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Eddie Davidson: Blog


Keeping my sister in line - chapter five (Voting is on)

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Normally, I wait until chapter seven to turn on voting. I assume that gives people enough time to know if the story held their interest and they can form an opinion on what they would like to vote for the story.

However, I felt chapter five is really hot and exciting. It adds a twist to the story that I hope most did not see coming.

I have received some positive feedback on this story. I do have to say that I owe a lot of this to Mike McGifford who has tirelessly edited this thing in the background. I can't keep posting a chapter a day without wearing him out - lol.

I do have several chapters in the process of edit now. However, I wanted to ask you how long you want the story to go?

Do you see this as a short teaser for a bigger/more fun story?

Do you want it to be a medium one/typical of my stories?

Do you want this to be an epic like HOA or Do you have a big dick? why not?

Every story can't be an epic - and while I am writing this I can't go back to other stories and finish them/start new ones. If this is something you enjoy though I have a lot of ideas for the future with where this is going.

Do the characters ring true?

I realize many are similar to past characters I've written but they also have some unique differences. I enjoy playing with mischeivous bitches who deserve some justice/karma.

I also like to include women who know what they are and what they want and enjoy submission like Gloria(cherry) the mom.

As an author, I enjoy the evolution of characters. If they start out awesome/confident/knowing everything they have no where to go but down. I am loving Teddy's timid exloration of his new world.

If you haven't checked it out yet, but are a fan of my stories - please let me know what you think.

Final Chapter of Slut Summer School Coming?

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I am in final edits on the final chapter(s) of Slut Summer School.

Readership dropped WAY off for this series. I feel bad about that. It still has good votes and a healthy amount of initial interest. That is in part my own fault for leaving it for so long.

However, I realized as I was writing it that I was losing my interest in finishing the story.

I love the chase and the breaking of the girl. I loved the part about teaching her lessons and punishing her for her mistakes. However, I reached the part where she was learning from her mistakes and was having self-realizations and it was less enjoyable to finish the tale.

I put it on the shelf for a long time - so the readership interest loss is my own fault.

I do plan to polish up a few of my other older stories and add a little more to the end.

However, for my next project I am going to do a story about a girl who is caught watching her parents BDSM sessions through an Alexa type device in their home. She has been watching with her little brother. He initially introduced her to it (but rather innocently).

In the process, she gets curious about it and subjects him to some of what she sees their parents doing. The parents catch her and decide that the younger brother is allowed a measure of payback.

Like a turd in SaTURDay

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With the Covid-19 keeping everyone home - it is increasingly difficult to have the time I need at the PC to write.

My apologies for my slow updates to my chapters.

I hope you are enjoying my return to "Slut Summer School" - it hasn't had a lot of reads. I've gone back to some of the recent chapters thanks to my friend Mike McGifford's excellent editing skills.

I've intended to finish this story for a long time but I didn't want to rush the end and I felt like I was rushing it when I was initially writing it.

I do have several other projects I want to get to as well. I'd like to add a few vignettes to the end of some of my favorite stories - things I left out that I want to add now. As an example, what happens at the end "It's not cheating if you watch" when the rest of the family returns home.

I do ask for your patience and continued interest in my stories - even if it takes a little longer to push them out (like a Turd in Saturday).

Blogging the Dream

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Living the Dream is nearing completion. I've also been lucky enough to work with the original author Mike McGifford on his new story "The Dream Gets Wetter" which is set a few months later. The family goes on a vacation to Florida! Imagine a BDSM focused couple taking their kids on vacation? that is exciting.

It is laced with vignettes that fill in the blanks about some of the details on how they got where they are.

Today I turned on voting for Living the Dream. I find it best to wait until there is enough of a story for someone to judge it to vote and Chapter 6 is a good place to do that.

So what is next for me?

I want to go back and finish "Slut Summer School" - I've left those girls in limbo for far too long.

I also have a few other stories I started recently that need to be completed. I want to really take my time with them and have fun with them.

