Eddie Davidson: Blog


My old stories are like a bin of unpopular Pauly Shore DVDs

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You ever walk through a big-box store like Wal-Mart and see a bin of DVDs with old Pauly Shore movies, and stinkers like Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, or anything by Larry the Cable Guy in Witless Protection.

You wonder "Who the fuck would ever watch a movie with this Git-R-Done guy pretending to be a FBI agent or whatever the fuck this is?"

You wonder "Who even has a DVD player anymore? I stream everything"

You wonder "Wait, this is 99 cents. Maybe I should buy it."

Maybe that last one is just me.

I was looking over my catalog of older stories on this site.

When I first started writing I didn't have any grammatical tools to assist me. I still don't have a regular editor - just a fellow author who already has his own stories who is kind enough to read an advanced copy and point out the multitude of mistakes I make even with the many self-editing pass throughs I do.


I had a story called Reba.

I have a thing for sassy red-heads. The TV show Reba screams incest to me - because her eldest daughter is this teen beauty queen, her neighbor is this hot but dumb milf - I dunno, its just so middle America - like a Rebecca Hap cartoon.

In the story, Reba gets roped into being involved in sex parties that Norma Jean and her eldest daughter have at the house for extra money.

I thought it was great when I wrote it.

It's basically Paul Blart Mall Cop 3 to the readers here. I think grammatically it suffers and needs a fresh polish of edits but nobody would know because no one reads it. No one goes back to my old catalog and looks at them.

I took a chance and wrote a Game of Thrones story that was my take on the ending with way more sex than even George RR Martin would have probably been comfortable with. I wanted a satisfying ending and to close some loops. I was also really interested in making Yara Greyjoy go pantsless in battle and force her enemies to lick her salty butthole.

The number of people who read that story is equal to the number of people who are still interested in the real Game of Thrones series on HBO = zero.

It was a little popular when I wrote it but no one ever goes back and looks at my old stuff. My library of work is literally the Pauly Shore DVD bin.

I wrote "Do you have a big dick? why not?" and I made vast improvements in writing. I ponied up and bought Microsoft Word which offers very basic grammatical checking. That improved a lot of the mistakes I frequently make and also this was one of my favorite stories.

The premise is that a nerdy boy meets a cute girl. The cute girl and her sister and mom do webcam at night for money. The mom asks him if he has a big dick, because he literally has nothing else going for him and she wonders why he is talking to her if he doesn't have cocaine or money. He needs at least to come at her with a nice cock.

I did a follow up to that one. They may as well not even be on the site. No one bothers with them anymore. They are ghosts.

The biggest and most popular story I wrote is Homeowner's Association: A big day at Sunny Manor


Somewhere between Smackmagnet's "Pinch Week" and Home Owner's Association by Mister Archie is the inspiration for this story.

We start with a nerdy boy again except this time his dad and step mom move to a BDSM kink friendly community. I have plans to tap a sequel on it. I am not unhappy with the total number of readers but what shocks me is with new readers joining the site daily - hardly anyone even knows about it or would go back to it.

I tried my hand at historical fiction several times. I wrote a story about antebellum civil war where the woman has to plow the fields like a pony girl because all the horses were gone and the wicked woman who runs the plantation blames her for a broken leg.

I also wrote Madeleine -which was a love letter to the stories of Georges Prichard. I wrapped it up at Chapter 7 because by the time I finished I had gone from 3000 readers of the first chapter, to 400 total (ever) for the 7th chapter. I did a lot of research for that story - even quoted old naughty books from the Victorian era as inspiration.

Honestly, more people saw the opening night of the Jerky Boys in the movie theaters than read my story Madeleine. (if you saw Jerky Boys you know it was a shit movie).

I am fascinated with the TV show the Goldbergs. The MILF mom is always saying she wants to devour her kids they are so yummy, and the older sister has these soft brown doe-eyes and a bitchy attitude. It is a perfect template for middle-America incest stories.

I wrote a mind control story with a twist. I hate mind control stories. They are basically wish fulfillment - "Hey what if you could make everyone do anything you like and everything worked the way you wanted in your favor. You have everything you could ever want and more of it on the way"

There is no challenge then. There is no struggle. I can't tell a story without some sort of conflict or challenge. There is no tension when you literally can just control everything like a puppet master. Its not my cup of tea (if its yours - my apologies).

I wrote a mind control story for people who hate mind control stories (Which is probably just me).

In it the mind control is totally bogus. Eric buys it from the back of a Penthouse magazine and obviously it doesn't work. Did you ever see those ads for spanish fly that promised you would be irresistible?

The mom and sister pretend it works just to fuck with him. They make a bet that Eric is going to make it perverted. Obviously, for him to make it perverted they've got to go along with it or else they won't know for sure if he really would.

That's a clever twist!! (or so I thought)

Apparently, about as clever as a caveman waking up 10,000 years later in some ice, shaving his face and looking like Brandon Frasier while Pauly Shore and the guy who played Samwell in Lord of the Rings "riff off his sick beats...yo" to ride his coat-tails to popularity. Almost no one read it when I wrote it and no one reads it now.

