Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

oyster50: Blog


Real life

Posted at

Sometimes it intrudes. I noted a few comments in relation to me and recent hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. Believe me, I pay CLOSE attention, being 30 miles inland from the Gulf. Since 2005 I've taken hits, Rita in 2005, Ike in 2008, Laura and Delta in 2020.

This year I've been fortunate. Everything has been FAR to the east. I know what Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas and Tennessee are working through. It's horrendous to crawl back into an hurricane-devastated area not knowing what you'll find for a home, how long before you get electricity (except for a noisy generator) and groceries. I was thankful to find meals prepared by Mennonite volunteers from Ohio set up in the parking lot of a devastated Catholic church. People helped people.

But this year it's not me. I'm thankful.

As for the writing, I'm into a chapter of Beach House and a chapter of Community, so your patience is appreciated. As always, thanks for reading.

Life Intrudes

Posted at

I've been a BAD writer. This 'retirement' thing, I thought it would free up time that I could use for writing.

I was wrong. Sweetie sees it as unfettered access to my time to do things with her. I kind of like having her around, so I go along with her requests.

I write when she goes off on her own, which means I get less time for writing than was previously the case. I want to do better.

Plans? I have them. I want to wrap up loose ends on Benjamanda and My Present and I want to resume the Community stories. We'll see how that works.

And to all you wonderful folks who comment, thanks! You're a big part of the reason I keep doing this. The other part is that I want to see what happens next.


I hope it's premature

Posted at

I just retired, but I hope that I have a little bit of 'lifetime' left in me.

#2 slot in the Clitorides' Lifetime Achievement Award is quite a surprise.

I hope I have a few good tales left in me before the curtain falls.

To all of you who voted for me - thank you!

Whoops! I did it again!

Posted at

They say memory is the second thing that goes with advancing age. I don't know what the first is, but apparently it's organization.

Not only did I post an unedited Chapter 10, but I lost the copy returned by my editor, so I had a little work to do.

I think I fixed it.

Until next time.

I gotta pay atteention.

Posted at

Apparently my version tracking for chapters of The Beach House is broken and I posted another unedited chapter. Worse, I lost the edited version, so it may take a bit to get it fixed.

Sometimes this writing thing is complicated.



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