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Eddie Davidson: Blog


Rocky Horror Picture Show

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How many people have fond memories of going to a theater and seeing the Rocky Horror Picture Show?

I do.

I often write stories about people who intertwine kink into their daily lives 24/7 as much as possible. They still have to do things like eat and pay bills.

I made a decision with "Keeping the Babysitter in Line" to write about a family that does most of that on one weekend a month. It just so happens the main character is visiting on that particular weekend.

They let down their hair and indulge in their masochistic fantasies. The girls are adrenaline junkies and like raw sex.

I am working on posting chapters 15-17 which I believe are probably the most exciting in the entire story. I had to lay the framework to get to this point so that the context would be there. If not, I think it would have seemed way over the top. Don't worry - the girls are safe and their father has a lot of experience with the show he is putting on.

I also wanted to show them doing other things - vanilla things. In the story, around chapter 32 they are going to Rocky Horror Picture Show. The main character's introduction will include many of my own observations as an amalgam into the experience. I am hoping that comes across as authentic and may give you a sense of nostalgia if you've ever been.

This is a departure and a little risky for me - because it's not a sex romp. Some risque' things happen because - it's Rocky Horror. However, it isn't anything that would really shock anyone who has ever been to one of their shows. It's campy and fun.

I wanted to see if that is a welcome storyline twist to people who follow my writing?

I definitely have a hard-core (small) group of dedicated perverts that seem to enjoy my writing. That's part of what drives me to stretch myself as an author. I wanted to make these characters feel as real as possible. I also wanted to incorporate Rocky Horror into an erotic story - not sure if anyone has done that except in fanfiction. A kind of homage.

I've also made a conscious attempt to use vintage photographs whenever possible to include as captions of the story. I wanted to capture the big hair and make-up of the 1980s.

Keeping the Babysitter in Line - is imho one of the best stories I've ever written. I don't get a lot of feedback about it.

I'll be curious (especially when I post the Rocky chapters) if you enjoy it. I would love to hear from you.

If women wrote men the way most men write women

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What if sex-fiction was written by women, that have only a passing understanding of men's bodies/turn ons? This is how I think they would write it.

His testicles bounced in front of me. He opened his plump lips but annoying words came out. He mumbled something about fantasy football. He ejaculated prematurely and disappointed me. Then he rolled over and went to sleep.

Later, he sat silently and watched the game. His nut sack was like two great orbs before me. They bounced back and forth. I tried to engage him in conversation but he only had something to say about the super bowl. He was so cute.

I couldn't help but sigh imagining those pert testicles. They sagged high and tight. He was getting older though. One day his testicles would sag much lower and not tight. He would be relegated to the back pages of a woman's black book and replaced by a younger man with high and tight testicles.

He batted his eyelashes at me as if begging for me to protect him from the world. His balls bulged in his tiny shorts. I told him that from now on he would wear no underwear because that would be sexy. He poop striped his jeans and did not know how to do his own laundry.

He pulled them off and threw them on the floor, where he intended to pick them up in the morning and put them on again because in his own words "they were mostly still clean."

His pubic hair was a tangled mess, that smelled of Funyuns and sweat. He had never heard of manicuring or even cleaning under his nails. They smelled of the last thing he had eaten. He jabbed his finger inside me as if that was masturbation. His nails snagged my insides but thankfully he thought that ten seconds was enough rubbing and tried to get on with getting on top of me.

He groaned and sweat on me. Then he put his thing into me. He did not wait until I orgasmed. Then he finished and rolled over and went to sleep. He made sure that I had to sleep in the wet spot.

The End.

(In case it was not obvious - this is an attempt at levity)

If Size Doesn't Matter - why are there 14 inch dildos?

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Today's question to ponder: If Size Doesn't Matter - why are there 14-inch dildos?

In semi-related news: Here is what is going on.

Over the holidays I finished several stories:

Christm-ass cums butt once a year:
The general idea is a bratty girl comes home for college and tells her brother that her christmas present is she will do whatever he tells her. The catch is he can't ask - he has to tell.