It is disappointing.

I think this latest story "Keeping the women folk in line: cumming of age" is popular but in 3 months - no one will read it.

It's not your fault as the readers though. You have so much new content it is hard to keep up. I am just venting what it feels like to have your work sit in a low-budget DVD bin and basically be a cellophane wrapped turd that nobody wants. I want to write stuff that inspires people like Vulgus inspired me to write.

I am hoping one day to be that good. I'll keep plugging along. Thanks for listening to me vent.If you get bored - I've got some old cheesy DVDs in my library you can take a look at.

Keeping the Women Folk in Line: cumming of age

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I've turned on voting at chapter 5.

I normally wait until chapter 7 to do it. I assume anyone who is nasty enough/perverted enough to keep reading that long will be able to judge the story even though it isn't finished.

If I turn it on chapter 1 or 2 there isn't enough established to really give a fair vote.

I've had some positive feedback from comments and emails. That is really different for me. I almost feel like I am growing as an author much the way the nerdy/shy kid in my story is evolving with the story.

I had someone call him an idiot in feedback. I thought that was funny.

Yep, he is a wet behind the ears, doesn't know everything, nerdy, shy kid.

Just like I was.

When I first met a slutty woman who owned her sexuality and didn't care if I saw her naked I didn't know what to do. I thought she was giving away secrets that she had to keep from boys like me.

I wrote him like that - and I intend to evolve him as he learns more. Just like I evolved.

That takes more than a weekend. Don't expect Jack Ryan the action hero to suddenly know what to do and be the expert in everything. It's a story about real people: Real people don't know what they are doing sometimes. They make mistakes and learn from them - or do not.

These women seem like crazy bitches to him. They may just be. I want the reader to wonder and to evolve with him as they live vicariously through his journey.

While I am on that topic; let me plug my good friend and fellow author Mike McGifford's story:


It is based on characters introduced in the HOA: Big Day at Sunny Manor story. The neighbors only when they were much younger. The wife has a dream about living a BDSM lifestyle and the husband sets about to make it happen.

Real life with kids and jobs and neighbors prevents that dream. This is the story of that journey and the evolution. I've had a hand in shaping it and I can't wait for new chapters. Mike isn't like me - he crafts his chapters carefully. He also writes a lot better than me and makes few mistakes. Don't expect a lot of chapters to come bursting forth.

However, if you are hungry for a story in the style of Vulgus - then this is one of the more clever ones out there.

Pelaton Mom: The Story

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I don't know if you've seen this commercial or heard about it in late night TV show monologues but it is awesome.

A sexy brunette is given a Pelaton bike for Christmas. She has this Stepford wife glare in her eyes as she thanks her husband for the gift of (checks notes) "Exercise so she can look better for him."

The commercial is pretty harmless but it is easy to read into it from her exasperated sighs and pleading looks in the camera that she really doesn't want to get up at 5am every single day and do this bike - but she wants to impress her husband and keep it tight.


There is the commercial to see it for yourself.

I am really focused right now on writing my "Keeping the Womenfolk in Line: Cumming of Age" story. I don't want to shift focus but I had two ideas last night I wanted to offer to those of you who write stories/want to write stories and see where you take it.


What if that Pelaton Mom had a near adult son and we start the story something like this:

The mom is fairly hot but a little improvement. She wants to get fit for the New Year to impress her husband. She knows she needs more than just a bike and her own gumption.

She tells her nearly adult son that she wants him to help her with diet because she always cheats/loses motivation.

"Be as brutal as you can! I mean really strict," she suggests.

"You wont' do what I tell you" he has been down this road before and knows his mom rarely sticks to her diet plans and exercise fads.

"Yes, I will! This time I am serious! We just have to keep it a secret from your dad. Anything else is fair game!" she insists.

"Fine Mom, undress"


"yeah, I need to see what areas of your body we are working with."

"Okay, thats a little much"

"See? I told you that you wouldn't do what I said," the son shrugs it off and goes back to watching TV.

"Well, that's a little perverted, don't you think?" she says.

"You'd undress for a doctor who needs to examine you. I need to see your problem areas and so do you. In fact, I want you to exercise in the nude so that your tight fitting yoga pants don't hide the jiggle when you bend over," he says quite seriously. "Don't worry. Dad will never find out. You'll exercise right here in the garage. I'll create a diet for you, and you'll have to trust me. The first time you refuse my orders then we are done"

"But what if your ideas are unreasonable?" she asks.

"Then you shouldn't be asking me to take charge if you think I'd be unreasonable. You don't tell a Doctor that you are only going to take half the prescription and treatment he is giving you. You either do it or you don't do it. Take it or leave it," he says its not a negotiation.

The story unfolds with the son taking control over her diet, exercise, lifestyle, etc for the rest of the year.


Pelaton Mom's bike comes with a daily dose of "Stepfordexia";

"A powerful suggestive drug that makes exercise seem important even to the laziest fat-ass"

Side effects may include: Never feeling good enough, desiring to prove your devotion to your husband, random nudity, strangely submissive sexual desires, occasional bursts of housekeeping, and bloating.

