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Eddie Davidson: Blog


Game of Thrones: How I wished the series had ended

Posted at 6/14/2019, 5:40:28 PM

I am crafting a short story (Dont' worry if you are a fan of the slut summer camp. I plan to continue that as well). I was heavily inspired by Fan Fiction Man's incredible work "Game of Thrones: Ser Davos Saves the Day".

My original Game of Thrones story that I wrote was quite terrible. It was one of my first attempts to write a story and honestly it sucks.

This is my redemption hopefully you will enjoy it. It starts at the battle for King's Landing at the end of season 8. Everything through season 7 is canon.

I wrote a short history of events before I started writing for my own purposes so that I can weave these details into the tale as I go. I assumed that would be less boring then just posting this wall of history before the story and boring everyone. I wanted to jump right into shit getting blown up by dragons and the clash of steel in the battle so I can go where I am going with this story. (It has lots of BDSM/sexuality) elements.

I feel no shame in changing details. The HBO series producers dropped the ball on continuity a long time ago. "This character? he sucks, write him out" and they just pretend he was never there.

So many of my corrections are preference but also that I felt things would not have gone that way. Example: Tyrion and Varys are smart. They wouldn't hide in a crypt when the guy who can raise the dead is coming.

That was lazy story telling. The authors created an improbable situations that telegraphed to the audience "Just when they thought they were safe the dead came to life" except it was so immature that an 8th grader could have thought it up.

Speaking of lazy story telling - that is the nature of fan fiction. I want to leverage these amazing actors and their performance as the characters so I don't have to describe Daenarys to you. I can get right into telling the story. I'll include details but we can skip right past it because you've already seen her tits and if you haven't google them they are magnificent. Speaking of which, google everything you don't understand. If you haven't watched the show I still hope you enjoy the story.

If I fuck up on a detail here and there feel free to write to me.

Here are the things I changed:
• Varys was not executed at Dragonstone.
• Melisandre, the Red Witch, did not just walk off after the battle and die for no apparent reason. She is still very much alive. She has also spoken of curses and prophecies to Daenerys that haunt her visions with remorse and visions of the Lord of Light.
• Theon Greyjoy did not pointlessly die when fighting the Night King.
• Yara Greyjoy has declared herself "The bottomless" and vowed to go without trousers or skirt until Euron is dead by her own hand. She refuses to eat anything other than gruel, stale bread, and a hearty Ale after he lashed her to the masthead and the bow of the ship naked for 4 months and passed her around the sailors on his flagship to humiliate her. She takes the mantle of that humiliation and uses it to rally her supporters.
(note this is a slight variation on the "Ser Davos Saves The Day" origin of the same legend)
• Lady Lyanna Mormont survived the battle of Winterfell with the Night King
• Some of the smartest people in the Seven Kingdoms did not hide in the crypt when a Necromancer came. They fled Winterfell with the women and children to a place of safety.
• Daenerys's Dragon Rhaegal does not die on the way to Dragonstone. Instead, the Queen burns Euron's fleet. Rhaegal is killed at the battle of King's Landing, which is the event that trigger's Daenerys's madness and she burns the city.
• Cersei did not hire Bronn to execute Tyrion and Jaime. She is way too smart to think that Tyrion wouldn't have promised Bronn double of whatever she was paying to protect him.
• Daenerys did not send Tyrion to parley with Queen Cersei, but Missandei is dead. She was captured and executed by Cersei after her torture. Parley would not have done any good, and that entire scene was absurd. If Tyrion had approached that many archers under Queen Cersei even under a flag of truce, she would have ordered his death.
• Cersei and Jamie did not die in King's Landing. Jamie turned on his sister and captured her to save her life. He surrendered as well.
• Arya did not abandon the Hound inside the Red Keep. They were there to kill Cersei, and Arya would not have turned around. Together they killed the Mountain and reluctantly accepted Jaime's surrender. They did this an hour before Daenerys stopped destroying King's Landing.
• Most of the Wildlings return to beyond the Wall after the Night King's defeat, but Tormund and Ghost (The Wolf) stay with Jon Snow. Tormund admires Jon and feels he is a worthy companion. He wants to see how this all turns out.

Here is my history. This was intended to be author's notes but you may enjoy it. I may post it at the end but I didn't want to bore anyone with a lot of exposition.

