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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

oyster50: Blog



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Posted unedited version of last chapter. Will post corrected version later

Saturday Morning

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Saturday morning. Fed the pups. Fed the bivalve (me). Savoring coffee, mindless background noise on TV. Opened SOL to check comments and I find that Beach House is in the #1 slot for story downloads. I'm not positive, but this could very well be the first time one of my stories hit the top spot. I am very pleasantly surprised.

Wow! Feels good!

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Posted chapter 2 of Beach House yesterday. Today I find it at #5 on the "Top Downloads" list. I'm having fun with the story and apparently some of you are, too.

My muse seems to be perched on my shoulder.

Still kicking

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Sometimes I fail to understand how my mind works when I'm trying to write. Like right now - I just can't seem to get into writing one staory, but another comes screaming and clawing its way out of my head.

I hope this characteristic of mine isn't too aggravating to you wonderful readers. So here's a story that wouldn't let me go. Hope you enjoy.

Life goes on

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Here's a chapter of Community - Still Here.

That describes me - still here. Still working full time. Married now since April. New house. Two dogs. A side-line job that brings in a few thousand from time to time.

And trying to write. I do get help from an old friend who's even more warped than I am. You folks give me the encouragement to carry on, and for that I thank you.



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