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Eddie Davidson: Blog


Voting:Homeowner's Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor (BDSM)

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I've posted chapter four of Homeowner's Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor (BDSM). This story follows a BDSM couple when they move into a kink-friendly/clothing optional community in Florida.

I have chapter five and six in the edit process right now. ETA is one a day for them.

The first few chapters set the tone for the story. The story starts to show some of the rules in practice. Every location they visit on the tour is named for a reason.

I wanted Sunny Manor to feel like a tour through Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory only fetish-inspired. Inside the steam-inspired are wonderous surprises to the young man telling the story of things he has never seen or only seen in pictures.

Minerva's Market, DeSade's Pantry, Chez Pichard, all of these places I wanted to feel real to you and seem memorable. I wanted you to smell the smells and feel like this place could exist. There are real clothing optional kink friendly resorts. Caliente is a good example.They like Sunny Manor have legitimate rules and membership agreements that protect them and visitors. It isn't a free-for-all fuck fest.

That being said I wanted Sunny Manor to be more than just Caliente and so I placed it in a remote section of Florida between Land O Lakes and New Port Richey. They have their own garbage, sewage, etc out there so they can avoid dealing with the county, etc.

They keep to themselves, haven't had serious crime in years. Everyone that lives there is affluent and there is a security gate around the permiter that looks like a medieval fortress. It is like that in most nudist resorts. People don't lock their doors because they don't have any place to keep the keys (well they make fobs now but not everyone wears one) and it works just fine.

I've turned on voting because I think at chapter 4 I am ready for that constructive feedback as to whether this is an homage to Mister Archie's "Homeowner's Association" or it is not. I'd like you to give it to chapter six before you expect the real story to emerge though.

Sniffles - a New Way of Life - a Good Femdom Story

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I don't have the authority to be a reviewer but I wanted to suggest a good short story for fans of Femdom.

It is a nice short story. I wish it had been longer. I wish it had delved into the wifes motivations. I didn't want her to be a ruthless Dicktatress that is just cruel. I saw in her that she wanted to be strict and at the same time she did feel something for her husband. She wasn't out fucking other dudes/using this as an excuse to go have sex with strangers.

I like that. She wanted to train her husband and instead of bringing home creampies for him to eat, he'd have to eat his own.

That being said, I suggest taking a look at Mike McGiffords Sniffles a New Way of Life.

As an aside, Master McGifford will be making a cameo in Homeowner's Associate a Big Deal At Sunny Manor I am writing. I like to write cameos of people who inspire me into my stories as an homage. If you see yourself reflected there - you'll know why.

Slut Summer School is not coming to an end

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I thought that perhaps as I reached 30 chapters people were losing interest.

The readership has dropped from 1,000+ to 400.
Granted there was a short hiatus for a while but few can pump up quality chapters every day or so.

I thought at best what I should do is create a NEW story to continue it.

After receiving several VERY flattering posts from readers who like the work I assure you I will not just tack on a summary ending. I will howevr most likely start a "New" section or story that picks up where it lefts off not to leave you in the dark.

However, as much I love writing in my cousin Clair's head as she is trained - I have to take a little break from the character for a bit for my own sanity.

That being said, I've started the HOA series and am about to post up chapter two. This story starts out slow but please give it at least six chapters before you make a decision about it. The first chapter really helps to put you in Matt's head as he tells the story about how he moves to Sunny Manor: A Kink Friendly Community.

Chapter three is where I think it starts to get good.

BDSM HOA: A Total Reboot (my next project?)

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I just posted chapter 29 of Naked on Summer Vacation: Slut Summer Camp. It is a story set in the 1980s where my Aunt taught my cousin and her friends a little lesson in discipline.

It has taken 30 chapters to get to the first week of this training. I am not sure if it would be interesting to read everything day by day over the summer. I can continue the story though if there is interest.

That being said, I could also shift gears and focus on a new project. I have plenty of ideas for a new story but the one that I am most interested in doing is a COMPLETE Reboot of the story "Homeowner's association" by Mister Archie.

In this story, a BDSM couple move in with their kids to a BDSM friendly community and they deal with it. Sadly, Mister Archie stopped writing the story a long time ago and it is abandoned. This would be an homage/inspired by but not a retelling of the same story.

First, I'd have to change the title. "Homeowner's association" doesn't tell you much.

Shit, I deal with my HOA everyday about crap with the lawn mower being too loud or someone's fence being the wrong shade of white. That sounds boring as fuck. I'd need the title to reflect that this is "Shady Acres: Bondage Community" or something like that.

This could be a campground or private community that is clothing optional/kink friendly with specific rules in public places. It is fine to raise kids here as long as you understand those rules and respect them. This is because kids are protected from exploitation or abuse just like in a normal clothing optional community (those are real places but rarely are they kink-friendly). There are some in Tampa that are more adult oriented that are though. Google "Caliente Tampa" if you are interested.

The title of the story needs to grab the reader right away and give them some idea of what is inside. "It's not cheating if you watch" for instance tells you what you need to know.

