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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

oyster50: Blog


Summer Doldrums

Posted at

First, I'm still alive, still working for a living, etc.

I have stories swirling in my head, including wrap-ups of the three I left dangling. I have intentions of finishing those, then picking up a little of Cindy and the bunch.

I must say that MANY of you have taken time to write. You've inquired about my health (pretty good for 72) and my sanity (which has been questioned since I hit high school) and my general condition. I thank you for asking.

I also thank you for telling me that you're reading my old stuff. I'm glad to hear that the stories have legs. I re-read them myself and kick myself for not going on with the Community. I'm torn as to where to jump back in.

But I'll get something going soon.

Deep winter

Posted at

Which, in southwest Louisiana means we've dipped below freezing a couple of times.

Can't blame the weather on the slowness of my writing, though.

Happily, two of last year's stories, Hurricane, Laura and Details Matter, have placed well in the Clitorides Awards. Makes me happy. If you're of a mind to do so, please go vote.

On the other hand, my muse hasn't given me much help on resurrecting Community and I have two active stories I need to wrap up. Sometimes this writing thing is hard.

As always, I appreciate your support.


Posted at

If you haven't already figured it out, I am NOT a professional writer. I work full-time and I have Sweetie to occupy some pleasant hours as well. I'm saying that to say this: for me sometimes writing comes in a little avalanche - where I can knock out several thousand words at a sitting. Sometimes it's not like that. My muse is a hard-headed little thing. Of late, she's dumped several pages on me, originals, like Little Heaven, that don't tie to existing stories.

I accept those. I have fun with them. I posted Little Heaven on Sunday and watched it climb to #4 on the "Top Completed Story" list. That tickles me.

Downside is that the muse is dragging her feet on the other stories, but believe me, we're still gonna finish them.

It's been a while...

Posted at

I know.

First - Merry Christmas.

Second - Cindy and the bunch are coming back. I got too many emails to let The Community alone. Started on a chapter a bit ago.

Third - in a premature New Year's resolution, I promise to wrestle with Dorable until she starts me working again.

I know... I know...

Posted at

It's hard to explain the dry spell. I fully intend to get back in and finish Benjamanda and get back in on Present.

I have a couple of ideas on the back burner and I'm actually contemplating an entry into the Halloween contest. Details Matter started out as a prospective Halloween story but I fell in love with Sachiko and thought she deserved a bit more coverage.

So for all my fans and those who used to be fans - buck up! I'll get through this.

And I'm glad I don't write for a living.



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