bombarding her.

Marcie came.

Vivian came.

And Mark came, and then stood over both women holding a long string of semen that ran from his index finger to the hole in his penis.

“Desert anyone? He said, and both women moved to take possession of it. Vivian won the race.

Then everyone rested for a short time, with the Floridian couple telling Vivian how they met, and all about their wedding and for the first time discussed the varied sexual encounters they had before and after the wedding with and without each other.

Then Vivian caught them both off guard saying, “I don’t know about you guys, but I still horny as hell. Want me to go down on you, Marcie?”

“Hell yeah!” Marcie replied rolling over onto her back and spreading her legs. Vivian wasted no time in diving between them and tonguing her pussy hard and deep. Marcie wondered briefly if she could taste Mark’s semen assuming there had to be some remnants of it left inside her.

Vivian proved to be exceptional at cunnilingus and had Marcie juicing all over her face as she hit her second orgasm from Vivian’s talented tongue.

“Mark, this girl is talented. I’m gonna cum for the third time any second now. You should fuck her, baby. She rates a good fucking!”

“Okay baby, I’m all over it!”

Vivian hadn’t anticipated he would take her as fast and hard as he did. But she was well lubricated having anticipated getting laid and aside from gasping for breath she welcomed him slamming into her and tried to give back as much as he was giving her.

Mark paused after about two minutes of rapid fucking and kissed her tenderly. Marcie looked on and smiled for they looked every bit the loving couple just then as Marcie and Mark did in the video they had made on their wedding night.

As soon as the kiss ended, Vivian asked politely if he would put himself back inside her, and moments later their slick bodies slapped softly together again, and he renewed their kiss as she moved beneath him. Mark moaned and began a sequence of slow, deep strokes that awakened sensations Vivian hadn’t felt in ages, if at all.

It was then that Marcie joined in, finding a suitable approach from the side that allowed her to reach Vivian’s clit.

Vivian gasped when Marcie’s tongue brushed over her already engorged clit. Marveling at how she managed it while her husband was fucking her. But Marcie had always been adept at puzzles especially when driven by her outsized sexual drive. In this case, she licked Mark’s cock when it entered Vivian and then gave Vivian’s clit a quick lick or suck while he was immersed deep in her pussy.

Mark of course realized what she was attempting and did his best to help her out by changing their positions so that he was on his back with Vivian sprawled across his body enabling them to continue their kissing while he fucked her in a reverse missionary posture.

Then Marcie leaned over Vivian’s back and began licking her asshole, wetting it with her saliva and then sending a finger up her ass.

Vivian was on the cusp of another climax when the finger entered her anus, and her cunt was leaking obscenely all over Mark’s cock and thighs when she came with a suddenness that caught all three of them off guard.

Mark’s cock slipped out of Vivian moments later only to be caught by Marcie, who brought it right to her mouth and began sucking him.

Vivian wiggled out from under and made straight for Marcie’s cunt and quickly ate her to another shuddering orgasm that caused her to reluctantly let her man’s cock fall from her mouth.

Mark unabashedly began stroking his saliva-coated cock as he watched Vivian and Marcie. Then he too was unable to constrain himself from coming and yelling “Fuck ... fuck here I go!” sent a fusillade of semen soaring in an arc splattering across both women’s breasts.

As soon as the first rope of cum hit Vivian’s tits Marcie reacted by scooping a gob from her nipple

and brought it to her mouth. Vivian laughed and said, “and I thought I was being sluttish, I see that you’ve outdone me in that regard every step of the way tonight.” Then she scraped a generous sample of Mark’s semen for herself; and after inserting it on her tongue, moaned, “Yummy-yum-yum, that’s sweet-tasting shit.”

“Kiss me you slutty bitch,” Marcie crowed with lust in her eyes as she lowered her mouth onto Vivian’s already open mouth and let her suck her husband’s spend out of her mouth. They kissed like that for a while, stopping every so often to replenish the semen by lifting off each other’s tits with their fingers.

Mark used this as a chance to shower and towel himself dry and returned as they were sliding their pussies against each other.

Marcie was glorying in it, not having done it since college days with her roomie, Laura. Vivian had never tried it before and had cried out when Marcie’s cunt had rubbed over her own. But she involuntarily rolled her hips and was rewarded by an extremely pleasant sensation like that of warmed butter being spread over her cunt by Marcie’s moistness.

The wet sounds of their tribbing filled the room, and soon Mark climbed over them and began kissing and licking them both as they compressed their pussies together. His mouth felt so good to both as he moved from one to the other, maneuvering their torsos so that at times they were rubbing clit on clit and other times, frantically grinding cunt to cunt.

Both women came repeatedly. And when their moans subsided, he pulled Marcie to him and kissed her, then as he guided her to the floor at the foot of the bed whispered, “Look at Vivian’s pussy now!”

“Come sit at the edge of the bed, Vivian,” he said quietly.

She moved sensuously to the very edge of the mattress; her legs already open displaying her cunt. The newlyweds knelt in front of her, but it was Mark who gently caressed her outer lips, carefully spreading the juices around to keep them moist.

Vivian’s hips started to writhe, arching into his skillful touches, and soon she was rubbing her nipples, further hardening them in hopes of having both of them suckling on them again.

“Let me see you taste her,” Marcie murmured into his ear, just as a dollop of cum oozed from Vivian’s pudenda and trickled down to her tight little asshole. Marcie spotted it and leaned in to lick it away.

“Ohhhh, Marcie!” Vivian cooed at the same time she shuddered with delight at the lovely sensation the other’s tongue elicited from her anus.

Mark pulled on Marcie’s dark hair and whispered, “Keep tonguing her baby, lick that ass and finger her pussy!”

Her fingers slipped between Vivian’s legs from behind, three fingers in all, stretching the insides of the Costa Rican’s hole until it gaped like the entrance to a cave. “Oh, you’re so fucking wet baby doll, you’re such a naughty little whore...”

She slipped her fingers into Vivian and Mark did the same to her; two fingers very deep, but Marcie also continued rubbing Vivian’s clit with the tip of her tongue and curled her fingers against her g-spot as she sucked the Shopkeeper’s clit into her mouth and worried it by shaking her head this way and that.

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