"Fifty Shades of Fragernackle Bullshit" is what I'd call a story about dealing with my frustrating Home Owner's Association in vanilla mundane life.

Secondly, I have three ideas for the narrative and I wanted to solicit your thoughts.

1. Uber Driving Slut: There are women (Hotwives mostly) who are driving Uber and then sucking dicks for a little extra cash. Some put photos on Twitter, some just show pictures to their hubbies.

In this story, a woman is layed off from her job at the local school, and she wants to get some excitement in her life. She tells her husband they are moving to Shady Acres. She plans to be an Uber Driving Slut, and get kinky/lead an alternative lifestyle. Their kids are older but they have friends in high school with two moms, transgender students etc so they aren't completely in the dark about alternative lifestyles.

What makes this story interesting, is that the husband has no desire to do this and is not a "Master" Type. However, the wife needs him to apply discipline to her as motivation. She has some hangups about being a total slut just for fun.

"Harry, I want you to spank me when I get too full of myself." "Harry, when I get lazy I want you to spank me so that I will go drive Uber"

I could also stipulate that this community is Male-Dom only, so they must apply/appear as a Male dominated household even though both the mom and her two daughters are free-thinkers.

The story will focus on the different family members and even change perspective (be told from their point of view).

2. I am not sure what I'd call this one but it would follow more of the plot of the HOA story. In that one, it was told by the submissive although I am thinking either third person narrative or told from the eldest son's perspective.

His Father has always been fairly upfront about his kink. He has a leather workshop, etc but nothing sexual in front of his kids. His mother passed away when they were young but it appeared they were both equals in the relationship.

since then, the father has dated submissive women but over the last 6 years he has moved in what the boy calls "The Submissive". He doesn't call her "Mom".

She takes care of the house and the kids and answers to the father but again - she doesn't prance around naked or anything like that in the living room.

The Father says he is going to marry her and move them into a "Shady Acres" but that there will be some changes based on community rules. That includes clothing optional, and that means he and his wife will be naked frequently in and outside of the house.

This is a common conversation when families decide to move into nudist resorts. Often, at first before their kids hit puberty they are excited and don't care but as they become teenagers they get embaressed and think their parents are stupid. In this case, that is his initial reaction.

One of his sisters will agree with him, and the other will think it's cool.

3. HOA: I could just to try to pick up where he left off and write the rest of the story?

I realized no one else is probably willing to run with the idea so I may as well volunteer. If I volunteer though I'd like to know what you like or if you like it at all.

Note: Whatever I do, it would be in the vein of many of my past stories.

Do you like Historical BDSM? If so what time period?

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Typically, I write about what I know. Trailer parks, cheap bars, suburbs, the 1980s, TV Shows, etc. I realize that the QUALITY of writing matters far more than the setting. You can tell a great story set in a strip club. You don't need a backdrop of mansions and limosuines.

That being said I was curious if any of you like Historical BDSM fiction? if so, what time period?

I wrote a short story about a lady in the antebellum south during the civil war that was living on a plantation when the war took most of the menfolk. The slaves ran off, the horses and cattle had been raided. They were facing starvation and they tried to till the fields themselves.

The bitter old woman whose generosity allowed the woman to live at the mansion fell while they were trying to do that and broke her leg. She blamed the woman. One thing led to another, and the woman was trussed up like a cart pony to pull a plow. The only man left able to guide the plow was her sickly teenage son.

I subsequently added other sub-stories to this story but no one ever commented or seemed to care about it. There was a lot of influence from George Pichard (French artist) stories like Road to Repentence.

I wrote a short fantasy story about a dark elf that was captured by Orcs and trained as a slave in the underground. To say that there were crickets that responded to that story would be exaggerating it's popularity.

I wrote a Game of Thrones fan fiction. It was all about how through the magic of the Red Witch, Queen Daenarys became obsessed with her rule. There was a lot of BDSM and humiliation for Queen Cersei and Daenarys. I thought it was a proper ending to the series. It received a couple "nice jobs" but it was nowhere near the quality of Fanfiction Man and I accept that.

I was going to write a depression-era story about a whore house that falls on hard times and has to resort to drastic measures to survive the 1930s. However, i don't know that time period all that well.

I thought about going back to the 1600s and writing an epic about a French Monastery that trains wicked women. The nuns 'swallow the sins' of passing travellers (by sucking their cocks) in exchange for tithes. A pagan tradition started centuries earlier but adopted by the church and now enshrined in ritual.

I thought about writing a story about a female Pirate (with a very salty butthole) that tries to be a Pirate Queen in a male dominated world. I was considering setting it in the Iron Islands of Game of Thrones, or the Caribbean.

I don't like stories about Appachalachians. "Honey, I dun tied my dick to a tree!"
"Cuz it felt good!"
It makes them seem dumb and silly. However, if treated with respect a good story of discipline in the mountains with a strict matriarch who wants her daughters to learn to 'mind their future husbands' could be fun.

What about you? Is there a historical setting you'd like to see some BDSM in? Would you write any of these ideas? I am happy if you'd take the ball and run with them.



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