Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

oyster50: Blog


Ida Missed Me

Posted at

I'm in SouthWEST Louisiana. Hurricane Ida rolled ashore in SouthEAST Louisiana, a hundred and fifty miles east of me. We hardly had a breezy day. I'm thankful. Last year we got hit twice - Laura and Delta.

Ida is not without effect for me, though. MY real job covers sites that were right under the worst Ida had to offer and now we're doing recovery things needed to keep America's energy infrastructure on line.

To the dozens of you who emailed and messaged me about my status, wishing me well, worrying - thanks, folks! Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.

Hurricanes 'n' stuff

Posted at

Several of you know that I live in Southwest Louisiana and that a mere year ago we suffered TWO hurricanes - Laura, officially a Category Four (maybe a Five - some critical instruments blew away when hit with 150 MPH winds - 155 is Cat 5) and Delta, a Category Two when it came onshore six weeks later, twelve miles east of Laura's track.

We got a story Hurricane, Laura out of it.

It's a year later. Hurricane Ida's predicted to come ashore as a Category Four tomorrow. Fortunately for me, she's a hundred and fifty miles east of me. Looks like the home is safe for me.

New Orleans, Baton Rouge, dozens of medium and small communities are in the path. Gonna be rough for them.

For me, when I put my work hat on, I have several facilities including offshore assets right there in Ida's path. This might be interesting.

For those of you who've written asking about me, cautioning me, CARING about me, thanks, folks!

Circle of Life

Posted at

I've run the course with Details Matter. For a story originally conceived for a Halloween story contest, this one took a life of its own.

I quite enjoyed writing it. Sachiko is an interesting character.

Lets see what my muse comes up with next.

How it works...

Posted at

for me, at least, writing is not my day job. I don't know how others do it, but a story line will get stuck in my head and for a bit my muse will have me rolling out words.

that's great.

I don't start a story with an outline of how the thing will go. Plot shows up as the muse directs.

That's great, too.

Downside? The muse decides that's all she's doing with that story.

Such is the fate of Hurricane, Laura. As you might know, a lot of the story is wrested from our record-breaking hurricane last year. The area's still recovering. Since then we've had another hurricane, a record-setting cold spell, and two weeks ago, the most rainfall in recorded history. People who were just getting homes together after Hurricane Laura found their homes inundated when flash floods - what you get when you dump fifteen inches of rain in six hours - pushed water into homes.

But the story? She is done.

Others await.

Thanks for reading, and for all the comments.

Thank you thank you thank you!

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I find it very satisfying that The Smart Girls universe was voted first place in TWO categories of the 2020 Clitorides Awards

Community - Moving On
came in first in Long Erotic Story category and Haley's Bunch popped in as first in the Best Incest Story group.

To all of you who've read, commented and voted, my deepest thanks.



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