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After almost 174,000 words and fifty-nine chapters, Kyle Clarke’s saga has drawn to a close. As such, you’ll find the completed novel for sale. For those of you choosing the slow roll, I’m submitting Chapter 17 today, and future chapters will continue to be posted weekly. Likewise, Chapter 18 and further preview installments will be provided to supporters.
Since I’ve hit a natural pause, The Yards are being revamped. A lot of bits tend to get wobbly while focusing on a major book. Once that’s sorted, I’ll be working on a few smaller projects for other sites. Supporters will also see those. In addition, I’m planning the next series of updates for “The Immortal.” Stay tuned.
Despite the abysmal reception of “The Ring–Bargain,” I’m releasing the second such supporter-only short story from last year, “Mi Finds a Home.” Since it deals with a minor character who I found interesting, it’s not critical to “The Immortal,” but should be more of a fun read. Of course, I thought that about “Bargain,” so what do I know? Frankly, these little side-stories are already written, and only require formatting for SOL. So scores-be-damned, I’d rather continue sharing.
I’ve also submitted Chapter 16 of “A Fair Trade” today. Beth approaches Kyle and he’ll learn quite a bit more about Ms. Richardson. Chapter 17 will go up on Subscribestar for you lovely supporters. While I’ve been keeping them up to date on my progress, suffice it to say I’m in the home stretch.
As I’ve noted, I’m a hobbyist wird-skribbler who writes to share. After coming a fair way on this journey, I’ve realized it’s not anonymous scores, but rather feedback, whether critical, actionable, or simply kind words, that fuels my efforts. To all those who continue providing such critical support, my boundless thanks.
Get Out the Vote! Read and vote in the Valentine’s Day contest. There are some wonderful tales in there.
I’ve submitted Chapter 14 of “A Fair Trade” today. Kyle and his mother continue to grow closer. Chapter 15 will go up on Subscribestar for you lovely supporters.
I had a bit of a setback this week, one of the “A Fair Trade” chapters I was updating vaporized. The good news is I had the original, but I was back at square one. Anyway, it’s re-updated and in the chute, to be processed alongside the others I worked this week. Again, I'm plowing onward to complete the story.
Otherwise, The Yards remain focused on projects for different sites. As I mentioned last week, my current intent remains to provide my generous supporters with access to them. And once more, I must thank all of you who provide feedback. Every day, I work to perfect my craft. While I’ve no faith in scoring systems, I do value honest constructive criticism. And your interwebz hugz fuel de muzez. Thank you all.
I’ve submitted Chapter 13 of “A Fair Trade” today. With Kyle’s dad still out of town on business, he uncovers a key to his mother’s behavior. Chapter 14 will go up on Subscribestar for you lovely supporters. So far, I’m on schedule and about to generate new content vice updating the backlog of existing chapters. Once the new stuff is done, expect to see the full version on Bookapy.
Chapter 14 of the “The Immortal” will also be available today. It provides more of Jim and Mandy’s conversation and bonding. As I’ve noted, the following chapters will arrive whenever I’ve time to update and they clear The Yards.
As I move forward as a writer, The Yards will focus on works for posting further afield around the interwebz. For those of you on Subscribestar, not to worry, supporters will gain early access to those stories as well. Another hug to all those providing feedback. You fuel the muses.
As some of you may have noticed, I’ve released “The Ring–Bargain.” I’d penned this as a supporter-only short story last year, but they’ve agreed it would be appropriate to release such tales more broadly. While these shorter accounts have been available for purchase in Bookapy, they provide further insights into what may have or will be occurring outside the main Ring saga tales surrounding Aiden. As such, you can expect to see them release for free throughout the year. In a similar vein, any supporter-only short stories for “The Immortal” will follow this pattern, beginning with “Mi Finds a Home."
Future such adjunctive short stories will be both offered for free and sold in Bookapy for those of you wishing to support the site as well as myself. Frankly, they cost far more in time and effort to write/construct than any funds I would receive, so focus on the former.
And speaking of “The Immortal,” as I’d notified supporters earlier this year, I’ve begun updating his story once more. Of necessity, because of my work on several novels, the release schedule for each chapter will be loose as my intention is to maintain its format. It was my first story, and I scribbled it in crayon as a fantastical serial. It shall remain a serial. And quite fantastical. One day, when we all trundle across the finish line, a digitized leather-bound series of tomes may be offered in Bookapy. However, in the meantime, you may join me as I chronicle Iakovos’ meandering travels through his own personal encounters and the supernatural events occurring around him.
I’ve also submitted Chapter 12 of “A Fair Trade” today. When Kyle’s dad goes out of town on business, he’s left alone for more quality mother-son bonding time. Chapter 13 will go up on Subscribestar for you lovely supporters.
And again, I must highlight all those who’ve supported my efforts. Huge hugs and kisses from the muses. As a hobbyist, it’s never been my intention to make a living at skribblin’ o wirdz, but such generosity, either kind words or monetary or both, motivates me to share my stories with all of you. It also encourages me to improve. I hope to provide you the best writing I can rummage together from the screeching of the muses. You rock. Thank you.
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