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Eddie Davidson: Blog


Vulgus Brother's Revenge

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I am working on a short story side project.
I contacted Vulgus and he gave me his blessing to continue his story.

If you haven't read it - it leaves off with a lot of questions for me. I try to answer them in the follow up story.

I start this chapter with a dream. I wanted to grab the reader's attention and speak to the constant subtext in Vulgus's original story that as Lori engaged in her brother's sordid games, she got turned on. She still hasn't dealt with what happened.

It gets a little over the top in the dream (by intention) and then tells the reader clearly -this was a recurring dream. It sets the tone for Lori to approach Jeff about what happened.

I have one chapter. I could have also written that Jeff eventually thinks of a much better way to blackmail his sister and picked it up there.

I'd really like to hear what you think happens next/or where you'd go if you were going to continue Vulgus's story.

My Brother's revenge -Part II (Vulgus Classic)

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I was re-reading this story and I am still not done yet.

Vulgus is a classic author - sadly he doesn't write anymore on this site or anywhere that I am aware of.

The premise of this story is rather simple:

Lori and her friend Tawney smoke pot, drink wine, and have sex while the parents are away.

A-hole brother blackmails them to do what he says.

The girls are convinced their parents will send them to strict religious school if they get found out or worse.

The premise wears a little thin because the girls essentially ruin their own reputation obeying his orders in public as he humiliates them. Anyone who is present could quite easily blackmail them too/tell their parents. Tawney's little brother helps take pictures - he could have easily controlled her as well.

In addition, they agree to this without any end - essentially he owns them forever. There are no conditions. The girls never try to bargain with him - they surrender immediately.

That being said there is always this hint that the two girls were secretly getting off on it - although it is very subtle.

"I am not saying I wanted to be an involuntary slave but his dick felt good inside me and I enjoyed the way they examined our bodies so closely," kind of comments.

*spoiler alert*

The ending was never satisfying to me. In the end, a boyfriend puts the A-hole brother in the trunk and tells him never to try it again. The girl is sexually energized now and has really come of age with her body/sexuality in a mature fashion. She has the original videos and sometimes likes to fantasize about them. The summer ends with a thud.

What it never tells us is what does Jeff do after that?

Does she ever feel like payback?

What I would like to do is consider writing an add-on. Would it be sacrilege to re-open a Vulgus story and add a part two?

Who am I to stand in his shoes and tell a story that is as good?

What would that story look like anyway?

I saw a video recently that said "There is nothing more dangerous than the boredom of teenage girls". It was extremely hot.

It suggested that beneath all the glitter and mascara are girls who want to do naughty things/daring things but have no outlet.

Thoughts: I could easily do a revenge on Jeff story but I was thinking something like this:

Two weeks later. Jeff is afraid to talk to Lori.

"I am not going to bite you Jeff. Do you want to talk about what happened?"


"Are you sure?"


"What if I told you that I forgave you?"

"You don't though"

"Yes, I do. I even liked some of what you made me do,"


"Yeah, I still watch the tapes sometime. I am shocked that I did them now, but it was kind of wild"

"Would you do them again?"

"Well, I think my reputation is ruined enough that the threat of seeing me in a porn video is probably not going to scare me into being your obedient little slut again."

"What would?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like if we just pretended I had a video that was much worse,"

"You mean like robbing a bank or something?"

"Yeah, or doing crack and turning tricks in nigger town"

"Jeff don't say Nigger. That is horrible"

"Fine, doing crack and turning tricks in African American town"

"I am not sure that is any better. Let's say that I agreed. Would you let me earn the tape back after a certain amount of time? The last time you made it sound like forever."

"What will Laney say if we do this?"

"He can help you blackmail us and keep it fair,"

"Mom and Dad aren't going on vacation anytime soon"

"One of the things that scared me the most was how you'd make me your slave while they were here. If we can keep it going under their noses for two weeks then I might be willing to do it again sometime?"

"What about Tawney and Lynne?"

"I could ask them if they are down?"

Too lame? Would it not work if Lori is into it? Would it be better if Jeff strikes back and tries to control Laney/scare him off?

This is the original if you are interested.

Goldbergs Conclusion - Due Today!! What Next?

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The final two chapters of the Goldbergs are pretty intense. I hope you enjoy them. I could have written a few more chapters about Beverly and Erica as slut puppies but I think the arc has concluded.

I'll be posting Chapter 11 after I finish some final edits. I hope you have followed along with it. I'd love to see other stories with a similar premise.

It is basically a story about a dare. The dare is to pretend you are under mind-control and see how far you can go with a straight face.

I could easily picture it being much like a game of truth or dare.

I am still not ready to immerse myself into the sequel of HOA. I am gathering my thoughts and making notes though. I started to write it in the voice of Froggy (the younger sister) but I wasn't entirely happy with that. I thought it may give the story a different perspective but it didn't feel quite right.

I've got a few half-started single chapter stories I started as well that I've been futzing with. Stay tuned though and I'll share with you my next plans.

In the mean time, may I plug my friend Mike McGifford's story?
"The Dream" covers the time when Mike and Karen are first starting their BDSM journey and dealing with their own vanilla family. These are the neighbors that live in Sunny Manor in the HOA story.

Mike is on Chapter Five and I hope you will give it a read. I think you will enjoy it if you liked HOA. There is a realness about these characters that give them a lot of flavor and nuance.

Goldbergs - Update

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I think I am nearing completion of the Goldbergs: Mind Control Story.

I believe it is going to be 11 chapters. We'll have to see as I do the final edits. I've appreciated the support so far as I finish it out.

I wanted to share with you another cool youtube link if you aren't that familiar with the characters

The best of Erica Goldberg - very helpful when picturing her many facial expressions.

In other news, I am still working on a few short stories before I begin the second book of HOA. I assume HOA would take a better part of a year and I don't want to lose focus once I start.

That being said I have a couple ideas for new stories. I thought I'd share them with you:

1 - A Series of Victorian Style Letters from a young woman to her beau. The story would be told through her descriptions of events. I've never tried a story like this. In the first letter, she would explain that her mother was caught having sexual relations with her Uncle. Her mother was given a choice to attend the house of corrections of an adultress or spend six months in a peasants garb being punished at the house/serving. It will get wicked from there. Inspired by George Pichard and Victorian bawdy tales of revenge and wickedness.

2- A Story about a boy and two girls. The girls move in next door. He spies on them and discovers his Aunt disciplines them. They are naked with their hands cuffed behind their back.

Goldbergs: Voting Turned On

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Chapter Seven is a turning point in the story that gets more intense.

I've turned on voting to see if people are enjoying it.

I've also got a quick video for an introduction to the characters:



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