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I have been working on a big story for a while.
I have written a few epic stories and they seemed to do well.
This one starts slow and as a result you can see that by chapter two readership dips to about 50% of the original chapter by the third chapter it's about 10%. That's not good. So it goes 3,000 reads on chapter one, 1500 on chapter two and about 400 or so on all subsequent chapters.
The story has three arcs.I had planned to seperate them with "Sections" and post it as one big story.
The first chapter describes a woman's decision to be trained in BDSM by a man she met on the Internet and hows she comes out to her family about her decision. To me, this is a fascinating topic.
The initial chapter I knew would not "Grab" people - I didn't want to do the flash foward 3 weeks then say "Now let me tell you how it all began" schtick.
It was intentional I began with her reasoning and how she started the introductions to her immediate family when he arrived.
(There is a twist in the middle of this section that I did not want to give away to the reader).
Section Two: Involves their trip to Florida. I have always wanted to tell a story about a BDSM-friendly family on a vacation trip.
Section Three: is once they get where they are going and how things go from there.
Considering readership is *LOW* for this story I have a few options:
1 - Cut bait now and write something else people will like.
2- Continue with one big story and fuck whoever doesn't like it/don't care if no one reads it.
3- Split them into three smaller stories of about a dozen chapters each.
Do you prefer serial stories of about 12 chapters or would you prefer it all in one?
If you've read "Resetting my bitch button" - should I just hang it up?
I have two more chapters almost ready to post. It concludes the initial section.
I turned on voting now that chapter 7 is posted.
I have more chapters almost prepared to post. I hope you enjoy them. This is the most complex story I've ever started. It is also potentially the longest - longer than HOA and Do you have a big dick why not.
I hope that it is not "too over the top" at the same time - I want it to be excited. I believe the characters would do the things they are doing in this story.
I do appreciate everyone's feedback on what my next project should be. I have some ideas for one-off single shorter stories but they probably need to wait for a while. Please continue with the constructive feedback and comments on the story.
When I first started writing someone told me that I was a terrible writer. They suggested I never write again. That was on this site.
I didn't for a long time. My favorite authors stopped posting or slowed down (Vulgus, Amanda Serve, Smack Magnet and Mike McGifford).
I loved their stories so much that I decided to write a few similar ones. My hope was that it may inspire someone to write similar ones and I could enjoy more of what I like to read. My mandate was "write the kind of stories you would want to read"
My early attempts were pretty bad. I didn't have any grammar checking tools like Word or Grammarly and it shows. I also didn't have any editors (still don't).
I have a few people who I am grateful for that send me corrections when they find them in my writing.
Mike started writing again (Thankfully) and I've gotten to know him a lot more. Vulgus is still around and I wish I could encourage him to write. Amanda took her stories down.
I am thinking about writing an homage to Amanda. It's going to be kind of my epic big story. The biggest one I've ever written. I am taking my time putting it together. Usually, I just write up the characters and the situation and start writing. This time I am really thinking about the dynamics of what I set up.
I may not be ready to post that for a little while.
In the meantime, I wanted to update you and ask YOUR opinion on what I should do next.
There are 22 chapters and an epilogue for the "Keeping my sister in line: Karen's Tale" story that have been written. Mike McGifford graciously accepted my offer to guest write the final chapter and the epilogue. Once he finishes his edits I am posting those final chapters over the next few days. I posted chapter 20 today - meaning there are three chapters left before it concludes.
There are 5 chapters of "I caught my son masturbating". I've written almost all of them. I have a final epic spanking scene to write. I posted chapter 3 (which has the big twist) the other day. I plan to post the final chapters after I conclude Karen's Tale.
I've been toying with a few short term ideas while I work on my Amanda story (working title: Amanda Serve: Magnum Opus)
Is there something you want me to work on?
My mantra was write the kind of stories I would like to read. I've written most of them now. My themes often include situations where BDSM life and vanilla life collide. They include blackmail, humiliation and bondage.
I have a few ideas sitting around with some notes on them. I also have a couple stories that I abandoned due to lack of reader interest that are posted on SOL and I can go back to. I would appreciate your preference and some notes/suggestions.