In other words a traditional mind control story about the Stepford Mom struggling with the realization she has this compulsion to behave contrary to her nature and obey her husband.


The Witcher

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On December 20th (At least for North America) the Witcher series will be released on Netflix.

Many of you already know the books and video games.

If you don't, a simple Google search will tell you the main character "Geralt of Rivia" is a multi-faceted protagonist. He isn't just a brute or an adventure hero. He has years of bigotry against his kind for being mutants and yet people come to him when they need monsters killed.

The setting is a fantasy version of the 14th-15th century Europe -where Magic has crossed over into the world and pulled in demons, dwarves, elves from other realms. It doesn't treat them the same as most Lord of the Rings-ish stories. The elves are second-class citizens at best for instance. It is a richly developed dark fantasy world.

He has many loves and the series never shy's away from sexuality. There is an entire scene with this stuffed Unicorn that you don't want to miss.

Is anyone planning to write stories to coincide with the release on Netflix? I plan to binge watch. Unfortunately, the Holidays prevent me from having time to write and keep up with my stories during the last two weeks of the year. I will still be knee-deep in the "Keeping the Womenfolk in Line- cumming of age" story.

However, I already have some ideas for what tales I'd tell. I may not write about Geralt. I might write about Triss and Yennifer after they tie up Geralt to teach him a lesson in trying to romance them both. I might also add in Ciri now that she is a woman to join in on the fun.

My question to you is would you write a story set in that universe and if so what would yours be about?

Real life is crazier than fiction: Question on latest story

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If you are like me and follow all the amateur porn on twitter you will see there are wild people out there who make their living doing the outrageous.

You might see an uber driving hot-mom who relishes the opportunity to record her sucking off a guy she drove in the backseat of the car.

You might see a BDSM couple that regular see what large object(s) they can fit up the wifes ass and stretch her cunt out.

You might see the prettiest asian girls on their backs with their legs spread spraying enema water all over another girl who has a funnel in her mouth and is expected to drink it all.

You might see a family of identical triplet sisters who lez out regular for camshows.

The list goes on. Sluts who snort cum like it is cocaine off a mirror, brazillian women taking turns pissing and shitting on a birthday cake in a pavillion and then slicing it up and eating it like its a party.

If you read the news you hear other wild stories. An entire nude week at a university where students attend class in the nude.

A mother/daughter BDSM mistress/slave team who perform shows and can confirm they are blood relatives.

I once saw a bunch of pictures of a family on vacation. The mother had huge tits and she set them on the son's heads in the photos. The two daughters wore skimpy little elf costumes at christmas with no bottoms. They were playful but no one was having sex in the pictures - just flirty fun. They were the inspiration for my Thanksgiving story: Getting Stuffed at Thanksgiving.

However, as I wrote it I couldn't help but think when people read this they won't believe people like this exist. Even with my own eyes I had seen people that not only exist but take snapshots of it and upload it to the internet for anyone to look at.

I would never write a scene in a story about a bunch of women who show up at a pavillion in a park in the nude and take turns pissing all over a birthday cake while someone films it before they eat it. That would seem so over the top.

Yet, I saw a 5 part video of the very thing happening on Twitter.

I mention this because I like plausible stories with realistic characters and yet I want very much to write the characters who often revel in their debauched/sluttiness.

My latest story "Keeping the Womenfolk in line: Cumming of Age" features some of my normal themes:

A shy nerdy guy telling the story - that makes him more relatable.

I hate stories where the guy has all the answers and everything works out for him. Give me a Gilligan before you give me a Magnum PI.

How else can I watch my shy-nerd grow into something if he already starts out fully evolved?

In this story, the girls are slutty and if you read my "Do you have a big dick, why not?" story you may see some similiarities with Juliette and Betty. They'd probably get along pretty well.

They are different though and they have different driving factors but they have a lot in common too.

My question to you is this:
Do you like it if I continue to play with stories that fall into this category/with similar themes or do you want me to tell totally different stories?

If so - tell me what you think they are. I can't write vampires or space/time travel. If you read my stuff though and you think you know a story idea that would interest me/I could write -let me know.

There will be some twists in this story and I don't want to spoil it for you -but if you are a fan of my work you are going to see the common themes. There are some things I really just enjoy writing about and this is one of them - with a different setup.

It is kind of like basketball. You can play the same game with the same rules and even the same players but there are different strategies and setups.

Someone suggested that I was playing it safe by writing what I know.

I've also done historical fiction and it went over pretty poorly for the most part. I probably need to go back to my old stuff and edit it/polish it but almost no one read it back then and few commented on it. I really liked my Reba fan fiction but I guess there was no audience for the red-headed sassy-country queen to get into sexual situations with Cheyenne and her neighbor Norma Jean.

I know I've improved in editing my stories a lot since then.

Is there one you'd prefer I revisit? add a chapter to or continue?

I still have plans to finish Slut Summer School and the Vulgus homage "My brother's revenge part II" - in fact both have chapters in edit but I don't want to focus on more than one story at a time. I learned my lesson the hard way.



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