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So here is what I am working on:
(Title is unrelated)
Resetting my Bitch Button:
An homage to a great author who no longer posts on this site - I thought this story would excite people. It's received good scores (one unabomber to drag the whole thing down to a 7) but low readership. I planned this to be by "Magnum Opus" or "Magnum Condom" to fit the biggest dick.
Sadly, I don't think there is much interest in the story. I have done the mother's arc where she decided to submit to discipline. I've done the daughter's arc (no spoilers) where they visit a nudist resort in Georgia for a private event at the "Dip."
Now, I have posted the first chapter in the young Master's arc. I feel like I am writing for an audience of possibly 300 people who are marginally interested at best. I used to get positive feedback, comments, etc. Zero, zilch.
So, I may let this story rest for a bit and come back to it. I'd like to finish it, but at the same time - I am not sure a story like this could ever truly end. It is just a constant journey and learning process for the family.
I work with some Indian people. I wanted to write a story that was told in their voice (in my head). The subject of the title is based on Nehal Chudasama as an unruly/bratty teenager. This is a story of how she is put in her place by her strict Indian mother with the help of the storyteller - her youngest son.
I have the final chapter in editing and should post it up soon. I'll turn on voting with the third chapter. I am still hoping actual people with familiarity with Indian culture look at this story and let me know if it sounds authentic. Most of the Indian erotica I've read has been unappealing to me.
The language barrier is not the issue. I can deal with that, and I attempted to write this as readable but still like someone who spoke a foreign language primarily wrote it in English for an English-speaking audience. He explains for instance, what an Indian vegetable is. He also uses phrases from his native language (Which is not Hindi in this case). I've found Indian people are often quite willing to shed the stereotypes if you ask questions - like do all Indians speak Hindi? Yes, most do but they also have some other language like Tamil that they speak, and maybe one town away they speak something else.
So that was a fun jaunt, but sadly I am not sure there is much interest in that work either (Sense a pattern? lol)
New Project: I am not sure what I am going to call this story. "Are Pussy Lips one word or should I spread them apart?" does have a nice ring to it.
I may just go with "Keeping the womenfolk in line: Beth's Tail" because I think that it belongs in my Keeping the womenfolk in line series.
The thing that makes this story VERY different is that it is a collaboration with fellow author Mike McGifford.
He writes a section, then I write one, and we roll with it. He takes it down a different path than I would, and that has helped us to break out of what we may call a "formula" or way of concluding and moving a story along to make it more fresh. I also do not know what is going to happen to my characters and so I am just as excited finding out as you are, and that's awesome.
This particular story feels like lightning in a bottle. We started with basically no exposition at all. There is literally no reason why the characters are doing the over-the-top hypersexualized actions at the start of the story. That's new to me.
However, over the course of the first three chapters it's all made very clear by showing the reader instead of telling the reader as much as possible. That all fell into place with no planning and felt organic.
These chapters are in editing, so expect them soon.
The thing is when I am between chapters I have no solo project at the moment. I have a few ideas - but always open to yours.
One thing I want to do in the near future is to write a story:
"Destroy My Pussy: Not My planet" - I have hacked a first chapter. Young Greta is an eco-environmentalist willing to do ANYTHING to bring awareness to the perils of the planet.
I have some thoughts about a story set in 1700s France at a nunnery based on stories by Georges Prichard.
I also have a few random thoughts about revisiting a few of my stories and adding a few epilogue chapters. I am never happy where I end my stories. It often feels like I am abandoning my characters just when they finally learn something/evolve into where they were supposed to be.
I recently had a new reader tell me that he liked HOA: Big Day in Sunny Manor but that my main character was annoying and unlikable.
I was like "No duh" I didn't want him to be mary sue - where he is best at all, knows everything, everyone likes him.
I wanted a nerdy, loner who lacks confidence and makes mistakes.
That's fun to start a story with because as he fumbles and claws his way across the fetish line I can easily show his growth as a character. As he discovers his worth and addresses his own imperfections, he becomes likable.
