Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

oyster50: Blog


Decidedly NOT dead...

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I'm alive. No major health issues. Dorable has been rather flighty lately.

There is a chapter of Details at the editor's, I'm working on a chapter of Benjamanda and cogitating on What Laura is doing.

In other words, I'm still writing.

To all of you who sent messages of 1) concern about my health, and 2)why the Hell I've not posted more chapters, thank you all. I need both of those.


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Clitorides award nominations are open. I ended three stories last year, Community - Moving On, Haley's Bunch, and Smooth Move, and offer them for consideration.


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First, to all who've wished me Merry Christmas and posted kind thoughts and prayers about my COVID battle, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

On the disease front, both I and Sweetie are over the disease. Mine was like a cold. Hers knocked her on her butt - fever, coughing, etc. for days. apparently there's a range of symptoms. I got one spot on the spectrum, she got another.

With all the holiday stuff, I've fallen behind on writing. I'm about 50% on a Details chapter and 30% on Laura and Benjamanda. This week should see all those go to the editor's care.

My usual plan to finish up stories by year's end so they might be voted upon in the next year's awards just isn't happening this year. I'll just rest on the kind words I get from you people. That keeps me going.

COVID Update

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ME. Had worse colds. Cough is light and infrequent. No fever. Treating symptoms with OTC meds.

Was already doing Vitamin D supplements. Increased those a bit and added zinc and Vitamin C above the standard multivitamins recommended for us old folks.

Quarantine's a bitch. Unfortunately, Dorable's been flighty during this time.

Life as she is experienced

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Positive COVID test this morning. Symptoms are a persistent cough, runny nose, sore throat from post-nasal drip, and what Grandma called 'malaise' - general achy feeling.

Exactly what I need, right?

Waiting on the call back from the family doctor. Let's see what manner of adventure comes out of being 70, fat and hypertensive and now with added viruses.

In the meantime, I have chapters queued up on all three active stories, so we should be good for a week or so.



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