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First, a reminder. Since it was a holiday weekend in the US, check last week’s blog post. It contains some important changes to accessing my current and future stories on SOL. As mentioned within it, anyone with better ideas or a good case to not execute them, contact me to discuss.
Alright, on with this week’s news. As mentioned before, September is all about the editing. Two short stories, two novellas and a pair of novels. The latter included completing technical edits of the sequel to “Aiden and the Ring.” It’ll go to the end of a short queue before undergoing audio review/final edits. As promised, Bookapy will see it and the rest soon. Once I get a chance to reformat for posting and organize the 2024-5 upload schedule, they’ll be available chapter-by-chapter here on SOL.
Meanwhile, this week’s free releases:
Chapter 16 of “The Coach’s Wife.” While hiking the great outdoors, Hiram and Chanelle discover more about each other.
Chapter 42 of “A Fair Trade.” Kyle and Shayna pay a visit to poor, lonely, and very hungry Mrs. Cameron. But can he survive the strain?
Chapter 23 of “The Immortal.” Back from Mt. Aristeia, Mandy is even more precocious and Jim is more than happy to oblige.
An admin note. I’ve updated my book covers and they’re now uploaded to Bookapy. A bit snazzier and standardized. Also, I’ve established a new collection – “Unleashed Wives,” and rolled “Owning My Image” into it as the first member. Other stories in the same vein are in the pipeline and it made sense to group them together. As always, because I’m rather a bit of an impish trickster—blame the muses—they will not be what you expect. There will be romance. And trope mash-ups. Also niches smeared all over the place. I let the characters tell the tale. Ah, the joys of being a hobbyist author.
Once more, thanks for all the kind words, the reviews, and the useful feedback. You fuel my desire to share. Hugs.
As I approach two years of sharing my wird-skribblz, I’ve been doing a bit of soul-searching. SOL has been a wonderful place for a burgeoning fiction author to experiment. And I want to do more than just post here to support Lazeez’s efforts. While I’ve no idea if he plans to modernize this site, I want to ensure he has the funding to do so.
Therefore, beginning 1 October, I’ll be restricting my back catalog to premium-only. Why? Simple. To encourage folks to become members. Now I’m a tiny fish in a large pond. So perhaps it’ll make no difference, but I feel I should try. No, I won’t make a dime from it. And, yes, I know I’ll be sacrificing potential new readers, but I won’t stop posting newer content for free. Only once the final chapter has been posted, will any new tale become premium. If some folks see my newer stuff and are curious but don’t/can’t spring for the premium membership, almost all my older works can be found on Bookapy.
What’s the actual impact? To date, I’ve shared three novels, two novellas, and five shorts on SOL. Plus the five micro-stories for BSFSF 2021. As of today, active in The Yards are twelve novels, two novellas, and three shorts. Most of those are completed rough drafts. Which brings me to the second procedural change. As these slide free of the slipways, I’ll be announcing them for pre-order on Bookapy, where they’ll be available first. Again, to encourage folks to support the site. Full disclosure: yes, I also earn a little coffee and bourbon money from book sales. However, they will be released later on SOL chapter-by-chapter for free.
And one final note. Some of those future titles, because they are more romance and less erotica, may be released elsewhere under a different pen name. Ditto for those dealing with niche topics, which ya’ll don’t enjoy so much.
Anyway, that’s my thoughts. If anyone has better ideas, toss ‘em my way.
This week’s releases:
Chapter 15 of “The Coach’s Wife.” Chanelle calls. With his wife home early, Coach asks for Hiram to visit once again.
Chapter 41 of “A Fair Trade.” As Kyle undergoes more medical testing, his mother continues to act even stranger. And a phone call portends more challenges.
The fourth part of “Molly’s Tales.” Another sexy twist. Molly’s mum shares her history. A deal is made; a pecking-order of sorts. This was so much fun to write.
As always, my profound gratitude to all those supporting my efforts either with kinds words and useful feedback, or by purchasing my works. Hugs to you all. From the above, it looks like—fingers crossed—we’ve got years of content heading your way.
