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Alright, you should see the first of “Molly’s Tales” eight stories/chapters today. As I noted last week, the remaining chapters will appear biweekly. And, of course, the entire book is available on Bookapy if you’d like to skip ahead, while also supporting my future works and the site. Again, a reminder, check the tags.
The ninth chapter of “The Coach’s Wife” also arrives. Though still unsure about Coach and his wife, Hiram and Chanelle get to know each other better.
And Chapter 35 of “A Fair Trade” is available to free readers. As Kyle dreams, secrets are revealed while some mysteries deepen.
After completing the latest novel’s rough draft, I’ve given most of The Yards a holiday. It’s Summer! Instead, I’ve been free-wheeling, writing only for the pure joy of it. While this flirty little sex-filled romance has a title and I even made a cover, I’ve no idea where the characters will wander. And I don’t care. Take that outliner/planner authors. Thuppt! Hehe.
As always, hugs and eternal gratitude for those of you kind enough to provide feedback, support, or otherwise simply chat. You’re the reason I continue sharing my words.
To all of you who’ve purchased my latest title, thank you, thank you, thank you. After several comments from readers with financial challenges, I’ve reconsidered my original stance on posting it on SOL. For several reasons, I’d decided against doing so; however, in the interests of sharing it to a wider audience, I’ve relented. NOTE: Please, pay attention to the tags. Like a strong liqueur, it’s not for everyone.
Beginning next Saturday, its seven parts will appear. Each will be released biweekly, alternating with “The Immortal.” As an aside, while reformatting it for SOL, I caught a chapter naming error. I’ve corrected the ePub version.
The Yards also continued to churn. Since I’m finishing the rough draft for a new novel, I’ve already moved the next project into an open slipway. After that, I’ll be updating the sequel to “Aiden and the Ring,” which will hit the streets in January.
Today should see the eighth chapter of “The Coach’s Wife” in your hands. Mrs. Jenkins make a decision and wide-eyed Chanelle sashays into Hiram’s life.
And Chapter 34 of “A Fair Trade” is out. As Kyle navigates his time with Beth and Jeri, the clock is ticking ever faster.
The next installment of “The Immortal” also arrives today. In this nineteenth chapter, it’s the last day of the Mt. Aristeia trip. And as Mandy and Jim go picnicking, it’s time to push her boundaries a little further.
The astute of you may have noticed Jim’s tales now have a cover that references it as “Book One.” As I’d mentioned last week, we’re almost a third through this first “book.” So I may put it on Bookapy at some point. However, not before I’ve completed updating its final chapter. And also once I’ve determined a fitting endpoint since Jim’s tale was a first attempt at serialized fiction for my own amusement. His arc, as it were, stretches over all three “books.”
And one more shout out. Since I’ve left all other support channels, those of you kind enough to purchase any of my works are keeping the muses happy. And also ensuring I remain bourbon/coffee-infused. Thank you ever so much. Hugs.
This week saw me updating covers. After experimenting, I’d already standardized a clearer format for all the upcoming works. But I was on a roll and fixed the older ones on Bookapy. And with Lazeez’s kind assistance, over here on SOL as well. Fair warning, I’ve decided against updating the original prose unless somebody reports an egregious error. It would take up space in The Yards and, frankly, would require far too much work for little gain.
And The Yards are crammed. This week I completed a novella’s rough draft. It traces the budding relationship between a prominent US politician and her hot male escort neighbor. Great fun to write. After that went into the cooler, I knocked out the final drafts of two other novellas heading your way over the next few months. Which still leaves me tackling a novel rough draft I’d abandoned back in early 2022. Back then, I simply didn’t possess the character design knowledge or word skills to do it justice.
My newest novella, “Molly’s Tales,” went up for sale on Bookapy. Another fun story to write, but beware the tags. Although a romance, it’s dark and deals with youthful MtF transgender discovery, rough sex, and mother-son incest, among others. At first I considered calling it an anthology, but individually the tales are a bit short for my taste. So, boom, it has named chapters.
Here on SOL, the seventh chapter of “The Coach’s Wife” sees Hiram bracing to be fired by Coach and his wife. At their house, he’d clearly overstepped his mandate. And I’ve submitted Chapter 33 of “A Fair Trade.” It’s, uh, whew. Beth, meet Jeri. And, um, Jeri, meet Beth. To say things get steamy is an understatement.
Oh, and back in The Yards, I also ripped apart more horrid words in “The Immortal.” Two chapters are in final editing, while the next four require Frankenstein-level updating. For the curious, once you receive those six chapters, we’ll be at the one-third mark of the first of three books in Jim’s little saga. Yeah, I slaughtered a heckuva lot of innocent wirdz before sharing with ya’ll. Weeee….
So, yeah. The Yards were busy, but things are looking shinier. Once more, my eternal gratitude for those of you kind enough to support me and the site by purchasing works. And if not mine, then any of them. There’s a slew of very talented authors out there.
Well, here in the States anyway. Although The Yards continue to work. Today you should receive the latest from “The Coach’s Wife” and “A Fair Trade.” For those of you who’ve been beyond kind, supporting me and the website by purchasing them, I thank you. You all rock.
In the former’s sixth chapter, Cindy and Hiram’s secret is thrown wide, setting the stage for increasing tension and uncertainty in them both. As well as Coach. Oh, the twists and turns ahead.
Meanwhile, in Chapter 32 of “A Fair Trade,” Kyle has little energy to absorb Haley’s revelations. And even less time as his mother goes into labor and his parents must rush to the desert. But what to do with Kyle? He has an idea.
And Chapter 18 of “The Immortal” is headed your way. With Mandy away, Jim spends some quality cabin time with Susan and Desi.
As we roll once more into the back half of another year, I’m again reflecting. It’s been a good, if fast, year and I’m still polishing a slew of fresh stories. Since SOL doesn’t really work for shorter works, they’ll be heading for Bookapy. So, stay tuned for notifications and brief descriptions here should you choose to read them.
Hugs and wishes for a safe and wondrous holiday to all who’ve provided such wonderful comments and feedback. As I’ve said many times, I’m here to share my words and I’m ever so grateful so many of you are enjoying them.
Although there’s lots of travel ahead of me, most everything continues in The Yards. I’ve been hard at work polishing several tales heading to Bookapy. Besides a pair of short story anthologies, a novella and two short stories are making their way through my processes. Plus, another novella and “Aiden Ascending” are next in line for edits.
In the meantime, both the “The Coach’s Wife” and “A Fair Trade” will continue heading your way here on SOL. In the former’s fifth chapter, Cindy admits to deeper feelings and Hiram makes a decision that changes their trajectory forever. While in Chapter 31 of “A Fair Trade,” Kyle continues to struggle with his growing weakness and more of Haley’s revelations.
All in all, 2023 continues to be a productive year for writing. Indeed, the muses remain just as busy, tossing ever more ideas into my head. Hence, bourbon and coffee remain in high demand. Again, thank you for all your kind support.
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