Puppy Student Program - NIS
I actually wrote 12 chapters with an extended arc but decided to keep it to 9 essential chapters. This is a Naked in School story - but with a twist.

As NIS became more widely accepted they introduced a new program to help educate on kink-shaming/slut-shaming and introduce students to the concept of puppy play. I think it was a fun romp!


Resetting My Bitch Button

I also completed this epic motherfucker of a story. 52 chapters!

It's about a woman who knows she is a natural bitch, and she seeks discipline to keep her line but there is so much more going on here. I don't want to ruin the surprise if you read it.

Unfortunately, I put this story aside last year and when I started publishing it again I've received very few actual reads. There were an average of 6,000 for the first 30 chapters but now it barely breaks 800.

However, those 800 are the loyal perverts that really like my stuff apparently because I do get emails about it in a positive way now and again.

The only thing left to do is edit the final 8 chapters and include any illustrative captions.


I'll be editing chapters a little slowly while I work on the next one in the list.

My New Story:
Keeping the Babysitter in Line

This is part of the "Keeping the (whatever the fuck) in line" series of stories. They usually feature new characters in each story. I trace the origin of this story to something I read years ago on a different site called "Keeping the Womenfolk in Line"

It had a relatively simple premise but it painted such an intriguing picture of people who live a very kinky lifestyle 24/7 and how others who do not interact with them.

That particular story also featured "dialogue only" to tell the story. That's incredibly difficult to pull off because you give up the ability to paint word pictures of locations, actions and even motivations. I don't write mine that way. I do really think it's a cool read. I'd link that story too but it's another site.

The reason I particularly like Keeping the Babysitter in line is that I've set it in the 1980s. I often write nerdy kids who get put into an interesting situation and end up cumming of age/coming of age. This one draws upon observations from that time very heavily and is a trip down nostalgia lane. The captions that I use are also very nostalgia driven.

He is obsessed with his babysitter and he has the good fortune of staying over at her house for the weekend. it just so happens she's mixed up the dates, and this is also to be a kinky weekend at her parents house.

The one thing that I really did differently here is that I've tried to show these people as ones who are kinky but do not live this 24/7. They pay bills, go grocery shopping, do all the normal stuff. It just so happens that this is the weekend that they set aside to get a little freaky. You won't see that vanilla stuff into you are well invested in the story.

If you are a fan of Rocky Horror Picture show, you'll be pleased to know that I've included that heavily in this story as well. When I was a kid, I heard of RHPS (Who hasn't?) but I assumed it was Rocky Balboa running around with a chainsaw or something.

The person who brought me my first time was 6'4 and 250 pounds. I was a skinny kid. He threw me over his shoulder and started yelling "Virgin!!" without warning.

It started the entire thing off with a bang! All these freaky people that hang out for the pre-show were more interesting than the actual movie to me. I went hundreds of times after that and it was a profound influence in my life.

I've decided to reflect that in this story as an homage.


I wanted to mention two other projects that are not my own (and I will tell you why).

Morale Officer Not Moral Officer
By Badger Hole.

Badger is a first time author that is close to my heart. He didn't think he could tell stories but I knew otherwise. I encouraged him to try and I've been having a hard time waiting between installments of his wonderful story.

He has an interesting and unique writing style. He's set the story in what he coined "KIS" (Kink in School) universe. I like that because of the obvious implication of wordplay with the acronym and KISS.

This is a continuation of NIS inspired perhaps by my Puppy Student Program story. His is set in the not to distant future when public nudity is legal even in the workplace.

A woman is hired as the morale officer (not the morals officers) implying that she isn't there to judge kinks of what is and isn't acceptable to enjoy.

Unlike many of my more reluctant female main characters, he made her excited, enthusiastic with a "How will I know I don't like it unless I try?" attitude.

It's a fun read. I highly recommend it.


Last but not least, I want to mention
by Bydasea

Bydasea often writes really epic stories about humiliation, blackmail, discipline and control. I believe they all involve a female main character.

