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We've had three writers (including myself) adding Game of Thrones stories. The general premise has been "How the Story should have gone"
Each is a very different take.
Has anyone watched the Last Kingdom on Netflix or read the books by Bernard Cornwall? He is also the author of the "Sharpe's Regiment" series that was turned into a serial by the BBC in the 1980s-1990s starring a dashing Sean Bean.
The basic premise of Last Kingdom is a young Saxon Lordling is orphaned during a Viking Raid and his home taken.
His name is Uhtred and Destiny is all.
He is raised by Ragnar and eventually comes to save his daughter and be raised as his son. I won't spoil it for you if you've never seen or read the books but essentially he is a man caught between two worlds: That of his Saxon heritage and that of his Danish upbringing.
He is a valiant warrior and an honorable man.
I wonder is there room for fan fiction about him?
There is so much wonderful fodder here for a brilliant and bawdy tale.
Aelswith the prudish Queen of Wessex looks like the kind of woman who appreciates a good spanking for a naughty wench and Alfred was notorious for taking his serving women to bed before he became King.
Oswald is the son of Alfred's brother and by right of inheritence should be king but he is basicaly the Tyrion of the series: Wenching and Wine! A total little shit. However, lots of stuff could happen with him.
There are Viking Lords like Ubba who bed several women and Aelthelflaed the English Princess captured and held in a cage by the Viking raiders! There is of course the beautiful and deadly Skade the Norse Witch who can use sex magic to control and kill.
Seers, Kings, Vikings, Raiders, Bastards - it writes itself practically.
I've always been fond of Rutger Hauer's character "Ravyn". He is Arl Ragnar's father and he is blind. You get the impression when he was younger he was a Captain of men and a right proper warrior. Now he is a Bard who sings tales of ancient glories but what if you went back to Ravyn's early journeys to England and wrote about that?
This is a rich tapestry to write in and although I prefer some BDSM and Erotica I'll gladly raise a pint to even a traditional story set in the Universe.
Who watches the Goldbergs?
The show begins "It was 1980 something" which takes me back.
I was thinking the one thing that show hasn't covered is the time Bev caught Adam spanking the monkey and naturally she overreacts and tells the rest of the family.
"Yo Bro, I whack it three times a day!" Barry says.
Erica scoffs and rolls her deep brown eyes.
The Dad tries to read his newspaper. "Beverly, leave him alone! It is perfectly natural!" he yells.
"Mama just wants you to have some Jergens lotion, a few spanky-wanky magazines, and a sock. For some reason, your brother likes using a sock. Don't ask me why, it must be a boy thing. Anyway, go to it Champ..." Bev says....
Or one of a thousand of other scenarios: My challenge this month since Father's day went so well:
Write a Goldbergs story!
Read a Goldbergs story!
Jerk it to a Goldbergs story!
If You don't watch the TV show write a story about Goldberg the Wrestler, or Goldberg your Dentist. I don't care. Be clever/be creative.
I am excited about the entries into the short story father's day challenge.
Father's Day -- How Do We See? by Old Sarge 69, a touching story. I wont' give away the plot. You'd have to read it to get it.
You Are Not the Father- Writer Mick - a Jerry Springereque story about someone who is not the biological father of his daughter, falling in love and marrying her!
Modern Family: Claire's Father's Day Gift: Fan Fiction Man
Very talented writer. Inspired me to do a fan fiction of Modern Family for my own challenge. This is a complex story that is very much like an actual episode. Anyone remember the one where Phil and Claire go on a roleplaying date. Claire is pretending to be some other woman wearing only a coat with nothing underneath and it leads to all sorts of escapades? This is like that except with lots of fucking and 5X more complicated. Very authentic. Five chapters and they get hotter and hotter. The final chapter is intense. I wish I could write erotica like that. Very visceral.
I put a short story that concludes in two chapters about Claire and Phil Dunphy from Modern Family having a femdom relationship. His present is that he finally comes out to the family as a cuckold. I'd love to see someone pick up where I left off. I left it in a happy place for a short story but it was just taking off.
I had considered a bet between the men and the women of the family. If the women lose the bet they have to serve for a weekend as naked slaves and vise verse with Mitch being on the girl's team to round things out.
Back to my longer stories and thanks everyone for participating and reading!! That made it fun and spontaneous.
Last Minute Gifts usually start the brain on overdrive when you realize you are out of time and have to come up with something.
Here is my challenge:
Write a short story about a "Father's Day" Weekend just like this one.
Example Ideas: A Father's Day To Remember
A Husband and Wife live in a Master/Slave relationship but they keep it from their kids. As their kids have become teenagers, for Father's Day the mother is willing to reveal that part of their lives as the present to the father.
Example Idea: A Father's Day in a Female Led Household.
"Father's Day means something different in my house.." As told from a teenage girl who grew up in a Femdom household where her brother and father do ALL The chores, and aren't permitted on the furniture. They are under discipline and the girls run the house.
What is Father's Day going to be like for them?
Or anything your perverted little imagination can come up with.
Make it a longer running story if you like!! But the challenge is what the father's day weekend was like.
In Season Eight, putting Bronn on the small council for master of coin is like putting a coke addict on the master of cocaine.
I am crafting my own small council for the story I am telling with Jon Snow and Queen Daenerys on the Throne.
Here is what I have so far:
• Hand of the King: Tyrion
• Master of Armies: Grey Worm
• Lord Commander of the King's Guard: Ser Brienne of Tarth
• Grand Maester: Samwell Traley
• Mistress of Ships: Queen Yara the Bottomless
• Mistress of Coin: Sansa Stark
• Master of Whispers: Varys (he lives in my version)
But I don't know who should be master of Laws, which also consults on the dungeon itself.
I'd be curious if you think that is realistic/good or how you would align them? Who would you suggest for Master of Laws in that regime?
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