Here they are:
You can find all of these stories on SOL - they are not finished
Keeping the Womenfolk in Line: Red Fanny Annie:
Step Mom and Step sister spank and tease Annie while her father is away. He returns from business and spanks the step mom and sister the same way.
'Keeping the Women Folk in Line - My Mom Is a Whore on Twitter'
This was based on the concept that the boy discovers his mom is a sex worker on twitter and she shares her kinky side with him when he finds out. I think I may have ran out of creativity on this one.
Vulgus: My Brother's Revenge II
Vulgus gave me his blessing to pick up one of his stories and write a sequel. I may have ran out of creativity/hit a wall on this one. I have half a chapter written that is not published.
I felt like I was not doing justice to Vulgus because I am simply not as good an author as he is. In this version, the sister is actually craving her brother's control now and she teases him into taking charge of her to finish what he started.
The Assistants: Training Sisters
This is based on the Central City Universe - (Great stories) - a futuristic world where slavery is common place. Two sisters end up getting trained. The final chapter would have explained that the family no longer under financial duress doesn't actually need them to be trained and sold, but since they already went through all the processing their tits are engorged, their asses are stretched and they are permanently shaved and well trained. I think the final chapter could be knocked out pretty quickly but I wasn't sure if anyone really enjoyed that story.
These are just some ideas for a short story series
Naked In School: Fantasy Version:
That's not really the title. That's just my working title. Honestly, I don't know if I could even write this. Fantasy is not my strong suit.
It would be a Naked in School story, but unlike most of them it is set in one of those Dungeons and Dragons settings with Elves and Dwarves.
Kara is a young villager who was chosen by the Preistesses of the Goddess of Fertility to begin her education. She could have become a more mundane seamstress or farmer's wife and this is a high honor. It also requires her to start her training completely nude. The story would be from her perspective as she describes how humiliating it is to walk through the village square naked, and how her little brother keeps looking between her legs when she walks, etc.
I also thought about one where Kara is part of a warrior cult (like Mandalorians except in a fantasy setting) that fights in the nude with body paint - it's all men. She is the first woman and her story about being an adventuress.
Captain's Log: Star Trek:
Set in Star Trek the Next Generation. The story will be told as if there is a "Captain's Log" between chapters to summarize what has happened then move into the action.
The mission is that the Enterprise must locate an away team commanded by Ensign Barclay. They were to observe the local culture.
The world is populated by humanoids who are extremly mysogonistic Women are chattel to be traded, and nudity is common place. The youngest male heir in the family becomes head of household on their 16th birthday.
The crew is surgically altered to blend in, and must go down to the surface. Wesley Crusher volunteers to go as the 'leader' of the mission. His mother is going as well. "Wesley, it's just play acting. You will have to whip Deanna's ass. You'll have to whip my Ass. It's perfectly acceptable down there."
"Yeah mom, I just feel guilty about it"
"I know you do. If there was any other way to get the away team out of there Captain Picard would do it. In the mean time, you have to whip me like you mean it. We only have a limited time to practice before we beam down. Now, I am going to bend over and you try again and this time be more sadistic.."
That's the general premise.
My Brother tried to keep me in line:
A twist on my stories. In this one, the brother tries to use mind control pills on his sister and mom to dominate them. They are total placebos. The girls find out and go along with it - just to see how far he'd actually go.
This would be similar to my Goldberg story except that there is no humor/comedy in it. If you read that story already and liked it - you may like this or find it redundant. I just want to play with that theme more.
I could also have him try to blackmail them and they agree even though they dont' care about the blackmail/it's weak. They just want to fuck with his head. I like the mind control idea a little more though because despite it not seemign plausible when they start acting strangely around him, they can even pretend it backfired/they took him literally and he will worry that he went too far. He can always drop the blackmail but the mind-control they can say didn't wear off.
Road to Redemption:
Based on George's Prichard's priceless graphic novel of the same name. It is set in the 16th century France. A noble woman becomes a nun and embraces humiliation and punishments. She is assigned to a nunnery the day the abbess is dragged out naked to be punished for fornication with her sisters.