What he has written this time, is what I've actually been wanting to read for a long time. There is only two chapters but they are excellent.

Most Femdom/Female Led Relationship stories make the woman into a narcissistic sex-crazed villainess. She usually blackmails her husband into engaging in the relationship. She ends up using the relationship as an excuse to fuck anyone but him.

If you put a male into the same role in the same story you'd hate him by the end. Even the cruelest Master in most stories is looking to have intimacy with the submissive.

Femdom is a little different dynamic and I get that- denying sex and getting it when you want is not the same thing as just fucking everyone else but your man.

What Bydasea did was paint a picture of what my experience with FLR/Femdom has been in real life with couples that practice. The woman simply takes charge and does things that men stereotypically does. They have kink but that is not their entire life. It does tend to affect them outside of the bedroom as well. They laugh, they joke, they may even squabble (in this story that hasn't happened yet). I was hoping to see a realistic portrayal of what it might be like if the man was honest with his wife and said "I kind of like it if you take charge at home" instead of her having to be this ruthless conniver who is out to force him to engage in something he doesn't want to do.

Now, this story could take a twist that I didn't expect and that would be perfectly cool with me. I even hope that it does. What it is starting out as is a genuinely relatable story.

Many people do not like femdom and its not their cup of tea. I totally get that. It's a fair warning that is part of this story. A woman in control is nothing to be afraid of though.

Imagine if she loves her husband. She just wants him to be better? to seek out her needs and fill them? to obey her?

Yes, there is discipline and kink but it's not a relationship built entirely on that either. At least, that's not what I see when I read it. It's outstanding.

I'd love to take a crack at writing something like that sometime.

I would encourage everyone who enjoys my stories to check out those other two stories if you have the time.

Rebooting: Do You Have a Big Dick, why not?

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I've published 45 stories on here (most of which are concluded).

My text comprises 15213kb. I don't know what the word count is for that. The word count for the largest stories exceeds 260,000 which is comparable in size to Ulysses by James Joyce. War and Peace is about twice that number though - but considering I've written five stories in that range, you can say that I am verbose at the very least.

There are two stories that I wrote quite some time ago that I still get feedback on. HOA: Big Day in Sunny Manor is the biggest one. I must have caught lightning in the bottle with that one.

I didn't have a real plan for that story. I wanted to tell a story about a (mostly) Vanilla family moving to a kink-friendly nudist resort in Tampa and learning that their parents are Dom/sub.

I told the story from the eldest son's POV, sort of fish out of water. I took my time and really gave life to subplots and lesser characters.

I tried writing a sequel of sorts. I've still got some unpublished chapters but it didnt' quite land like the first one - at least not with me.

The other story I get positive/constructive comments on the most is "Do you have a big dick, why not?"

This is the story of an average nerdy guy (I guess that's a pattern in my stories). He likes this girl with big doe-eyes, big tits, big butt, that is shy at his school.

She doesn't normally let boys get close to her. She doesn't try to stand out from the crowd or be the hot girl. She is just kind of average to most.

However, he sees something in her. Her mother, older sister and her webcam at night for money. It's a pervasive part of their lives and she assumes that most boys would not be able to deal with that.

The Mom from the story is based on a real stripper I knew that has turned to webcamming because its safer/more money. She can live off her only fans library. The eponymous title comes from something she asks the main character when she first meets him.

"Do you have a big dick?" (or cocaine or money? then why are you talking to me?)

The story has some interesting twists, and I won't spoil them for you if you have never read it.


There is a sequel that takes things in a new direction."It's not cheating if you watch".

I didn't even MS Word back then to help me spell check and no editor at all. There may be some pretty big spelling errors. I hadn't figured out how to caption stories with pictures yet either.

So I've some questions for you: I am wrapping up my existing stories and thinking about my next project?

Would you rather I write an entirely NEW story or would you like to see me to do a "Reboot". I'd take the same characters/set-up but tell a slightly different story.

Part of that is a question about whether or not those characters and that scenario was memorable enough to do a reboot treatment. Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock were so beloved that rebooting them is a no-brainer (even if some old fans won't appreciate the update of a classic).

