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Everybody be safe, be smart and have a wonderful celebration. Let’s make 2023 an amazing year. Although I've been on vacation, the muses have given me little respite. As such, with a new bottle of bourbon to hand and fresh coffee, I’ll be back with much more mad word scribbles next year.
I’ve submitted Chapter 7 of “A Fair Trade” for posting. The plot thickens as Kyle’s new reality continues to morph. You’ll also see a bit more of his nighttime companion. Since, I’m busy with the holidays and doing some traveling, this is my last upload for 2022. Not to fear, The Yards never rest, and as time permits, I’ll continue editing my current project, which you should see in the Spring.
Once more, thank you all for the positive feedback. Although this year has had its trials, the knowledge you’ve enjoyed my writing has helped propel me forward. Special shout-out to those who’ve purchased my works on Bookapy and kept the bourbon flowing.
Since completing this week’s last phase of internet reduction, focusing on regular, detailed updates only on Subscribestar is far more convenient. Supporters on my site can track my progress; fair compensation for their amazing generosity.
All of which means I look forward to a very productive 2023. See you then.
For the second year in a row, I completed NaNoWriMo on 28 November, two days ahead of schedule with 50k words scribbled in “Aiden Ascending’s” rough draft. Better news: yesterday I finished the rough draft at 58,533 words in 24 chapters. It’s now in the freezer for 60 days (-ish) until I begin the second draft. "Aiden Ascending" should amount to c.70k words when you see it in Spring or Summer 2023.
Today, you should find Chapter 6 of “A Fair Trade.” More mother-son bonding in this one, along with Kyle’s new nightly visitor.
Update to the ever-tightening screws on adult content providers. My last blog’s note: “The free Follower tier grants the ability to view progress updates” is now incorrect. Subscribestar has changed their policy and the Follower tier will only receive an email that content is available to the supporter (paid) tiers. As such, I’m afraid this blog will be the only source of information on upcoming content for non-supporter tier members.
My thanks to those providing such positive feedback. You’re amazing and every comment helps drive me forward. The muses sing for all my Subscribestar supporters or those kind enough to purchase my works on Bookapy.
As I close on the end of November, it’s my traditional time to review the year’s activities. In this case, I focused on my writing related pursuits. After careful consideration, I’ve dropped Subscriber-only shorts, as they’re too time intensive and I’d prefer to share my stories with everyone. Furthermore, I’ve deleted my Discord server. From now on, subscribers can track my progress and preview upcoming material via Subscribestar posts. The free Follower tier grants the ability to view progress updates. Doing that has simplified my efforts, and thus I’ve more time for writing. Likewise, my nascent Instagram and Facebook accounts are no more.
Now, on to the future. NaNoWriMo is ending soon. I’ve already completed over 44k words for “Aiden Ascending’s” rough draft.
Today, you should also find Chapter 5 of “A Fair Trade.” Even more strange occurrences shake Kyle’s world. WARNING: I didn’t want to tag the entire story with it since it’s rare and of a very specific/limited variety, but this chapter contains a quasi-bestiality scene.
Again, your feedback is much appreciated and those of you supporting my efforts via Subscribestar or Bookapy are truly amazing. My profound thanks.
As of this morning, I’ve scribbled 32,879 words into the first thirteen chapters of “Aiden Ascending” for NaNoWriMo. In addition, I managed to update and post Chapter 4 of “A Fair Trade.” As he witnesses more change, Kyle’s world continues to alter.
Once more, your kind words and/or generous support via Subscribestar or Bookapy this week have continued to amaze me and drive me forward. Thank you all.
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