It helps to have watched the HBO series, but I've made a few attempts to provide important context for those who haven't in this summary of events.
The Books do not cover this part of the story, and the series has diverged enough to be a separate telling.
This is MY telling of what happened and serves as the background for what happens after King's Landing.
The War of the Seven Kingdoms has been raging for many years and the only ones left playing the Game of Thrones are Queen Cersei of King's Landing and Queen Daenerys of the Targaryen blood along with her three dragons.
Jon Snow who believes himself to be the bastard son of the Lord of Winterfell is actually the Queen's nephew and the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms, but he does not yet know it. He has been declared "King of the North" and was sent to Dragonstone to obtain obsidian that can slay the armies of the dead. While he is there, he pledges himself to the Queen Daenerys and allies with her. In exchange, she agrees to ride north to fight the armies of the dead before dealing with Cersei.
Upon reaching Winterfell with their combined armies, Jon and Daenerys learn the Army of the Dead has breached the Wall in the North, and the Night King commands the undead dragon Viserion. Viserion was one of three Dragon's that serve Daenerys. The Dragon's death began affecting her with The Northern Houses and their allies rally around Winterfell, but distrust Daenerys and doubt Cersei's pledge to send troops.
Sansa Stark reluctantly accepts Jon's decision to trust Daenerys but desires the North to be free and independent.
Euron Greyjoy who is sworn to Queen Cersei and believes himself to be her suitor, returns to King's Landing with a badly damaged fleet. The Golden Company of Mercenaries is already in King's Landing and has been consolidated with Lannister armies to protect it.
Cersei rejects Euron and toys with his affections and lusts by leading him on.
Theon rescues his sister Yara. Yara had been lashed to the mast or bow of her Uncle Euron's boat naked from the waist down for four months and kept on display for all of Euron's sailors. She was passed around like a salt wife to be shared by the Sailor's of his flagship and fed a diet of semen, stale bread and ashy water which she had to eat like a dog for his amusement.
Yara feels humiliated and powerless at first because Euron ruined her reputation as a reaver queen by calling her "Yara the Bottomless" for her lack of clothing and the endless fucking she could endure. Yara declares herself "Yara the Bottomless" and vows to wear no pants until Euron is dead by her own hand. She also refuses to change her diet adding only a hearty Ale from the Iron Isles and a dash of gruel.
This brave vow has made her something of a legend amongst her supporters. She fights at the head of her sailors without skirt or trousers and strikes fear into the heart of her enemies "When they see Yara's bare ass coming for them they shite themselves or flee!"
Meanwhile, back at Winterfell, Jon reunites with his family Bran and Arya and later learns to ride Rhaegal one of the remaining two dragons. He falls in love with Daenerys, and the two have lots of gratuitous sex.
Daenerys meets several important people at Winterfell. They include Melisandre the Red Witch. She is not well received considering she Lord Baratheon who also considered himself King of the Seven Kingdoms. She speaks of things there is no way she could know of from Daenerys's past.
She speaks of a prophecy about the "Prince that was promised" and alludes that it is not her. This prophecy is powerful because Melisandre tells her that only the Prince that was promised can bring the dawn of the long night. The long night refers to the Night King's invasion in Winter.
She also speaks of other curses and prophecies. One cast upon Daenerys by a witch when she was with Khal Drago. "When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry, and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before."
Daenerys has been barren and unable to conceive.
She speaks of another curse for burning the Dosh Khaleen (Council of Crones) of the Dothraki. An unbreakable madness will follow Daenerys wherever she goes.
She speaks of another prophecy from a house of warlocks. This refers to a pale mare, a lion and a Kraken among other mythical beasts.
Daenerys suspects these things may be profound and does not permit Melisandre to be executed as Ser Davos wishes. Daenerys fears the curses. She resents her father Aerys, who was called the mad king and fears that the madness is what drove her brother Viserys mad and may affect her as well one day.
Daenerys also meets Samwell Tarley. He is a learned scholar from the citadel that saved Ser Jorah Mormont's life. Ser Jorah is one of Daenary's closest allies and protector. Samwell is Jon's best friend.
Daenerys tells Sam she executed his father and brother. Sam had no love for his father but felt that Dickon his brother was dutiful. Daenerys makes no apologies for her decision since they refused to bend the knee.
Sam reveals to Jon that he is actually Aegon Targaryen. Bran Stark, who is also considered a prophet "The threeeyed raven" and has extra sight vision, confirms that this is true. It eventually gets back through Sansa Stark to Tyrion and Varys who is Daenerys's closest advisors.
They notice that Daenerys can be rash at times and even petty but consider her worthy of following. They believe that Jon has a stronger claim to the throne and that people will likely want to follow him. They speak of a marriage between them. The Targaryen line has never had a problem with incest, but those in the North frown upon it.
Jaime Lannister arrives to aid Winterfell against the coming invasion of the Night King, but there will be no forces from a promised alliance with Cersei. That was expected fully by Tyrion was simply buying them time to leave. (In the series he is an idiot who underestimated his sister. That makes no sense).
Jaime later apologizes to Bran for crippling him when he discovered Jaime having sex with his sister Cersei.
Bran replies he harbors no anger and says they are no longer the same people. "The actions you took put you right where you are supposed to be," Bran is fond of saying.
Citing their mutual love for Jon, Daenerys tries and fails to gain Sansa's trust after refusing to give assurances about the North's fate. Sansa Stark meets her former husband Tyrion at Winterfell. They did not consummate their marriage, but they are on friendly terms. Tyrion notices that Sansa has significantly matured since they last saw one another at the Purple Wedding where King Geoffery Baratheon was poisoned.
Theon, Edd, Tormund, and Beric arrive at Winterfell, with the latter three reporting the undead army's impending arrival.