The punishments and humiiations the abbess is subjected inspires the nun to such a degree that she will set off on her own journey of self-realization. This story will involve lots of situaitons like having poles shoved up women's asses while they are nude in the village square so they don't wiggle so obscenely as a punishment.
Revisiting any/all of my existing stories and adding a chapter:
I am never satisfied with the ending of any story of mine.
The classic example is HOA. I ended it at the time I had just set up really the next big thing in the story (I won't spoil the ending for you if haven't read it).
I even wrote half a chapter for the next day.
Another one is the ending to "Do you have a big dick, why not?" where the mom decides to serve her son. I could write how her sister in law comes over and she has to deal with the repurcussions of agreeing to be submissive etc. (Although it may feel a bit like some of my more recent stories since they dabble int that theme).
Just about any of my earlier stories could benefit from a "Bonus" (Boner) Chapter that elaborates and provides some glimpse into what happens next. Do you have a favorite in my library that you want just one more day with? if so, give me a synopsis of what you think might happen/would like to see?
That might also introduce people to my older stories. Once they get completed it seems to drop off everyone's radar and readership almost stops completely. I think it's because people are focused on the "most recent" story list - but they may have totally missed the older stories.
I am open to suggestions - so hit me with them. I do have my limitations in that I can't write about things I don't really know well. (I don't know Star Wars or the Swarm series for instance..so I can't write that). I've been writing stories that I would like to read. Tell me a story that YOU would like to read you think I can do justice to.
The more detailed the better in your response.
I am also very open to collaboaration where I write a chapter and you write a chapter and we take turns. I tried it with limited success and I think its a great creative excercise.
I was reading some today. It went something like this:
Hand sanitizer glistened on their hands as they kept their social distance. She reached for him and he reluctantly allowed her to get close enough to touch him. He knew he would need to be tested right away after.
She reached down between his legs and felt a hard bulge. She asked him if he was ready.
"Oh yes, that is my thermometer. I brought it with me in case I need to take my own temperature. I am afraid I can't permit you to use it though due to the high risk."
"I am so hot!" she said.
"Is it possible you are showing signs of the coronavirus?" he asked.
She told him no but she was ready to do the nasty, so they both masturbated to Twitter porn while maintaining six feet apart at all times and wearing their masks.
I started writing stories inspired by one I found on Aastr that inspired me to start writing.
It was fascinating because it was done entirely in dialogue. I've never seen that done well until I read this story. No action description but the reader is able to perfectly follow along.
The story begins with a father telling his teenage daughter to take her panties all the way down and prepare to be spanked. Naturally, she feels she is too old to be spanked this way but we get the impression this has happened plenty of times in the past.
There is a lot of humiliation and BDSM when the wife turns out to be a submissive. The neighbor boy comes over and says he thought he saw a woman with nipple peircings nude in the backyard.
The dad makes his wife come out and drop her robe "Now this is important, boy. Did the peircings look anything like these?"
Unfortunately, the story was never finished.
I decided rather than try to finish the story to do a series of short homages to it. Stories in the spirit of that initial tale that got me into writing.
I don't write in "dialogue" only though. I am not that good of a writer. I may give it a try one day but it is more traditional storytelling. I usually do 1st person from a single perspective to give the reader something to relate to in the telling of the tale.
Every now and then I do birds eye view third person as well.
Case in point (and why I am writing this blog today) is
"Keeping the womenfolk in line -Karen's Tale"
It was originally called "Your face would look good between my legs". However, I was never happy with that title. Now that I've added some chapters I renamed it. The link is located here;
It tells the story of a woman and her son visiting her sister. They have travelled across the country and have no where else to go. Her sister earns her money working out of her trailer selling ass on the Internet. She lives with her two hot daughters, young son and husband. The family is just like any other all-american family. They love each other, have squabbles etc.
I hope you will enjoy it. The feedback has been "mostly positive".
One other notes: Thanks to my friends I am often able to go back and fix my mistakes. I don't have a regular editor to help me. If you see a grammar or consistency mistake in my chapter please let me know.
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