There I was, on vacation, minding my own business. The little rapscallions shoved another concept into my skull. I ignored them. Told them it’s not the right time. Give me more than just a handful of kinky scenes. At best, it was a standard erotica trope tale. They sulked. But then they returned several days later. And boom, now I’m over fifty thousand words into a new novel. With a plot, an ending, and compelling characters. A wondrous conflict or two to boot. What a great time to be a writer.
This week, you should find:
Chapter 13 of “The Coach’s Wife.” The feelings between Hiram and Cindy continue to intensify far beyond either had expected. Hmm, and exactly how much does Coach know?
Chapter 39 of “A Fair Trade.” With Kyle’s parents back from the desert, the expected normalcy doesn’t return. Besides the previous changes, his mother’s lust-filled psyche has transformed further.
The third part of “Molly’s Tales.” As is my wont, the story twists. Molly’s gorgeous lonely mum plus hunky Lee. Plus sexy-as-all-fuck Molly. Let the good times roll.
The auto-doodad will keep you wonderful readers satiated while I’m back on the road again for a couple of weeks. Once home, I’ll commence technical editing of the sequel to “Aiden and the Ring.” The entire month of September is slated for editing that and another novel, introducing a new character. If it’s popular enough, I’ll consider a sequel to it as well. Both are slotted for January 2024 release, here and on Bookapy.
Stay safe and hydrated. Hugs.
After completing that flirty new novel’s rough draft, I clambered into a time machine. While I must edit the next tranche of “The Immortal,” I was looking for a story to write that wouldn’t interfere.
A brief explanation is in order. Quite a few of you have asked how I can work multiple stories. The simple answer is the “multi-track” brain I’ve always had. But since becoming a writer, the more complex one involves focusing the muses onto appropriate tales. Ideally, they have differing main characters. If one has a male lead, the other(s) should not. By the same token, differing POVs assist greatly. As you should know by now, I’m a huge fan of first person/deep. However, I also enjoy writing in third person/deep while sometimes adding a touch of omniscience. And finally, tone is critical. It’s often the most challenging to keep straight as my characters weave themselves forward along a plotline.
All of that to say, “have you wondered what happened to Dan and Daisy?” They were the newlyweds in one of the first tales I ever shared, “On The Highway.” Well, I started a sequel soon after, but the original met with mixed reviews and frankly I had other stories to focus on at the time. But damned if Daisy hadn’t danced her way into my heart. As had Dan. As such, I’ve dusted off the old quasi-manuscript. The tone is 180 from “The Immortal.” And since its writing in third/deep, it supports the same multi-POV sections/chapters as opposed to Jim’s saga. Boom, perfect for this writing role as I edit.
In the meantime, this week’s goodies are as follows:
Chapter 11 of “The Coach’s Wife.” After Hiram arrives at the Jenkins’ home, things aren’t quite as simple.
Chapter 37 of “A Fair Trade.” At last alone together, Kyle reaffirms his commitment to Jeri.
If all goes well, you should also see the second part of “Molly’s Tales.” Oh no! Poor, poor Molly gets kidnapped by the Russian mob. Giggle.
Next weekend I’m on the road, but the SOL auto-doodad thingee should provide you with more of Hiram, Kyle, and Jim. Please do enjoy.
Wishing you all the happiest of summers. And my eternal thanks to those of you offering kind words and useful feedback. My warmest hugs to supporters of the site and myself via Bookapy purchases. It’s the best way to support hobbyist writers like me and the others on SOL. We’re sharing our worlds, not writing to mass-market niches.
The following chapters should arrive today:
Chapter 10 of “The Coach’s Wife.” Coach begs Hiram to visit.
Chapter 36 of “A Fair Trade.” Still-shaken by the dream, Kyle enjoys his remaining time with Jeri. But what about Beth?
Chapter 20 of “The Immortal.” After company arrives for the Mt. Aristeia picnic, Jim orchestrates Mandy’s next boundary-shoving event.
As we approach the height of the Summer travel season, The Yards are focused on updating “The Immortal.” The current batch of nine chapters is in editing. And the next tranche of six chapters is at a stage where I can update them from the road. and for funsies, I’m also plugging along on my sexy little romance. Which is now a novel. So much for little.
As always, no matter how short my updates, I’ll never stop thanking you wonderful readers for all the support. Whether through book purchases, or feedback and kind words, you are the reason I share my works. You rock. Stay hydrated and cool(er).
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