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No blog updates this week or next.
All the best for the holidays.
And have a Wonderful New Year.
Stay safe, be kind, and take care of one another.
Hugs and a reminder: My EOY Sale continues on Bookapy.
To help get you all through the winter doldrums, I’ve reduced prices for most of my works on Bookapy through January 7. Enjoy and remember although every purchase gains me a little bourbon money, much more importantly it helps support this site. Happy Holidays.
In between working through the second draft of a novel heading your way in late 2024, I’ve put together an ePub version of “The Immortal” Not for release, but for me to kick back with a large mug of bourbon-infused coffee and gauge the remaining work. Very large mug. Lots of bourbon.
A mix of the original rough draft from early 2021, i.e. the crappy early-writing version, and updated prose, its 280k words are in sixty “chapters.” The first sixteen of those proto-chapters—yep, I was very much a rookie writer—are now thirty-two proper chapters. And while those sixteen held 53k crappy words, the thirty-two new ones total 108k much shinier, concise words.
Anyone else doing the math? Yep, now you understand why that tome is taking so long to get to you.
But wait, there’s more. That’s technically titled “The Immortal, Volume One.” Um-hmm, there’s a second tome of 190k ancient words. And a good chunk of a third.
Oh, and that’s all before my adding in the missing paranormal details via new chapters, characters, and events.
By all rights, I should abandon it. Gods above, I’ve tried over the years. Those of you who’ve been following this blog, have heard my whining.
Except, here’s the thing. It was my first love. Well, along with Aiden’s saga. Okay, you caught me; I’m a bit of a polyamorist. Which means, damn it, I’m gonna keep on keeping on.
Chapters will launch as I scrounge the time to update and polish them. At the end of this first “book,” I’ll hang it on Bookapy with minor tweaks to older sections. But it will take some time. So, bear with me.
All of which means, I’m spending the rest of the year on “The Immortal.” At least eight additional chapters are in “The Yards.” The rest will follow in due time.
So, stay tuned. I won’t give up on Iakovos.
Amid the above, I’ve also tweaked my Discord server a bit. Streamlined some sections, etc. Although it’s still a fledgling presence, I’m using it to gather information about book releases, provide progress updates, and chat with readers. Link in profile and SOL home page. All are welcome.
Not much to chat about this week. After a slow start, the rough draft of “After the Highway” is finished. Next week it’s on to another novel’s second draft. Unlike previous years, I’ve established a more measured pace, and will be slow-rolling through the season.
Even the muses are behaving. I think they’re a bit grumpy since I scribble whatever weird ideas they toss my way into a spreadsheet and leave them for later. “Later” meaning beyond the twenty-odd novels already in production. The only exceptions are if they fit a commissioned story since those take priority.
Anyway, stay warm. And safe. Look after each other.
NOTE: “The Immortal” has NOT concluded. It will return in January.
Next week I return to the rough draft for “After the Highway.” As one of the first stories I shared here on SOL, Daisy and her husband’s adventures “On the Highway” was great fun to write. And since I have a special affinity for Daisy, I broke my pledge to not re-look older stories. To be honest, I’m kinda glad I did. With additional characters and a more complex plot, this is a full novel exploring the ramifications of what happened in the first tale.
In the meantime, I took the next three chapters of “The Immortal” through technical edits. There will be a gap before these arrive in late January. Stay tuned. As I’ve mentioned, Jim’s serialized saga gets time as it becomes available, and I’ve been focused on novel-writing.
Once more, thank you for the kind words. Also, I’m so happy folks are not only reading my creations but are kind enough to support my continued efforts through purchases.
And a reminder: feel free to pop into “The Yards” on Discord. I’m pretty active there and post more detailed information. For example, this week I shared my current writing process.
Stay warm.
Didnt eat too much. That’s another well-cooked turkey behind me. And nope, didn’t shop yesterday. Scarred for life after too many years in retail.
Short update this week.
“Molly’s Tales” will slide into Premium access at the end of the month. SOL readership, never high, has dropped off since the last chapter was posted at the end of October. Pity, as it’s highly rated by those who’ve purchased it. Different audiences, I suppose. All these minutiae are quite intriguing for a niche-hopping hobbyist writer.
Come Monday, I return to the second edits of a much darker novel. It’s my first real attempt at writing an unlikable character. Borderline sociopath who acquires a harem—because he can. Then discovers they provide even more opportunities than the obvious. Sort of a darker Aiden. Fun to write, but I’m unsure how readers will react. While I’ve got this penciled in as the first of a trilogy, we shall see.
Again, thanks for your kind words and support.
Hugs to you all.
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