Arya Stark seduces Gendry. Gendry is the bastard son of King Robert Baratheon and a blacksmith that Arya has known for quite some time. The fucking is exceptional and lusty. Arya gains a taste for domination and ties Gendry up and begins whipping his balls. Gendry believes he is in love, but Arya just used him to satisfy her curiosity.
Instead of standing outside the gates of Winterfell and sending the not combatants into the crypts to wait for the necromancer to raise the fallen inside the tombs, they devise a far more cunning strategy.
They wait inside the castle for the Night King to come to them. They send all the noncombatants to safety and scatter them across the countryside in the other direction.
Jaime formally anoints Brienne as a knight. It is the happiest moment of Brienne's life.
Everyone drinks and fucks the night before the final battle with the Night King. The Hound fucks several women instead of feeling sorry for himself.
As the Night King approaches the two Dragons to wait within the protection of the walls of the castle. They can breathe flame through carved toothed shaped parapets that are reinforced to protect them.
Instead of sending Cavalry to charge the dead so that they can die and be reanimated, Winterfell plans to survive a siege.
The armies of the dead surge and do manage to breach the walls but at great cost. The Night King can reanimate the dead but once charred by fire or slain by obsidian they cannot be recovered.
In this battle, Lyanna Mormont jumps on top of an undead giant that was once a gentle protector of wildlings. She smashes his eyes in and slays him with an OBSIDIAN dagger that can destroy the undead with one hit. She is wounded but distinguishes herself as the "Young SheBear."
Jaime Lannister serves as a commander under Brienne of Tarth and the two valiantly fight side by side in the center of the Winterfell Keep.
Her Uncle Jorah Mormont falls in the battle valiantly protecting his Queen.
Jon Snow slays the undead dragon Viserion with his Valerian steel sword that is also powerful against the army of the dead.
Melisandre uses her fire magic to slay many of the undead and saves Queen Daenerys and Ser Davos.
Theon Greyjoy leads the remaining Ironborn reavers to protect Bran INSIDE the castle walls where he belongs. Towards the end of the battle, there is none left save Bran and Theon. Theon offers to lay down his life to save Bran, but Bran takes control of Theon with his magical powers and uses him to slay many of the Night King's champions.
The Night King is so stunned that he does not notice that Arya Stark comes from behind and slays him with Needle. A sword made of Valarian Steel and fulfills one of the prophecies of Melisandre about closing many eyes all at once as the armies of the dead collapse.
Has the dawn come? There is a still a war to the south with Queen Cersei for control of all of Westeros.
The survivors mourn and burn the dead. Daenerys legitimizes Gendry as a Baratheon, naming him Lord of Storm's End and first of his name.
Arya declines Gendry's subsequent marriage proposal. Daenerys briefly considers naming Jon Snow' King of the North,' but that would only help legitimize his claim to all Kingdoms. She loves him but is troubled by the threat he poses to her as ruler. Varys and Tyrion advise she marry him and she considers that as well but it would mean that he sits upon the Iron Throne and she had dreamt of sitting there since she was a child. She had moved mountains to be here now. Jon continued to tell her he didn't want the throne anyway. The two continue to have sex frequently as lovers. Daenerys briefly considers having him killed but considering the rumors of him rising from the dead and the fact she needs him to solidify control of the north that would not be advised.
Jaime and Brienne become lovers. Jaime, however, has misgivings about his sister's fate and leaves to be by her side to fulfill a promise he made as a youth to be there when she needed him. He tells Brienne hateful things about himself in part because he believes them to be true but also so that she would hate him and not feel sadness. She still feels sad because she loves Jaime.
Arya and the Hound head for King's Landing bent on revenge.
Daenerys and her fleet set sail for King's Landing, while Jon leads the Northern army. At Dragonstone, Euron's navy ambushes her fleet but do not kill Rhaegal with shipmounted scorpions. Both fleets are heavily damaged, and Missandei is taken as a hostage.
Daenerys briefly considers using her remaining two dragons to burn the Red Keep with Dragonfire and get Missandei. Tyrion advises against that for it would turn everyone against her. He also advises AGAINST demanding his sister surrender since she would see that as a sign she has won and never agree to that.
Varys and Tyrion debate whether Jon would be a better ruler than Daenerys and determine that he would. They counsel in favor of the marriage. Cersei tortures Missandei and parades her naked through the streets before having beheaded before the assembled armies of the Daenerys.
Varys urges Jon to advance his claim, but Jon refuses to betray Daenerys.
Varys is NOT executed.
Jaime is captured, but Tyrion releases him so he can persuade Cersei to surrender the city, then escape Westeros together. Jaime, Arya, and the Hound each infiltrate King's Landing. Brienne, Yara, and Theon are leading the fight as well as the unsullied, Dothraki, Northmen and remaining wildling warriors. Brienne does not approve of Yara fighting bottomless, but Yara wants very much to fuck Brienne.
Dragonborn Daenerys destroys most of the Iron Fleet and most of the city's defenses, allowing her army to enter. Cersei's forces are
Overwhelmed and the city signals its surrender, but an enraged Daenerys begins leveling the city, burning soldiers and civilians. The allied army follows her lead, slaughtering anyone in their path, horrifying Tyrion and Jon. Jaime WOUNDS Euron but is himself wounded. Euron attempts to escape back to lick his wounds and hold the iron islands from his sister. He has heard she has vowed to remain bottomless until he is dead and intends to keep her that way a long time. The Hound tries to convince Arya to abandon her longtime vendetta and save herself, then confronts the Mountain. Arya and the Hound work together to take down a Captain in the Golden Company. Arya takes his face and attempts to kill Cersei, but Jaime is there and prevents the assassination. He surrenders after the Mountain falls out of a window and Qyburn escapes. He knocks his sister unconscious to save her life because she would have rathered die than surrender.
The red keep is heavily damaged. The Hound carries them both out of the keep.
This is where the story begins.

