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Eddie Davidson: Blog


Wrapping up Keeping the Women Folk in Line - Bible Story

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I am still not sure if Chapter 9 is going to be a mega-chapter or if I want to include Chapter 10 as an epilogue. I am working to ensure that it is not redundant and that the complete tale is told.

Feedback on the comments has been fairly negative at times. It's good to see that though as it is also constructive. You can't please all the people all of the time. One feedback was it seems like just when the story gets started I end it.

I disagree - that is actually part of what I am going for with a complete story. If you watched Star Wars and thought "well cool, death star blew up. I don't care what happens next" you wouldn't watch the other movies.

However, there is a complete arc at the end of Star Wars that tells an entire tale. It doesn't just stop mid-story.

What I am going for is a complete story but not a life story.

The difference is that in Star Wars - they did follow up (it took twenty+ years for most of that follow up). I don't always write sequels to my stories. I encourage people to give it a go and add a fanfiction continuation. This story certainly could be extended - what if the family goes on vacation - perhaps to Bible camp with just Heather, Jayne and Oscar attending for the summer?
How about a trip to Disneyworld? what would that be like? What happens after the marriage on the honeymoon?

What if we introduced Brittany's sister to the equation and she shows up with her son and new characters? All sorts of fun things.

That being said - this story will end within 2 chapters. I'm turning on voting now.

Lastly, I want to ask your opinion on my next project. It is a short fan-fiction based on a lesser known comedian. She's had comedy specials on TV, etc. I know people write about Brittany Spears and the like in fan fiction - what is your thoughts about a fan fiction story?

Would you prefer I just make her "similar" to the celebrity and generic the name? or would you prefer it be a fan fiction?

I've had the same thought about writing Goldbergs fan fiction. In my mind, they are perfect for a porno based on their lives. Just like Al Bundy of Married with Children would be. Kelly and Meg with a horny Bud Bundy - all sorts of fun storylines could be had.

Would it be better to just make the characters "Similar" but not the same or would you prefer a fan fiction?

Too bad I can't create a poll.

If your Erection Lasts Four Hours or more: CALL ME!

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I saw a girl at the mall today wearing a shirt that read

"If your Erection Lasts Four Hours or more: CALL ME!"

She had a short skirt, and a mask on.

Twitter is full of girls that go out and do shocking things. They seem like they are in a competition to do the most degrading things possible and put pictures on the Internet. They had one called the "Running jump butthole challenge" I think. It was where they run at the camer and jump in such a way you can see their butthole as they come down.

I could never imagined a world like this. I mean I have - I write about it in my stories. However, I sometimes think people think I am too over the top. The real world has colleges with "naked week" where the students (And some faculty) attend class in the nude. The NIS stories we write about aren't even as wild as those campuses.

It's kind of awesome.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I completed the 9th (and final) chapter of "Keeping the womenfolk in line- Bible Story" with the 9th chapter being extra long. I am still finalizing and editing though so expect a chapter probably every day or every other day for a while.

I'll turn voting on around chapter 7 when people have a chance to read enough to make an honest decision about the quality of my writing.

As to the next project?

well, I want to do a Esther Povitsky fan fiction. She is a lesser known comedian - but extremely cute. I've got some ideas about that story line. Her parents think she won't amount to much as a comedian/podcaster and send her to "Whore school" for an education - it's a private campus of about a dozen girls in the same boat as her. It's not an officially sanctioned university or anything.

I've got an idea for a collaboration with my favorite author Mike McGifford. He is working on something BIG- I mean HUGE. A classic tale and when he posts it - you are going to love it. I've been lucky enough to get some previews and offer feedback.

thats all for now.


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I have 38 stories on SOL.

Like an Airline pilot no one really cares how many of those I land (finish). They only really hate me when I crash (and don't finish one). I've got a couple perpetually in limbo and I apologize for that. As an Author, I ran out of juice on that story and decided to put it aside until I was inspired to complete it.

I haven't posted much in a long time. So what have I been doing?

Well, I've been working on a story but this time my plan is to WRITE IT FULLY and then post it a little at a time as I edit it. This way I won't (crash the plane) and leave you hanging. Unfortunately, it means I am super quiet.

I do love reader feedback and often I've had a reader say something like "Well, why didn't the character (just do XYZ?)" in the comments and I'll adjust the story to explain that or have the character do XYZ. I'll miss out on that but I think it's probably worth it.

I am up to chapter 5 of my next story. The premise is a hot one. It's written from the Husband's perspective. His wife cheats on him and is somewhat defiant. He lays down an ultimatum for her and she basically dares him to keep her in line. It becomes far more interesting when his daughter helps him with the rules.

