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Eddie Davidson: Blog


Two Dead Stories: Will Anyone Breathe New Life into them?

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I have a request. These two stories are not "Femdom" and they've been sitting dead on the site for a long time. They are a great read but unfinished masterpieces.

They need some TLC/a reboot or just a proper ending from someone willing to volunteer.

HOA: Written by Mister Archie

The story begins with a BDSM couple (With kids) moving into a BDSM friendly community. The story is written from the wives perspective and starts by laying out some of the ground rules. There are a lot of loose ends like the daughter coming of age and dealing with the rules for walking around in public that never got addressed.

I was desperate to find out what happens NEXT!!!

I don't know whether to do is a complete reboot or pick up where it left off. I'd rather someone else try.

This story just ends in the middle. I think a complete reboot would be awesome. Especially if they get the dynamics of a BDSM relationship right.

The implication is that the parents were discretely BDSM/kinky because they own a "Spanking Chair" which the boy uses on his sister at times. The parents have times where they regret their decision to start the pinch week but that is part of the tension. As an example, the Dad can't stand to even see his daughter get spanked even though it is clear he was spanking the mom in the bedroom all the time. So the Dad sort of exits stage left in the story. the mom on the other hand, being a submissive sees the value in her daughter's improved attitude but doesn't feel right directly ordering her son to spank her. She enjoys vicariously observing the results though.

All these loose ends and interesting but subtle cues in the story going to waste as the story sits fallow.

Pinch Week: Written by SmackMagnet

This story is clearly an English author with the "Catcher in the Rye" style of writing whatever is in his head in a Holden Caufield kind of narrative. He is clearly a bit of a shy nerd who has lived in the shadow of his snotty older sister. She finally takes things too far one day and the parents give her a choice:

Give your brother a week of payback OR get a job immediately/no college.

She picks a week of payback. "Pinch week" is a bit of a misnomer because it's more like a "Goose week". There is no sex but it is a hot story.

The parents were kinky/BDSM lifestyle. That is inferred. The main character though doesn't realize that until the mum brings out this spanking chair that the dad built. He is like "Why do you have this?"

They never really answer. That is very hot/plausible.

Sadly, it just ends. There seems to be an evolution where Lindsey (Reminds me of a young Lindsey from the TV show "Arrested Development").

These two stories along with some by other writers inspired me to write. I think in part because they were unfinished and I wanted to write more stories "like that" in the hopes of inspiring other writers so that I could read more stories like that.

I write so I can read more stories like them so I can be inspired to write more stories like them so I can read more stories like them so I can write more stories (And on and on).

So here is my request:

Read them. If like me, you want more, write a new story as an 'homage'.

Either picking up where it left off or in a similar vein.

I am knee-deep in finishing the Naked on Summer Vacation: Slut Summer School story. If it intrigues people I'd also write what happens to the Mom when they girls graduate (if they do).

I've also been tempted to continue the "It's not cheating if you watch" from Stefan's perspective. That may be brilliant or it may be boring.

However, I have ideas for new projects as well. One that springs to mind, was to take a place like the community in HOA or a BDSM campground (There are real places like that) and then do a series of short stories that are like a documentary interview but give some insight into their lives. They tell a little story to the audience about when they first moved in, or a neighbor or something. Then connect each person in some way. Is that something anyone would like?

Good Femdom nobody writes

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I was reading some awesome stuff a freind author wrote and realized most people don't write good femdom.

Most of it is where the guy is a sissy-worm, and the woman is a sex-obsessed monster who basically is using this as an excuse to fuck anyone but her husband.

I really wish it was more like a loving FLR relationship where she still wants a man - just a better one. She could fuck whoever she wants and LEAVE him if she didn't want him. She should control his orgasms, but I think I wish there was more realistic FLR/BDSM relationships like there are realistic Male Dom ones in stories. In those, the woman is a slave but she isn't a sissified maid and the man rarely fucks anyone else unless they are also his slaves.

Big Question: It's Not Cheating if you watch (Chapter 13)

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Chapter 13 is posted. I think I could stretch the story like Karen's cunt a little bit wider/longer.

However, I really like how I ended that chapter. Do you think I should end the story and revisit my other story ideas?

Does it have a natural conclusion feel?

