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Eddie Davidson: Blog


A Blonde Radios the Air Traffic Controller

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A Blonde Radios the Air Traffic Controller (A short story)

Blonde: Breaker, Breaker-One Nine. I am in the air in a small plane and the pilot is dead. I don't know how to fly. Over.

ATC: "This is air traffic control and I hear you loud and clear. Just try to relax. I'll talk you through this and get you back on the ground. Everything will be fine. What is your position?"

Blonde: "Doggy style and then cowgirl, but I got off of him when he died. Do I need to get back on top?"

Help Wanted: See Within

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When I first started writing on this site is was a dismal failure. I've even removed some of my early stories because they are so bad (imho).

I've always been blessed (or cursed) with creativity and being a pervert. Those two attributes have driven my need to write even though I had very little technical ability.

I did not even have MS Word or Grammarly.

I once got to exchange emails with one of my inspirations - Vulgus. He told me he had a "Sixth grade writing ability".

Well, I graduated 6th grade, and he writes way the fuck better than I ever will. It was his stories that largely inspired me to start writing some of my own.

It was for selfish reasons though. There wasn't enough stories like his on this site. I thought if I could write some stories then maybe I would inspire others as he inspired me - and voila: more stories.

I also see it as therapeutic to see the world through the eyes of my characters. I can live viscerally in their head and get out of my own for a short time. It doesn't matter if I am writing or reading a story - it is an escape.

I've had a lot of help over the years. Mike McGifford a fellow author has been a true inspiration. I've had a few people volunteer to be 'editors' but the real world got in the way and they lost interest, or worse: They signed up without realizing that I do not have many boundaries as a writer and one particular kink or story twist was unsavory to them.

A few months ago when I began Keeping the Babysitter in line, I had one person (who shall be nameless as they prefer it that way) offer to edit for me. He didn't rewrite my entire story or anything like that.

What he did was READ the version I would likely publish before I did. Then he would send back something like this with corrections. The line from my story and then the correction:

Rachel slapped his ass.
Rachel slapped her ass.

I've done a lot to fix grammatical and spelling, but there are these little inconsistencies and mistakes that creep into my work. That's sloppy on my part and I can notice them immediately in someone else's story. I've read mine SO much trying to squash errors that I am often blinded to my own mistakes because my mind fills in the blank of what is supposed to be written there.

So here is all I am asking for:

1. A reader who enjoys my stories. If you are a fan of them, you know what I write about.

2. Basic common sense.

3. Patience.

Job Description:

I will email you a copy of the story in advance BEFORE I post it. Alternatively, you can read it after I post it. It's easier to read. I do not do external email for a variety of reasons.

Then, at your own pace - simply read the story and send me a small list of things you noticed that were out of place.

"I helped my actual Jack off a horse"
"I helped my Uncle Jack off a horse."

Pay Range: Eternal gratitude of one lonely, pervert.

That's it.

Men are Like Tile Floors

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They say that Men are like tile floors. If you laid them really good the first time- you walk on them for years after that.

I didn't make up those words of wisdom. I've just been a practicing tile for so long that I kind of assume it is a universal truth.

Where have I been?

On a strange island run by a billionaire that he created as a playground to live out his sexual fantasies with his fellow wealthy billionaires. He randomly tricks normal women into coming to his mansion as sexual slaves, rather than pay the women who would do it professionally and willingly.

I am kidding of course. That's something out of a 50 shades fever dream I had while I had Covid.

Yeah, it ran through us and rather than go into how my funny/creative bones were fractured - let's just say that it was better I not write for a bit after. My stories would have been dark and joyless like my life was.

I enjoy writing stories where I can see the world vicariously through the eyes of my characters. It isn't always the protagonist either.

A friend mentioned that in "Resetting my Bitch Button" the main character took a back seat in acts 2 and 3. That is true - the story was really about an evolution of everyone and I needed her to fuck off a bit while I told the other people's journey.

It gave me a chance to experience the story from their perspective and I hope as a reader that you get the same opportunity.

I am very close to completing Keeping the Babysitter in line. Yes, there is an ending and yes - I plan to finish.

I do have some other ideas in the works. I really need a fun short story to sort of restart my creative capacity. I tend to draw inspiration from reading other people's writing.

Unfortunately, some of my favorite authors didn't publish while I was away either. 2022 is a shitty year. We can't get baby formula, now you are telling me I can't get my favorite perverted stories on SOL?

Thanks Obama!

PS. I love this site and I appreciate everyone who wrote to me to tell me that they missed my posting.


Posted at Updated:

I've been posting "Keeping the Babysitter In Line" almost daily for a while and I am up to chapter 38. I have 50 chapters total with at least a dozen more to finish before the story concludes.