People retell Scrooge every year - does "Do you have a big dick, why not?" need another coat of paint?

or did I tell the story I needed to tell and I should tell new ones?

Everything is a time sink. If I am doing one thing I can't be doing the other thing. I have to pick one. I could also clean up the old story and add captions. It's had close to 50,000 downloads though, so I'd imagine anyone on here who isn't my kind of kink has read it already and may not care to see the cleaned up "blu-ray" edition just because I added a few 4k scenes to the old version of it.

No editor

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I have been struggling with the help of a few freinds/long time readers to act as an editor.

I do not correspond outside of SOL With my personal email, which makes it difficult because I rely upon the internal email system.

However, you will see few updates from me, and the ones that do happen will unfortunately have reduced quality.

Editors are more than grammar check on steroids. They are the ones who help keep the story consistent and guide me when I start down a strange path.

I have *FOUR* stories in process. Here are the statuses:

Puppy Student Program - NIS - I wanted to do an alternative discipline naked in school story about puppy-play. I was inspired by something someone wrote about "Best of intentions" from school administrators in the forums.

Essentially, the idea behind it (without telling the students) would not only be body/kink positivity but also the experience would make students more inclined to follow instructions/be man's best friend if they could adopt the attitude of a dog for just a week.

I posted chapter six, with some bad edits/errors that I've tried to fix with a recent update that should be posted shortly.

I have 14 chapters with the story almost concluded. After Katie and Ashley's first week, I went down a very different path with them. I am thinking of just cutting that out entirely.

Resetting my Bitch Button:
I came back strong with this one, and have 10 chapters in edit. Jessie's arc as he leaves the nudist resort much more confident, and then subsequently his cousin's experimentation with submission have added a whole "third act" to the story. I was planning to take them to disney world and then to live with Mike for a while.

Unfortunately, no editor - so chapters are slow to post. There are at least 5 more chapters to this story before I think it concludes although a sequel focused strictly on Buttercup might be fun.

Christmas Cums Butt Once Per Year:
This story is complete and has 15 chapters. The exception is the most recent chapter. I am still futzing with it, because I am not sure it is plausible or fits and while I like it - I also think it could be better.

No editor means I can't get this one posted that much but the VERY satisfying conclusion awaits.

Keeping the Entire Family in Line:
This and the prequel (keeping the men in the family in line) has been put on hold. I really enjoyed the family essentially building their own contract of how things would be - but I lost inspiration somewhere along the way and this will be on hiatus for a bit.

I'd love for a guest author to also write a little fan fiction about some of these characters or collaborate on some with me. It could be interesting to see the story from other character's perspectives or embellish a little on some of what happens during and after.

What is new for 2022:

A long time friend and collaborator of mine has recently said he may not be participating on the site much any more which is a real bummer. He had all these awesome vignettes that he wrote that I'd like to do justice with.

Visiting Aunt Scarlet is a published an example of one of his stories that went about five chapter strong and then he lost interest and so I stopped making updates to it. I'd like to finish that one.

We had another one about a woman who answers a personal ad for BDSM relationship only to find out it is her dad (and mom). What do they do now?

We had another one about called "Big Montana Tits" (a play on Big Montana Sky) about a boy who travels to a Montana ranch with his family. The ranch owner's idea of discipline is not quite as extreme as most of my stories - girls get to wear clothes (most of the time) for instance. I wanted to explore a kinky but not extreme lifestyle.

Lastly, I've had this idea about retelling a George's Pichard classic story "Marie Gabrielle". It's a graphic novel you can probably find if you google it. I think I would focus on the first part.

In it, this woman is a widow and she lives with her husband's affluent mother. At some point, she is bored and stays home from church to suck her brother in law's cock in the water closet. She is caught, disgraced and in her fall from grace accepts that she has a choice: Either life as a servant at the house, or public humiliation and marched through the streets to a house for disgraced women.

She chooses to remain there, with her son and daughter, and this would be the story from one of their perspectives I think.



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