Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

oyster50: Blog


Be gentle

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Details Matter It's the first time Dorable has taken me in this direction. New story. New ideas. new situations. I only hope you enjoy it as much as I have in putting it together.

Dorable Games - the count

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Since counting is such a big thing in the news...

Eighty messages posted concerning whether to post the magic story or wait until Halloween. four on the side of waiting, seventy-six saying just post the thing.

So, unless lawyers get involved, when it comes back from the editor, I'm posting.

Just remember - YOU asked for it.

Dorable Games

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You folks who've been following me for a while know that Dorable is my somewhat flighty muse.

She's done it again. SOL had a Halloween contest and I came up dry. No big deal. I haven't made the deadline for one of these contests yet.

Anyway, a week after Halloween, she comes up with what I think is a rather interesting story, a little departure from my usual story line in that it involves a bit of magic in a quirky twist. I knocked out a chapter already, it's getting edited, etc.

And therein lies the quandary: Do I hold onto it until NEXT Halloween or just say the heck with it and roll it out now?

I will entertain your thoughts. And if a little magic fantasy isn't your bag, be nice... I'm new to this.

The Year of Two Hurricanes

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Hurricane Delta came ashore 12 miles east of where Hurricane Laura made landfall six weeks before.

Fortunately, Delta was only a Category 2. A lot of debris was still in piles from Laura and some of that got blown around. A few more trees went down. Tarps installed to protect homes that lost roofs in Laura didn't fare well in Delta's winds.

Darned tootin' we evacuated, this time to East Texas. Wasn't far enough. The winds were rather feisty, enough to knock out power at the home where we stayed. Was out for almost 24 hours there. Back in Louisiana at the home we left? Two-hour outage.

Worked from home for three days after Delta's winds forced rainwater into our offices again. then things went back to (I hate the term) 'new normal'.

Work's been nuts with various projects jumping off, some storm-related issues, some just put onto odd schedules, driven by COVID restrictions.

Writing goes on - a bit less than I'd like, but believe me, the stories are going to flow.

Here we go again...

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Just as life was getting back to normal after Hurricane Laura, you know, electricity, water, businesses reopening, leveling out so I could get some writing done, along comes this Hurricane Delta.

The same "meteorologists" who predicted Laura would hit Florida as a Cat. 1 have been steadily moving Delta's path westward, and the latest has it side-swiping us with the eye passing forty miles to the east. They still have twenty-four hours to decide if we're getting a direct hit. Yeah, it's ONLY supposed to be a Cat. 2, but thousands of roofs are still missing from Laura, so this will be fun.

Evacuation happens tomorrow, and I don't know how much writing I'll get done then. I did manage to get a chapter of Benjamanda off to the editor today, so I will dangle that shiny object for us to think about in the short-term future.



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