This story also has some of the highest readership statistics of my past stories (Short of "Do you have a big dick? Why not?" and Big Deal at Sunny Manor).

It has been one of the most enjoyable stories to write. I get to relive the 1980s through my character's eyes and share it with you.

Next week I may not get to post much but do not be alarmed. I have no plans to leave you in the lurch on this story. It's could actually end right where it is and it would be a satisfying ending. I have 50 chapters of compressed time sharing moment to moment how the main character spent a kinky weekend with his babysitter and her family.

I am writing what I consider to be "Bonus" (Boner) chapters of the aftermath of that weekend and what follows for lucky Brian as he processes that weekend and his new relationships. I've been developing and evolving him as well and I want him to flex that progression from being a wet-behind-the-ears annoying know-it-all into a far less wet behind the ears, slightly less annoying kid that realizes he doesn't know-it-all.

His confidence has grown as he matured over the weekend. Let's test that and see if now that he isn't under Dennis's roof how it carries over into real life.

I named this Blog Post "TitTok" because there is basically unending porn (mostly clothed) on TikTok out there that you could be watching. A little quick cheesecake and a smile instead of taking the time to enjoy a detailed story that ebbs and flows like some perverted epic about a teenage boy's coming of age.

I don't get a lot of feedback. The most recent comment said that there wasn't enough action. Keep in mind, he's literally hung them from the rafters, put them on spanish horses, fucked them in every hole, bound them, spanked them, humiliated them in public, taken them on a journey to the beach and played dare games, taken them to Rocky Horror Picture show, etc.

A LOT has happened. I feel that the best stories cannot be balls-out 600 mph where there is constant adrenalin. In order to be excited by those 600 mph scenes, you need the story to arc and take things down to a realistic notch and catch your breath before being plunged into another crazy shenanigan.

I've tried very hard to present the characters as real people with jobs, lives, and real needs who happen to put aside one weekend out of the month to enjoy some kinky stuff. In order to do that - yes, there are introspective times when it's not constant stroke material but to me - those are some of the sexiest times because they feel visceral and authentic.

I am considering my next project after this one. I don't want to commit to anything quite yet. I've got a few old stories that I could continue. Closing out Resetting my Bitch Button was a big win for me. It was long overdue and a labor of love.

I've been considering dabbling in a fantasy epic about a female Orc Warrior that has taken a religious vow to fight naked (without armor) until she earns a valiant death.

I've also considered doing one in the "KIS" universe created by Badger Hole. This is basically naked in school, except it is "Kink in school" where instead of just body-positive, they are teaching not to kink-shame and kink-positive as part of the criteria. It postulates a future where things like TitTok are quaint, and people are societies morals are a bit more jaded - so that nudity in advertising is far more main stream. Sex work is mainstream, etc

I don't think the real world is all that far from it.

I'm also thinking about one literally called "TitTok" where a girl finds herself on TikTok going viral and at first her parents are opposed to it - but she is making so much money that they tell her to go for it. The problem of course is it's mostly men watching her bounce her big old titties under the auspices she is "Dancing".

I've got a few other story ideas I may consider next. I may just do a couple short stories as a pallette cleanse. It's hard for me because once I start building a character, I fall in love with them and don't want to let them go.

Is there something you want to see me write about?

What If nipples clicked in and out like pens?

Posted at

What If nipples clicked in and out like pens?

You could play with them at meetings and such. It would make Zoom calls more interesting.

Anyway, short blog today. Just a quick note to say that the issue with the pictures in Keeping the Babysitter in Line were resolved. I created "sections" to break up the story. The "judgment" party, the beach, and now the Rocky Horror Picture show is in full swing.

It was such a pleasure to write these last few chapters about RHPS. I drew on my own observations from way back when and incorporated them heavily to offer an authentic experience.

I just posted up the chapter with the "Time Warp" in it. I could not resist adding vintage captioned illustrations. I've started making some look like polaroid snapshots to give it a more 70s/80s feel.

I don't get a ton of feedback about the story. Most of it has been really positive. Its really imho the best story I've written so far. I know I probably say that about every story I am working on at the time - but this one feels really good.

I was going to wrap at the end of the weekend but I feel there is more to tell as Brian goes to high school with Rachel and so I'll probably continue on.

I am starting to think about what to do next - may wrap up some other stories I've had sitting near completion. I was excited to hear from those who read Resetting my Bitch Button. It was a lot of effort to finish. I haven't heard much but most people seemed really to have two thoughts:

1. They loved Maria and the pony girl stuff towards the end of the story and how she dreamed of being one. I may do more with that type of scenario in the future.

2. They wanted to see more with Emily and her story. I don't want to spoil the ending - but they wanted to continue on with her story and how things would evolve.

I think the character's story has been told - but I am curious what you think? would anyone consider writing a fan-fiction take on what they think happens next?



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