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Woot! My latest novel “Not Yet” has been doing well. And not just on Bookapy, but out across the wider interwebz. Guess folks enjoy my writing, huh? I’ve slotted it for SOL release beginning in January.
This week I'm finishing a rough draft for a “Ring Saga” novel slated for late-2024. After that, the next couple of weeks are dedicated to final edits of “Aiden Ascending,” the second in Aiden’s adventures with the ring. A lot has changed in the intervening years since their initial meeting and subsequent encounters. It will hit Bookapy around the holidays, along with a non-Ring novel and novella. All will appear on SOL in 2024.
A quick reminder: now that my Discord server has flickered back to life, I’m available most days while writing. And commissions are back open, so feel free to contact me there or send an email to discuss.
Once more, a shout-out and big hug to all the dedicated readers who support not just me, but other writers. Your kind words, feedback, and for those who can purchase works, financial support means so much.
After two years of sharing my wird-skribblz it’s time for a little reflection. Far more confident in my abilities, I’m in a happy place, enjoying every character I bring to life. Each day begins with a review of the manifesto I made at the onset of this crazed, muse-herding ride: improve my craft, seek new challenges, and have fun.
The latest challenge overcome? “Not Yet” launches tomorrow on Bookapy and a few other places around the interwebz. It’s my first novel to go wide! And there’s a lot more in “The Yards.” As much as I adore commissioned stories, it’s been quite a productive year for novels and novellas. Now that my Discord server is back, sneak peeks will appear there once they’re a bit more polished. Also, I’ve begun providing periodic snapshots of current projects.
As always, my humble gratitude to those of you who’ve reached out over these past two years. Those kind words helped keep me plugging along. And for those who’ve purchased books or provided funds via my supporter sites, thank you ever so much. The bourbon and coffee you provided fueled the muses.
The first of The Yard’s latest releases is heading to Bookapy. “Not Yet,” is a novel following sexy Lisa and her playful husband Bobby. On Bobby’s dare, they enter an interesting relationship with Pete, the well-built older widower next door. This one will be on pre-release until 1 October here on Bookapy and elsewhere. In early 2024 it’ll hit SOL on a chapter-by-chapter basis.
“Not Yet” is the second in what I’ve termed “The Unleashed Wives” series; the first being “Owning My Image.” Each story in the series will detail a married woman’s struggles with her past and present, while charting a future. More such stories are on the horizon, beginning with the also just-completed novella, “Bad Mommy.” And of course, since it’s me, they’re all romances with a smearing mélange of tropes, niches, and kinks.
Also launching to Bookapy today are two short stories. “What Devin Knows” chronicles veteran male escort Devin’s adventures with a married couple he doesn’t trust. “Not The Marrying Type” follows a young hooker. Smart, selective and driven, Kayla seeks to escape small town life. And perhaps find love? Yeah, earlier this year the muses were playing around in the world of sex work.
One more spot of news. I’ve revamped/simplified my Discord presence. “The Yards” is now open for anyone wishing to chat, comment, or discuss existing or future works. Welcome one and all. Invite link: https://discord.gg/YpSmty7Z
Meanwhile, this week’s SOL chapters:
Chapter 18 of “The Coach’s Wife.” With his wife concerned she may lose Hiram; Coach invites him to dinner.
Chapter 44 of “A Fair Trade.” More of Mrs. Cameron’s secrets are revealed, but Kyle will pay a price.
Chapter 24 of “The Immortal.” Gary and Lucy arrive to share the picnic video. When Mandy arrives to play, the true depth of her feelings for Jim is uncovered.
Huge hugs to all of you as Autumn arrives. Whether you’re kind enough to support my efforts or the efforts of other writers, you are all awesome. Kind words, useful feedback, and, if you’re able, purchasing works all permit us to do what we love–engage readers.
Short and sweet. Busy, busy in The Yards. Just finished another novel. It and two short stories should go up for pre-purchase on Bookapy next Saturday. They’ll be released on 1 October. Meanwhile, I’ll be doing the final edits on a pair of novellas next week, before returning to the new Aiden novel for its last polish. Those should hit Bookapy later this year. Bar the shorts, all will hit free release on SOL next year, schedule TBD.
Then it’s back to writing mode in October, which is dedicated to finishing another pair of novel rough drafts. And NaNoWriMo this year will see me taking another swing at a horror story. I don’t have time to write it for the Halloween contest. Besides, I’m thinking it’ll be more of a novel, anyway.
Meanwhile, this week’s free releases:
Chapter 17 of “The Coach’s Wife.” Hiram and Chanelle continue their picnic adventure. (Note: I caught some jumbled text in the SOL format and 17.01 should go up shortly.)
Chapter 43 of “A Fair Trade.” Desperate, Mrs. Cameron tries everything to get Kyle to stay. Will her gamble pay off? And will Kyle survive?
The fifth part of “Molly’s Tales.” “Dare to Shop.” Molly takes her mum shopping for more appropriate apparel. Another fun write from earlier this year.
And another round of thanks to those of you who’ve taken the time to share kind words. You’re the wind beneath my angel’s (cough, cough) wings. Those of you supporting my efforts and the site through Bookapy purchases. Super hugs. You’re fueling the muses. They run on bourbon and coffee.
First, a reminder. Since it was a holiday weekend in the US, check last week’s blog post. It contains some important changes to accessing my current and future stories on SOL. As mentioned within it, anyone with better ideas or a good case to not execute them, contact me to discuss.
Alright, on with this week’s news. As mentioned before, September is all about the editing. Two short stories, two novellas and a pair of novels. The latter included completing technical edits of the sequel to “Aiden and the Ring.” It’ll go to the end of a short queue before undergoing audio review/final edits. As promised, Bookapy will see it and the rest soon. Once I get a chance to reformat for posting and organize the 2024-5 upload schedule, they’ll be available chapter-by-chapter here on SOL.
Meanwhile, this week’s free releases:
Chapter 16 of “The Coach’s Wife.” While hiking the great outdoors, Hiram and Chanelle discover more about each other.
Chapter 42 of “A Fair Trade.” Kyle and Shayna pay a visit to poor, lonely, and very hungry Mrs. Cameron. But can he survive the strain?
Chapter 23 of “The Immortal.” Back from Mt. Aristeia, Mandy is even more precocious and Jim is more than happy to oblige.
An admin note. I’ve updated my book covers and they’re now uploaded to Bookapy. A bit snazzier and standardized. Also, I’ve established a new collection – “Unleashed Wives,” and rolled “Owning My Image” into it as the first member. Other stories in the same vein are in the pipeline and it made sense to group them together. As always, because I’m rather a bit of an impish trickster—blame the muses—they will not be what you expect. There will be romance. And trope mash-ups. Also niches smeared all over the place. I let the characters tell the tale. Ah, the joys of being a hobbyist author.
Once more, thanks for all the kind words, the reviews, and the useful feedback. You fuel my desire to share. Hugs.
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