Running Butthole Challenge and Game Of Thrones Challenge News

Posted at 6/13/2019, 1:31:25 PMUpdated: 6/13/2019, 8:56:23 PM

Has anyone searched twitter on "Running Butthole Challenge" where girls run towards the camera, jump and then expose their butthole as they fall?

I love modern technology. If I wrote this into my stories people would say "That is so over the top. What girl would humiliate herself on the internet for the heck of it by running at the camera like a loon, jumping in the air, doing a split and exposing her butthole as she lands and posting it for free?"

I feel like the Onion trying to cover modern news because it is so absurd when I read about college's that have a nude week where all the students can attend class naked etc.

However, I will say that I am having fun writing the slut summer school story. I am starting to wonder if anyone is having fun reading it. Readership dropped off heavily and comments are non exisetent. Has it run its course? should I speed up time to graduation and close the story to work on something else?

Finally, the Game of thrones challenge: As there is only one entry and that entry is substantially better than anything I've read by george rr martin himself, certainly better than S8, Fanfiction Man has obviously won with Ser Davos saves the day.

This story if you have not followed it is rich with details and the author has researched the characters well. There are no plot holes.

That is something the HBO series and the books have not been able to do.

In general, this is a story I'd buy if it was on a shelf without question. I am so glad if I had any hand in inspiring it with the challenge but all credit goes to this talented author- please many more chapters and thank you.

Nudist Fantasy: AANR and American Naturists

Posted at 6/1/2019, 1:14:16 PM

I sometimes read stories marked "Nudist Fantasies" and I have written my share of "Nude in (X place)" stories where someone is a fish out of water because they are naked where they wouldn't expected to be.