It is kind of a spin on the "Accidental Master" story. These are common stories where someone who didn't set out to be - became the dominant partner in a relationship. Usually, they have to be "Billy Bad-ass" with a plan out of the gate and that often makes no sense. They will need help and guidance and so this particular story I think addresses that scenario in a unique way.

It's been really enjoyable working on it. I do have other ideas for a story but this is the one I am focused on now. The "You Bet Your Ass" story has a chapter in limbo. The sisters have involved their step-brother in their sex-bets and things get weird quick.

The other one premise I was toying with involved the NIS (Naked in School) concept. The story of a girl who recently became pregnant. She was offered an early graduation if she completes the NIS program. Her tits were already way too big for her itty-bitty-body. 44DDD but now they are hardening and becoming more sensitive as she starts to drip a little milk. The story would involve the awkward walks through the hallway with huge tits jiggling, or flopping them on her school desk as she has no bra support.

I would be tempted to set that in the "Modern Family" Fan Fiction category - the TV show with Ariel Winter as the NIS candidate. She has huge tits and would be ideal for the main character. Especially because her jealous older sister has little bitty knockers - so there is always the teasing at home as well as at school.

However, my fanfictions haven't been all that popular. I love the idea of it because it instantly transports the reader to a world that is pre-defined, familiar and easy to imagine.

In any case, stay tuned - as I won't be ready to post the accidental master story for at least a few more months. It should be epic!


Posted at Updated:

Writers never take a vacation.

If they are not writing - they are thinking about writing.

Even when we have lost our muse/inspiration we are often running through ideas in our head.

Recently, my writing has been slowed by real life and the lack of inspiration to produce quality.

A few nasty grams from readers had also put me off writing the story I was going full tilt on. My writing partner Mike also seemed to lose steam on that story. I've got a new chapter in the hopper for today.

One thing that would help me tremendously - if you are a fan of my stories and like them - would you consider being a "PROOF READER"

I could either email you on this site or after I post the story - if you will just be kind enough to read the story thoroughly and let me know if any errors you catch?


send me the chapter/story and the line that is wrong
"Your going to have to do better"
along with the change if its not obvious
"You're going to have to do better"

(That change is obvious but you get my meaning)

I spend so much time on proof reading and I could be writing. I don't really need an editor. This is just a proof reading thing.

This story "Confessions of a Reformed Slut" has a definitive end. However, like a Blu-Ray CD we are going to add the cutting room floor chapters that continue the story like an extended edition at the end for the edification of the few perverted fans that continued to read that far. Some of the final chapters are really fun and would have made a great sequel - possibly still could.

In the meantime, I have one other active story I am finishing up - the one that Mike himself originally wrote "Visiting Aunt Scarlet" - I don't think I am doing justice to that story.

There is something I am trying to avoid and that is becoming a "Formula writer". I write what I enjoy but I think I fall into particular scenarios and tropes that I enjoy exploring too often. I am going to try with the next couple of stories to really break that mold as much as possible. I hope it doesn't drive off the regular readers who enjoy watching the many variations of the 'formula' that I deliver.

In other, unrelated buy exciting news - did anyone observe the return of Vulgus - a single chapter posted to a new story?

Hopefully, that is a positive sign because as I said - writers never really get a vacation. If we aren't writing - we are thinking about writing.

Three Things I enjoy are Eating My Family and Not Using Commas

Posted at

I hope you get that joke in the title and dont' think I am a Cannibal.

It is thanksgiving though - so a story about a greased up slut tied to the dinner table with a corn on the cob in her mouth and rope binding her toes to her tits like she is a Turkey Dinner or table decoration would be much appreciated.

I know my writing has been slow lately - apologies in advance. Real life has been getting in the way and slowing down my inspiration.

We've got 37 chapters written of the "Confessions of a Slut" story - and sadly we are running out of steam. Feedback stopped a long time and readership has been down. We had plans for an entirely new arc to the story but I am thinking about putting the logical end on the story around chapter 34 and then just posting our 'bonus chapters' for those few patient perverts who enjoyed the story.

I am working today on adding a chapter to Mike McGifford's "Visiting Aunt Scarlet" story. I swear it had a snappy title when we first started talking about it.

He wrote a story the other day that started with the following:

"Hon, don't you think it is about time to untie her and bring her inside?"

Now, I don't know about you but that is a very exciting first sentence to a story. I could probably write at least half a dozen different scenarios with that first sentence.

I don't really know what Mike's plans are as we wrap this story -but my hope is he'll keep writing stuff. If you haven't followed him as an author he is located here:

If you like my stories - you'll love his library of stories too.

Also, I am not kidding about a good Turkey story. Last year, I wrote a short story about a woman who "Gives until it hurts" at a local food bank - and was caught sucking cock behind the homeless shelter by her two daughters. That was a fun story.

How about writing one about a domme/sub couple that come home to visit family and get found out?



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