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Eddie Davidson: Blog


What I did on my Summer Break Story Challenge

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Yesterday, I thought a Brady Bunch story challenge might excite people.

Then I realized I am old as the hills and so are the brady's and many of you may not even know who they are. Although, I still like the idea of the Patridge Family moving next door and the girls getting into catfights ending in an orgy.

In any case, I ask that you consider that Summer is basically over and it is time to write a short story "What I did on my Summer Vacation" story.

Write it from the perspective of one of your favorite characters - from a story you wrote, from a TV series, from a movie, a book, or make up one about yourself or your hot cousin!

Just write something about the summer break?

Example: One Summer, I spent in George on a horse ranch. I was bragging to everyone how I made out with this hot girl and she practically begged me to go skinny dipping.
Then she walked in and my Uncle said "Was it her?"
She was my vivacious cousin. She looked like a skinny Delta Burke with big hair and lots of makeup.

How about a story about your hottest summer if not this past summer?

Fat Tits, Big Asses, Wet Pussies, Hard Dicks - are optional should be included in every family vacation story.

Naked on Summer Vacation: Ch 24 hottest chapter I ever wrote

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I just published up chapter 24 of the Naked on Summer Vacation story "Slut Summer School"

I've written a lot more than I ever thought I would on this site. It's been a joy to write and to receive your feedback (mostly). Some people like to send nasty grams because they don't like stories with humiliation/bondage but that's okay I guess. They have to get it off their chest somehow.

I would say that this chapter is probably the hottest chapter I've ever written. There was a nice simmer and it reminded me of early experiences with sexuality (without someone's mother there watching) of my own. I felt it was very authentic but more importantly - strokeworthy.

No spoilers but introducing Kiwi has been a real valuable part of the story. What do you think about him? Any New Zealanders find his behavior/speech credible?

Some people's entire 7 part story would barely be 14 pages of text. Most of my chapters are 14+ pages by themselves so I know it can be daunting.

If you are on the fence about reading my story, I'd suggest reading chapter 24 first and then going back to the start if you like it. That's how proud I am of it.

Slut Summer School: Easter Eggs Betty Finch and Jeffery Epstein

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If you are a follower of my story "Naked on Summer Vacation: Slut Summer School" and have read the latest chapters you will know that Betty Finch (9th grade version of Samantha Fox back in the height of the 80s) refers to her rich boyfriend as "Jeffery Epstein"

Betty has just been told NO by the main character to being trained, after she asks and she turns to her boyfriend who says he has a "few ideas" to allude to the fact that is where Betty gets her training. I thought that was a fun Easter Egg.

Which if you are following the news, you know he had a sex island where he ALLEGEDLY trained sexy girls and used them for all sorts of blackmail etc. I say ALLEGEDLY the way OJ "ALLEGEDLY" killed his wife of course.

Anyway, Jeffery Epstein seems like he would be the kind of story on SOL That no one would believe.

"So there I was. This rich billionaire with my own island of hot girls. Bill Cosby and Woody Allen are there with me and I introduce them to Tanya the porn star that looks like she is in high school and they say do you have anything more exotic and I say she was just the floor show. Come this way, guys"

The bigger easter egg and maybe you do or don't know this but:

If you also read "Do you have a Big Dick, if not why?" and "its not cheating if you watch" Betty Finch is now in modern times,and grown up with two daughters of her own.

I admire easter eggs in stories. Homages to other authors, little teases between stories, etc. Do you notice them? Was that one fairly obvious to you?

What other kinds of easter eggs would you like to see in this story?

Do you usually read the back catalog of favorites authors?

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I took a little summer vacation of my own and stopped writing around the 4th of July. (many thanks to those who participated in the 4th of July challenge btw). Lajeez even wrote to me and told me it was fine to ask for informal story challenges and to knock ourselves out!

Now I am back and I have continued where I left on "Naked on Summer Vacation: Slut Summer School" story but the comments/readership dropped off dramatically.

While I was gone some loyal readers wrote "Hey, please continue!" which is awesome encouragement. Thank you for that!! I don't want to leave you hanging or pull a George RR Martin and just abandon ship.

However, I have a question for you:

Do you USUALLY go back and read the back work of your favorite authors?

It stands to reason many of my past work was good if you like this story, yeah?

Why I ask is I look at story stats and see that basically everythign I wrote in the past is DOA. Other than a few tiny little peaks, very little changes week over week.

Other than my first Game of Thrones story about Sansa being trained like a pony for Joffery's amusement, I am pretty proud of my earlier stuff. The writing has evolved and I am getting better at realizing "Than" and "Then" or "To" and "Too" and fixing it but in general if you like my current stories -you will like my old stories.

This isn't so much a plug for me as it is for any author really. There are some who write a lot of DIFFERENT types of stories for sure. However, me - I stick to a kind of genre involving reluctance and evolution and BDSM/humiliation. Story codes would tell you that.

Some of my past stories that didn't get far were:

Reba: This is based on the TV show. If you ever watch that show, its like a modern day Brady Bunch in reverse. Perfect for sexuality. You got the hot blonde bimbo daughter, the hot blonde milf neighbor/current ex-husband wife, etc and a HOT RED HEAD.

The Naked in the Trailer Park Series: This was an homage to "Hard Times", one of my first bigger two part stories and I think it was awesome but a lot of people didn't (clearly)

Then you got the "Do you have a big dick why not?" epic that has since chilled on ice/no one pays attention. It feels like I wrote this awesome porn that was only filmed on VHS and no one has VCRS anymore so no one watches it.

I do have intention to go back to its sequel "Its not cheating if you watch" and finish it. In fact, I wanted to do that but I felt it was unfair to stop before I finish the summer school story.

Would you prefer I switch? The girls wore body paint bikinis to the beach as part of the slut summer school "art program" which I think was hot.

Bonus points if you can figure out what SOL author "Kiwi" is an homage too.

4th of July Short Story Challenge?

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What about a Short Story challenge leading up to the American Fourth of July?

(or for Canadians the 1st)?

Could be something patriotic but juicy, like the story of how Ben Franklin became a happy cuckold to some of his black slaves, and that is what led him to 'free them' because his wife insisted he do the work?

Could be something about a family that has been invited to a BBQ at their bosses house. What the dad didn't notice when he got the invite was this was a swinger's party and there would be clothing optional/open sex happening.

"Wow Dave, you brought your daughter and son? I had no idea you were that kinky. On Monday morning come to my office, let's talk about a more visible role for you at the office" says the boss as he stands naked in front of Dave and ogles his pretty wife and daughter.

Dave implores his wife to just play along. "We are here now. The kids have already seen Patty from accounting getting butt fucked. We may as well pretend this is totally normal"

or any of a thousand deviant stories your kinky little minds can cook up!

Please Note: If you are in another country and do not celebrate independence day, I can understand why you wouldn't care about the American Holiday but if you can write a story about aliens on another planet, you can write a story about some rednecks at the trailer park fucking and blowing up fireworks this Thursday.

What about a British person writing about two Americunts who are travelling abroad for 4th of July, and he reminds them they are technically subjects of the British Empire and disciplines them?



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