Sadly, that's a long story and without patience, you won't see that until at least 25 chapters in.
So, I know I am an acquired taste as an author. I also know I have no editor, and some of my stories lack the polish of authors who have multiple editors. I have never even had the honor of a single story review after dozens of stories on this site. So I do resign myself to a lower readership - it's just the lowest point since I started.
I have written a story called "Nehal" about a man from a small village in India.
It would be a blessing if someone who is from there could read it and provide feedback. I am posting up the first chapter soon after I finish editing it.
The story takes place in Gujart and I've used some native Gujarti words. I am hoping that I did so in proper context and the story reads like a person who isn't a native English speaker wrote it.
I also hope that it tittilates and amuses. If so I will continue it.
I am just joking with the title of the blog - however I think that may make for an interesting story.
I'd like to ask for feedback on my two recent stories. I can never get anyone to review my stories on this site. I think I am just not lucky/worthy of a review. I rely on feedback from readers and right now I don't get much.
Usually, if someone is going to write to me it is one of three things.
1. "Hey, you fucked up spelling (x) it should be (Y)".
I love that and appreciate it. I have no editor. My friend Mike McGifford takes the time out of his writing to help me as much as he can.
2. "Hey, (I Don't like stories about XYZ) and you (Write stories about XYZ) therefore I do not like you. Stop writing. I downbombed your story with a 1 vote from all my alts.
Or some version of snotgram like that.
3. I love your stories -please continue.
These are the most rare and still encouraging. However, they are not feedback. There is no "why" or specifics in there that helps me understand what I am doing well/doing poorly and what I should do differently. I feed off collaboration and ideas/suggestions.
I can't write Futa, Space Opera or historical fiction very well. If you are familiar with my stories most of them are set in trailer parks or middle America because I write the settings I know the best.
I concluded the short story "Naked in the Trailer Park" recently - and someone was kind enough to point out two of my possibly many spelling and grammatical errors. I use Grammarly and Word and re-read my work but it's often hard to spot my own mistakes. It all makes sense in my head and my mind inserts the correct punctuation. Meanwhile, I have the eyes of a hawk on someone else's work and catch their mistakes.
The feedback was mostly positive except for one troll. The voting was poor, the readership was poor. I am used to that. Stories about BDSM don't do as well on this site. It's still my favorite and only site.
The second story I am on "Resetting my bitch button" is an epic story about a woman who meets a man on the Internet and agrees to let him train her. It explores the concept of going on a 'vacation' with a BDSM flair to it - among other things.
It has a slow start.
I have 10 more chapters in the queue that I am still editing. The next stop is a nudist resort that features a private BDSM event off in the woods away from the "vanilla campers" - These are real things (Google Camp Crucible). This one in particular is focused on pony girls and pony boys.
I'd really love to get feedback on the pacing and character development - plausibility and overall interest in this story.
I have some other short stories I'd like to explore and while the voting is high (with the exception of one troll) I am still barely getting 800 views a chapter while other stories are getting 2-3K posted at the same time.
So that tells me - there is not that much interest in my stories.
I polished a short story that I've had in my back pocket for a while. There are six chapters in total. I have just posted the fourth. I also turned on voting now that you've had a taste. I do encourage you to read to the very end though!
If you are following Resetting my bitch button I need to make a correction.
Due to an error on my part I chose a round number "1,000 points" as the goal per week for the girls. I realized after doing some simple calculations this was much too low. The goal is 3,000 points (which is more like 3,000 dollars a week) and a much better explanation of what may have drawn Kim (Chastity) to start the process of training in the first place.
Despite low readership I am going to continue the story. Chapter 16 will be the "Start" of the main story - I'll create a new section called "VACATION" - which is my exploration of what a BDSM kink friendly family would do on vacation with some members being vanilla.
I really feel that is a fun storyline and one that I've never seen truly explored.
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