I love humiliation/bdsm type erotic stories. It is for that reason sometimes I read the Naked in School stories. They often seem so implausible simply because they would be more of a disruption to class activities and often the students singled out aren't really learning anything other than how irritating it would be to be naked in front of someone who gets to stare at them.

Has anyone who has actually been to a Naturist Resort ever considered writing a story about that? They aren't places of embaressment and humiliation. They generally frown upon swinging and over sexuality. You won't see men walking around with erections around anyone there. It just isn't done.

They are family friendly places where people fart around naked and swim. People who raise their kids there have a talk with them about what is appropriate in public. They have a talk with them about going to school so they know what is and isn't normally acceptable to other people.

If the kids at school know they get off at the nudist resort and try to tease them "You get naked" the kids are usually so well adjusted they are like "Yeah, you should come over some time"

They aren't in any hurry to see anyones private parts. To them it is just flesh. They are the least likely to have sex early for that reason.

There is virtually no crime at these parks. People carry the keys to their rooms on fobs around their wrists but most people don't even lock their door that live there year round.

They have dances, fun activities around Easter where they body paint, etc.

Imagine being the pizza guy who delivers there?

So what stories could you write there if it isn't about sex?

Same stories you write about in the clothed world.

Cypress Cove Naturist Resort down in Florida is a good example. You can read all about it by googling it.


1) A family moves there from the vanilla world. The parents are naturist but the teenagers (A boy and girl) are not. The teenagers are not pressured to get naked. They can wear clothes around the park if they wish. They have an English family that lives next door with teenagers the same age that all relish the opportunity to get naked. A story about girl next door/boy next door type romance and coming of age.

2) A Femdom couple buy a trailer to live in the park year round. The man works and to most people he seems like a vanilla guy. However he is in a female-led relationship with his wife and she keeps him in a cock cage. This is the story about how the neighbors notice him doing all the chores and obeying her at the pool, and how they are a loving couple (not where she fucks all these guys) she loves him, she just likes to control and dominate him. Over time, they grow in acceptance.

3) Reverse it, The Man is the Dominant, the female is the submissive.

Adding teenagers and family that aren't aware of this relationship but will grow to understand and accept make it more personal so they are not isolated in a world of strangers. "MY sister is coming over, Gerald...
"She will see my cock cage, Ma'am"
"Yes, she will. I am prepared to explain why you have it on. It reduces your urge to masturbate and look at porn and keeps you compliant. Are you prepared to agree with me in front of her?"

4) First time couple arrive, they think it will spice up their marriage and are interested in hot tub sheninangans and swinging. They have to be discrete but once they get into the spicy wink-wink/nudge-nudge world of the regulars that live there, they realize it is a regular peyton place of wives that cheat on husbands, husbands that cheat on wives, wives that play "bridge" but really have sex parties, and gossip/scandal like any other tight knit community - just without clothes.

5) Bob is a survivalist and he is a prepper. His wife convinces him to come to a nudist colony with the family on vacation. The unthinkable occurs while they are there and his worst-case society destroyed scenario occurs. The Camp is walled on all sides to prevent looky-loos from peeping. It has it's own water, power, and food stocks. Bob has to decide to take charge, follow or get out of the way as he rebuilds society in his own image with the survivors of the nudist colony.

UPDATES: Slut Summer School and GOT

Posted at 5/30/2019, 1:46:45 PM

The Game of Thrones Gauntlet I threw down has netted ONE contestant and that is Fanfictionman with the amazing Ser Davos saves the day. I anxiously await updates and consider it some of the best writing I've seen. Truly professional grade and a clever story!

That being said, there is still time to participate! just for the fun of it, write a story set in the Game of Thrones universe?

In other news, my Slut Summer School story has reached 10 chapters. It is at this point, I feel I need to ask if people are enjoying it/it should take a different path, etc?

Naked on Summer Vacation: Slut Summer School Updated

Posted at 5/25/2019, 12:57:10 PM

I've published chapter five. It should be up soon.

I've turned on comments so that you can provide feedback if you wish to do so. I'll be turning on voting after chapter six (although technically there are six chapters now since the first one is considered an introduction that sets the scene).

I feel like it takes six chapters to really get a sense for a story. We'll see if that helps me with the trolls who bomb my stories with downvotes simply because the theme of the story is not what they like. The codes/summary should have told them that.

I am mostly curious to those who are following if you enjoy it. Do you hate Blair at this point? Do you like it written from her perspective as opposed to Eddie in the last story (Sissy Summer Camp)?



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