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INtrinSicliValud: Blog


20220930 – One Year!

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I can hardly believe it’s been a whole year since I first posted “On the Highway” and watched the download numbers climb. “Hey! People are reading my stuff.” Feedback was positive, and I got to know some of you well. Since then, I’ve foisted several more stories on you while behind the scenes tweaking my processes to maintain a more sustainable flow of tales. Since that first big rush has emptied the coffers, I’m working on newer stuff at a more reserved pace.

What’s upcoming? Subscribers heard in August, but here’s the summary:

The rest of October, I’m finishing the second draft of “Not Yet” a standalone story. Then it’s on to NaNoWriMo in November. This year, I’ll be drafting another sci-fi tale, tentatively titled “Star Waif and the Grump.” After that’s in the freezer, I’ll rework the partial rough draft for “Aiden Ascending.” Aiden is by far my most popular character and story. Finishing out the year will be the final polish on “The Coach’s Wife,” so I can introduce Hiram early next year.

Meanwhile, the beat goes on. I’ve submitted Chapter 31 of “Aiden and The Ring” for posting. Kendra pleads for Gina’s intervention with Aiden. Aiden visits her office and plans are made. Chapter 32 is now available on Subscribestar.

While it’s not been as lucrative an endeavor as I’d wished, it’s never really been about the money. Writing continues to be incredibly fun and my thanks to every one of you for your support, feedback, and constructive criticism.

Reports of My Demise…

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I’ve submitted Chapter 29 of “Aiden and The Ring” for posting. Aiden continues to dodge Kendra and pays a visit to Dan and Gina. As the ring hungers and Aiden struggles, more options appear while anxieties deepen. Chapter 30 is now available on Subscribestar. All subscribers, please note my latest post about renewal status on Discord and Subscribestar. Bottom line is they agreed to my terms and that should make it easier for you.

I won’t bore you with details, see Discord for them, but writing has taken a back seat to contractor visits. I’ve selected the ones to do the work and now they’re doing pre-inspections. For those not following me on Discord, my efforts have been wholly focused on completing a second draft. I’m up against a self-imposed hard deadline of 1 November due to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) kicking off. During that, I’ll be scribbling the 50k-word rough draft of a sexy sci-fi novel.

The last completed Ring Saga short side-story, “The Ring – Training,” will be on Bookapy sometime today. I’ve paused sequels and other shorts until I can get a grip on the major stories already underway. We’ll see how the rest of the year pans out, but thank you all for the kind feedback and continued support.

Another hug of gratitude to those on Subscribestar and purchasing my works on Bookapy. Thank you ever so much.

20220826 – Busy, but…

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I’ve submitted Chapter 28 of “Aiden and The Ring” for posting. Kendra’s special night with Aiden and Kitten ends in fear and apprehension. Chapter 29 is now available on Subscribestar. Once more a reminder for all subscribers, please note my post about renewal status on Discord and Subscribestar.

This week’s writing was heavily impacted by contractor visits. It’s time to replace windows and get some much-delayed home repairs underway. In addition, next week is ProWritingAid’s Sci-Fi Writer’s Week, so I won’t have much word scribbling time once again. I’m looking to get additional tips and tricks as my next National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) novel will be sexy sci-fi, just as the last one was.

All of which means I’ve got some upcoming stuff that will impact future releases. Next week will see the publication of the last completed Ring Saga short side-story on Bookapy, “The Ring – Training.” I’ve paused sequels and other shorts until I can get a grip on the major stories already underway. We’ll see how the rest of the year pans out, but thank you all for the kind feedback and continued support. Those on Subscribestar and purchasing my works on Bookapy are amazing. Right now, I can use every bit of income—windows ain’t cheap. Sigh.

Summer Doldrums

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I’ve submitted Chapter 27 of “Aiden and The Ring” for posting. Aiden provides Kendra another fantasy and Kitten gets a night they’ll all remember. Chapter 28 is now available on Subscribestar. All subscribers, another reminder, please note my post about subscriber renewal status on Discord and Subscribestar.

Mostly the same status as last week’s blog post. I’ve been slowed to a snail’s pace, not just because of the summer blah’s but I’m also herding cats to find and hire contractors to fix up my home. Not difficult, but time-consuming. And as that project moves forward, my writing time may become shorter. Stay tuned.

I am continuing to rework the rough draft I’d pulled from the freezer. Since that's behind schedule, I’ve pushed the next chapter of “The Immortal” rough draft polishing to the right. Never fear, I have everything I need, except the time to scribble it.

Another shout-out to my supporters, Subscribestar or otherwise, you are the reason I keep pursuing this crazy hobby. And those who’ve helped me and the site by purchasing my works are immensely kind. Hugs from the muses to you all.

And I’m Back

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Greetings all. I’ve returned from vacation, rarin’ to go once more. I’ve submitted Chapter 26 of “Aiden and The Ring” for posting. Aiden spends some quality time with Mrs. Davis. Chapter 27 is now available on Subscribestar. Please note my post about subscriber renewal status on Discord and Subscribestar.

In other Ring Saga news, the next short side-story, “The Ring – Bargain,” is now available on Bookapy. This one introduces Leah and her decision to hunt for the ring. I just handed the sequel, “The Ring – Training,” to supporters on Subscribestar. It follows Leah as she gains experience to aid in her quest and will be available on Bookapy in September.

Those of you tracking me on Discord are already aware, but I’ll be focusing on a new rough draft that I’ve pulled from the freezer. You should see it in October. In addition, I’m working on the next chapter of “The Immortal.” “Aiden Ascending” will be next in the chute and I’m planning to get the rough draft complete before November, because…. That’s right National Novel Writing Month is happening again! I’ll be drafting another science-fiction tale. Rounding out 2022’s writing schedule will be polishing the rough draft of my new MC’s introductory novel. You should see that early next year.

All in all, I’m back in the saddle again.



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