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INtrinSicliValud: Blog


And Back!

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Today, Chapter 24 of “A Fair Trade” will be submitted. Jimmy Devlin arrives at Beth’s and a sordid secret is revealed.

***NOTE: There is some MA/MA activity in this chapter as part of a Multi scenario. It’s brief but be forewarned.***

I’ll get Chapter 25 out to my wonderful Subscribestar supporters.

Also, the last of last year’s subscriber-only shorts should be heading your way. “The Ring – Training” continues Leah’s journey to become a temptress. She is sent against her first target on the road to regaining the ring.

Okay, I’m figuring you’re tired of me gushing over those kind souls who’ve supported me and the site via Bookapy. But I can’t stop. Thank you ever so much. “A Fair Trade” is flying off the shelves, so to speak. Also, I’m guessing the newer among you have been exceedingly kind, purchasing my older works. You all rock.

And wow! Four hundred followers. I’m so happy all of you have enjoyed my works. I’ve not wavered in my continued dedication to become a better wird-skribbler with each story. Thank you for your confidence.


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Before taking a brief break, I finished the second edits on “Aiden Ascending.” While away from novel production, I’ll be editing short stories and polishing the next chapters for “The Immortal.”

Today, Chapter 23 of “A Fair Trade” will be submitted and I’ll get Chapter 24 out to my wonderful Subscribstar supporters. Speaking of wonderful, those of you who’ve supported me and the site by purchasing “A Fair Trade” and other stories from my back catalogue are absolutely amazing! Thank you ever so much and I’m so happy you’re enjoying the stories. Wow!

Although there’ll be nothing from me next week, I’ll see you here again in May. Enjoy those final April Showers and brace for all the flowers. Those of you with allergies, my commiseration, but I adore them.

Much Hammering in The Yards

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The sequel to “Aiden and The Ring” is midway through its second round of edits. I scribbled the rough draft of “Aiden Ascending” during last year’s NaNoWriMo. In addition, I’ve been updating several horrid older chapters of “The Immortal,” as I feel bad about letting dear Jim linger. He’s got so much ahead of him. It’s just a pity his story was the first one I “wrote.” As I’ve mentioned before, it needs copious amounts of work, but I have him slotted amongst the other projects. So, never fear.

Oh, and wow. You’ve all surprised me, and I cannot thank you enough for keeping “A Fair Trade” doing so well on Bookapy. I will post Chapter 22 for free today. Quite a lot more of Beth is revealed. Chapter 23 will be available to Subscribestar supporters.

Also this week, I’m releasing the sequel to “The Ring – Before” for free as well. “The Ring – Discovered” gives a little more insight into Sierra. It also depicts how those with demeanors different from Aiden have used the ring. This and “Before” were subscriber-only short stories I wrote last year to highlight that he is indeed a unique partner in their relationship. They’re also available on Bookapy should you desire to support me and the site.

Hugs to you all.

Whew! The Yards Were Roaring

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All week, I’ve been laser-focused on third (technical) edits to a novel. It was very much a case of fresh eyes, since I hadn’t seen the rough draft since October. I’m quite happy with the results and it’s on an excellent glide-path. Once it finishes a final editing round, you should see it in the summer.

Speaking of glidepaths, another, most likely final, burst of gratitude to those who’ve bought “A Fair Trade” on Bookapy. As is the way of things, it’s dropped off the front page to tumble into the murk among all the other works from far-better authors. But I remain pleased it could entertain so many of you. For the freefolk, Chapter 21 will be posted today. No spoilers as many aren’t caught up, but tick tock, time’s beginning to race faster for Kyle. And Chapter 22 will be available to Subscribestar supporters.

On Monday, I commence working on the sequel to “Aiden and The Ring.” Its rough draft was scribbled during last year’s NaNoWriMo so this will be its second editing round, wherein I tease out details and ensure proper flow, characterization, plot dynamics, blah, blah, blah. It’s a lot of fun and should lead to an even more intriguing tale as Aiden continues his struggles.

In the meantime, this weekend I’m scribing indulgent short stories. Gotta keep the muses satiated or they annoy me while I’m trying to edit. Sigh.

April Fool’s Day

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I guess, but in The Yards, we’ve been crunching along. But first, I’m going to repeat my thanks for those who’ve purchased “A Fair Trade” on Bookapy. Both on my behalf and the site. Bravo and I’m so happy you find my work entertaining enough to spend your hard-earned money. Chapter 20 will be posted today. It begins with Jeri and ends with…? And Chapter 21 will be available to Subscribestar supporters.

As I’ve shared with my supporters, that little indulgence of a tale has ended up being just shy of 85k words in thirty chapters. Wow! I’d claim credit, but it was the muses slapping word after word into me over the past month. Pure joy of writing. And I kept to my mantra. The main character is sort of an anti-Aiden. He’s got a goal. He pursues and accomplishes it. That leads to an expanded understanding of his true capabilities and additional more strategic pursuits. And of course, harem-building all the way, because he can uncover those dark secrets. Anyway, oit was a lot of fun, but I’m back to editing on Monday.

Despite the horrid acceptance of the last subscriber-only short, I’m releasing another, “The Ring – Before.” Muhaha. Ever wonder how the ring ended up in that muddy field for Aiden to find? So did I. This is the first of a pair that provide some insight into the ring’s previous owner. She’s, uh, got issues.

Another round of heartfelt gratitude to all my followers, supports, and those who comment and email. You all rock and keep me wanting to share my wird-skribblz.



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