I have a few other ideas and I'll share them with you. They are just ideas for now. If you feel like taking these ideas and running with them - I am down with that too! I'd be flattered.

1 - I'd like to write a story about a girl who watches her parents through a video cam (Alexa/Ring) style practice BDSM and getting caught. I think it would be a little like HOA/Pinch Week in format.

2- I've got a plan to go back to Mind Control and do a story about a young son trying to convince his mom/sister to drink mind control tea. They know it doesn't work but to goof on him they decide to pretend to go along with his orders to see how far he'll take things. The mom is convinced he won't ask them to take off their tops, but the daughter is convinced he will. They make a bet.

Yes, this is the premise of my Goldbergs fanfiction "Control Anyone: Get Ahead" but I was thinking I could put a twist on it and have a little fun with repackaging the same idea. I generally hate normal Mind Control Stories. The girl becomes a zombie and she just does whatever she is told like a sex robot. The idea that they had choices all along and kept playing along is far more interesting.

3- Keeping the Menfolk in Line. I've written a couple "Keeping the womenfolk in line" stories. I think it would be interesting to write a day in the life in a very standard female led relationship where the father and son take the traditionally female roles of doing chores/keeping house, and the wife is the dominant partner. She is going away for a weekend retreat and she decides to leave her eldest daughter in charge while she is away.

It wouldn't be a 'cuckold' story -the female led relationship in this case, the woman is happy with him - she just takes charge and he is happy to serve. There would be some elements of BDSM but probably not as much as my normal stories.

4- Historical Fiction? I've had this idea that I could write a series of letters from an Antebellum era debutante to her potential suitor. She will subseuqently fall on hard times in a Lady Chatterly's lover style setting with spanking, bawdy whore houses, etc. Would that interest anyone?

5- Naturally, I want to extend my HOA story. It was such a big story with so many details my concern is that I may have forgotten some of those nuances when I try to pick up the pen again. I felt like I caught lightning in a bottle with that setting. I was thinking I may go back to some of my better earlier stories and add "Vignettes" - a series of scenes that help tell what has happened or what happened in some of the scenarios that I left vague. As an example, in Do you have a big/why not, maybe I write about a night where Betty and her daughters were talking about inviting over the main character and laughing about scaring him off. I could include some of the naughty dares and games she plays with her daughters on webcam. I could write a vignette about some of the things in the sequel story that came after. I thought I was at a logical stopping point but people seem to really enjoy that storyline. I hate it when stories end because I have fallen in love with the characters. It may be fun to play with them again.

I don't want to give away too many spoilers or details - but those are the ideas percolating in my brain. The challenge really has been two fold.

1- I don't have an editor. My writing is a little sloppy and so I do my best to really polish these stories before submitting them. I often go back to a chapter after it is posted and fix it up. There is something about seeing it published on SOL that makes my errors stand out so much more than what I read in WORD or Grammarly.

2- The CV-19 stuff has been taking up a lot of time lately - so I am hoping to get more time to write soon.

If you have other ideas for a story or ideas about the ones I posted I am all ears.

Where is Eddie?

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With CV-19 I am guessing that a lot of people are hunkering down to ride it out. That means perhaps more time to write but also more time to read.

So you are probably wondering where is my new content?

Well, I have one chapter that I am working on editing for my fanfic homage to the "The Dream"

I've also collaborated with Mike McGifford the author of the Dream to completely remix and elaborate on his amazing first chapter of the follow up: The Dream Gets Wetter.

In this story, the couple is like any normal middle America couple with kids, bills, real life, etc. They start practicing BSDM to the point they decide to live it full time- they end up telling their family and exposing some of it in the common areas.

The first story is all about that journey.

This next one is a Florida vacation which cleverly tells the story and fills in the blanks with some flashbacks.

I am hopeful to have my chapters polished up to post soon and then I'll go back and continue some of my older stories to close. It's about time i go back and give Slut Summer camp a proper finish too!



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