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I’ve submitted Chapter 13 of “A Fair Trade” today. With Kyle’s dad still out of town on business, he uncovers a key to his mother’s behavior. Chapter 14 will go up on Subscribestar for you lovely supporters. So far, I’m on schedule and about to generate new content vice updating the backlog of existing chapters. Once the new stuff is done, expect to see the full version on Bookapy.
Chapter 14 of the “The Immortal” will also be available today. It provides more of Jim and Mandy’s conversation and bonding. As I’ve noted, the following chapters will arrive whenever I’ve time to update and they clear The Yards.
As I move forward as a writer, The Yards will focus on works for posting further afield around the interwebz. For those of you on Subscribestar, not to worry, supporters will gain early access to those stories as well. Another hug to all those providing feedback. You fuel the muses.
As some of you may have noticed, I’ve released “The Ring–Bargain.” I’d penned this as a supporter-only short story last year, but they’ve agreed it would be appropriate to release such tales more broadly. While these shorter accounts have been available for purchase in Bookapy, they provide further insights into what may have or will be occurring outside the main Ring saga tales surrounding Aiden. As such, you can expect to see them release for free throughout the year. In a similar vein, any supporter-only short stories for “The Immortal” will follow this pattern, beginning with “Mi Finds a Home."
Future such adjunctive short stories will be both offered for free and sold in Bookapy for those of you wishing to support the site as well as myself. Frankly, they cost far more in time and effort to write/construct than any funds I would receive, so focus on the former.
And speaking of “The Immortal,” as I’d notified supporters earlier this year, I’ve begun updating his story once more. Of necessity, because of my work on several novels, the release schedule for each chapter will be loose as my intention is to maintain its format. It was my first story, and I scribbled it in crayon as a fantastical serial. It shall remain a serial. And quite fantastical. One day, when we all trundle across the finish line, a digitized leather-bound series of tomes may be offered in Bookapy. However, in the meantime, you may join me as I chronicle Iakovos’ meandering travels through his own personal encounters and the supernatural events occurring around him.
I’ve also submitted Chapter 12 of “A Fair Trade” today. When Kyle’s dad goes out of town on business, he’s left alone for more quality mother-son bonding time. Chapter 13 will go up on Subscribestar for you lovely supporters.
And again, I must highlight all those who’ve supported my efforts. Huge hugs and kisses from the muses. As a hobbyist, it’s never been my intention to make a living at skribblin’ o wirdz, but such generosity, either kind words or monetary or both, motivates me to share my stories with all of you. It also encourages me to improve. I hope to provide you the best writing I can rummage together from the screeching of the muses. You rock. Thank you.
Nothing dramatic for SOL as I’ll continue posting here for free. As noted last week, I remain focused on updating “A Fair Trade.” You’ll continue to see chapters weekly for the foreseeable future.
However, I’ve been fiddling with my Subscribestar page, adding a new tier to cover those who only wish to receive more detailed updates, i.e., glimpse the sausage-making within The Yards. In addition, depending on which higher tier, I’m restoring sneak peeks of upcoming chapters to and sneakier peeks into upcoming titles. Right now, that includes “Aiden Ascending,” a new MC’s inaugural novel, several short stories penciled in for release over the summer, and a few other titles I’ve got at various stages of completion. And last but not least, at the highest of tiers, established at the request of several exceedingly supportive supporters (see what I did there?), I’m providing priority for any open commission slots. My intent is to provide those who support me with additional value for their more than generous contributions.
Alright enough blathering on about that. You should find Chapter 10 of “A Fair Trade” posted here today. After the holiday, Kyle returns to school. Ms. Richardson, the hot new teacher everyone lusts after finds him—enticing. And then there’s cute little Beth, the neighbor girl who’s never spoken to him, until Shayna arrived. Excuse or magic? Hmm. Meanwhile, as noted above, Chapter 11 will go up on Subscribestar.
Again, thanks for all the positive feedback and special hugs to my supporters and any who purchase my mad scribblings on Bookapy. Without bourbon and coffee, the muses pout. Well, stomp their littler feet and pout. Annoying little brats.
Having survived Friday the Thirteenth, which actually means less than nothing to me since 13 has always been a lucky number, I hope you are all doing well. Not much to share other than I’m continuing to update “A Fair Trade.” With two additional chapters and 9k more words at the midway point, it’s getting quite the overhaul. It still looks like completion will be at the end of February and you should see the completed novel on Bookapy in March or April. Of course, chapters will continue to be posted weekly for free.
As such, you should find Chapter 9 posted today. The plot continues to thicken, as they say. While Kyle spends more quality time with his mother, this time he also uncovers her needs.
Again, thanks for all the positive feedback and special hugs to my supporters and any who purchase my mad scribblings on Bookapy. Without bourbon and coffee, the muses pout.
I hope everyone’s new year is going well so far. I’d already gotten a head start on my resolution. At the end of 2022, I reinforced my desire to keep writing as a hobby and removed myself from all social media. However, I’m continuing with Subscribestar to provide supporters with detailed progress updates, sneak peeks, and gain their input for future stories. As always, I remain exceedingly thankful for my supporters’ generosity.
The Yards haven’t slowed over the holidays. I finished the third draft of a new novel and it’s now in deep freeze until Summer when I’ll finalize, post, and publish. It will introduce a new MC and universe to play in with future titles/concepts already slotted.
Today, you should find Chapter 8 of “A Fair Trade.” Even as he struggles with his new world, Kyle attends physical therapy. Things will never be the same. This tale is now my primary focus in The Yards. As such, I’ll be polishing more existing chapters, reminding myself of the story, and working to complete it. Expect to see continued chapter posts and its publication on Bookapy later this Spring.
Another novella is also in the works. After dredging up a story from September, 2021(!), the muses have flung it into The Yards. I’ve rewritten the opening scene, and it’s a good one. As usual, it won’t be everyone’s cuppa tea, but I enjoy it. While it’ll have the appropriate tags, I wanted to give you beady-eyed, little 1-trolls time to get your fingers all nice and limber. Muhaha. By now I’ve realized that scores are meaningless. I only place value on detailed comments, good or bad.
Once more, thank you to those who’ve provided and continue to provide such feedback. As a hobbyist, while I’ll always only ever write what I choose, your comments keep me motivated to share.
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