There are some unanswered questions like what about Marlene and Eddie and their kids, etc but I really kind of like leaving some of that to the imagination of the reader. I think the story 'arced'.


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One of the writers I respect a lot on this site recently was talking to me about "Story Endings".

We are taught from an early age of TV Sitcoms that stories have to have a satisfying conclusion. An Episode of Leave it to Beaver followed a simple format:

1. Beaver encounters a problem
2. Beaver tries to solve it but fails.
3. Beaver turns to his parents who set him straight.
4. Problem usually solves itself.
5. "Gee Dad, you are the best"

There is this happy conclusion so that from one episode to the next you aren't wondering what happens.

Then there are serial stories that follow a long arc. Game of Thrones, Walking Dead etc and as we all know if we watch those shows that they often fail to "end" in any satisfying way. Lose ends still not wrapped up, main characters blown off a bridge or buried under a falling castle without any sort of epic conclusion etc.

The problem is that in real life - there is no real "ending" to the story and even when there is - it is usually not epic or satisfying.

So any time we want to make a story that is plausible, with relatable characters that we want the reader to fall in love with - we tend to find it difficult to add an 'ending' that is going to please them.

I hate endings to stories when I've fallen in love with the characters.

A lot of people are fans of the site "Literotica" which was literally designed from the get-go for short attention wank stories. Read just enough to get horny and then jerk it before you finish the first few paragraphs and close the browser.

Many people get overwhelmed by long stories. They don't realize each chapter in a long story could be seen as a mini-short story just related to the last chapter.

Short wank stories aren't my cup of tea though. I need a story with a set up, and relatable characters that has an arc. I also don't like wish-fulfillment stories.

"There I was surrounded by pussy on all sides, with more wealth than I could spend and more on the way. I had magical powers of course, and I could reverse time in case any decision I made was flawed in some way and relive the outcome a different way. I could also mind control anyone if they disagreed."

There is no challenge, no risk/all reward. Some people call it "Mary Sue" style writing. Very boring to me.

I want my protagonist to get beat up, knocked down along the journey. I need them to struggle in order to enjoy them overcoming.

The problem is that with an arc there needs to be an end. The problem is once they overcome - is there any other challenges?

This is a dilemma for me. Writing that ending where the reader agrees it is time to stop the story.

I have to decide when the characters ride off into the sunset or if I leave room for another adventure or not.

So as I write Naked Summer Vacation and It's Not Cheating if you watch, I am aware that readers are waiting for some 'ending' and at the same time dreading it because they want more of the characters.

I'd like to encourage my readers to understand and respect that I don't know that they really have 'endings'. They just have "This is where the story stopped for now," because the characters are going to continue on.

I'd like to encourage my fellow readers not to be afraid to stop a story when they feel it reached a natural conclusion but not to get overwhelmed by the concept of "Must have an ending" unless that ending is satisfying to THEM as an author.

Hurricane Dorian Stories and More?

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Hi all, I am sorely overdue for some new chapters to the Summer School program and the "It's not Cheating if you watch" stories, and my apologies.

After Hurricane Dorian I was hoping to read a few stories about what a Bondage family does during the Hurricane. "Make sure you secure Mom. I don't want her blowing away!"

"Well, she is blowing away! The neighbors!! She is sucking their cocks, Sir"

"Har, har Jenny! If you don't want to join her I suggest you watch your tone and get outside and tie mom down. She can suck dicks until the winds pick up."

The other day I also had an idea for a short story called "50 shades of semen" about an interracial gangbang. Sometimes what I do after a long hiatus is write a short story to get my writing legs back.

So here is my offer to you: If you are a fan of my stories and know the themes I write about, send me a short story idea that is in keeping with that. I'd prefer to do fanfiction for a TV Show or Movie. If its a book there is a good chance I may not have read it.

A lot of the TV shows these days are dumb or difficult to write about. I've done Modern Family and I've done the Goldbergs. They seem like realistic family units. There aren't many shows like that anymore.

I tried to do a Star Trek story but I found it dry and boring. I tried to do a Walking Dead story but it was so macabre and people were too busy surviving to worry about getting nasty with each other.

So if in the next couple of days you think of something you want to read - hit me up. I may not do it/be able to do it but I'll definitely think about it.



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