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Eddie Davidson: Blog


What would you like me to write next?

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I have several stories concluded to post, and I am just editing them. I have a follow up to Itty Bitty Titty. I have 9 more chapters of Tig's Mind Control Adventure. I have a great story called "Mother May I" that is fairly short about a woman who is forced to play a game with her kids on a rainy day.

I have one called "Dare Devil" mom that I am quite proud of about a woman that is kinky/open minded and likes to do dares for her kids - but it's a bit different than the UK one. That's a bit longer as well.

I am currently working on finishing a story about a 20 year old disabled man who discovers his mom has started an Only Fans. I was inspired by the fact that Denice Richards (she is a C-list actress that was married to Charlie Sheen) started one with her daughter, and a friend of mine who mentioned he was disabled. This is going to be a really epic story and fairly long about how their relationship changes as a result.

I thought I would ask the people who read my blog to send me their idea of a synopsis of a story (knowing what stories I write) of what you'd like to see.

I've considered doing something like a historical fantasy recently, but I am not convinced I can pull off "Action Adventure". I am still futzing with that idea.

The three ideas I have on my hot list are as follows (but I'll consider anything)

1 - Story set in the 1960s, involving domestic discipline. I was thinking about a situation where the parents are fairly strict right off the bat, two sons, two daughters, lots of red butts, and not a lot of BDSM.

They'd be strict but loving, so it's not going to be abusive, but there would be alot of bare asses and such.

I've never done a story set in that time period. I Was wondering if it might be fun to use sort of a "Mad Men" idealized 1960s setting with scotch, and business suits.

2- A female led relationship story. There are not a lot of good ones of these out there. Games by ByDaSea is the only one I know of on SOL. Femdom/FLR stories often focus on 'cuckold' where the woman is a nympho who wants an excuse to fuck anyone but her husband. My experience is that most FLR the women simply want their husband to worship them as their queen and are the dominants in the relationship.

If you were to write a male character the way most female dominants in femdom stories, people would consider the male a narcissistic sociopath. I want a loving FLR - but with lots of bdsm/humiliation.

I would probably set the story with a retired man, who is with his wife in an RV. His two adult sons, and a daughter are there as well. He is former military, used to getting this his own way, blusters and yells when he gets mad.

The wife and her friend confront him with new rules, but there is no blackmail or coercion. They simply want him to accept that the wife is in charge. He is reluctant and skeptical but agrees and this would be a story about their adventures on the road.

Third story: The story begins in the DMV with a woman talking to her co-worker.

"The only person that can order me around is my kid, haha" she jokes.

"What?" he is shocked.

"My eight year old. It's just easier to do what she wants. Yesterday she got a notion to unravel all the toilet paper. I just said, 'whatever'"

Fast forward 8 years later. The daughter is a blue-eyed, blonde hair, snot-nosed brat (which may irritate some readers) who runs her mom, older brother, and older sister. If she doesn't get her way her tantrums are legendary. She sleeps in the master bedroom because she has 'allergies' and can't be in the smaller room, she drives moms car, mom has the second hand car, won't be caught dead in cheap clothes.

Mom has lost every relationship she ever could have had, bedraggled, brother and sister are worn down too.

Story begins. "Get that off, you look hideous, mom!"

"Okay Angelica, I just thought it.."

"You thought what? that you'd embarrass me today? Take it off right now..."

"I'll go to my room and change. Did you have.."

"No, here in the kitchen!"


"Are you hard of hearing. Do it"

This is where it begins. I could make it kind of obvious that the woman gets off on it, whether she admits it or not.

Short Stories

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To each their own, and the good thing about SOL is there is something for everyone. If you like stories about dinosaurs getting it on, or magic goats, short stories, medium stories, long stories, REALLY long stories, etc.

This site really amazes me sometimes. I find myself increasingly addicted to checking the updates to see what's new. I know there is a whole fantastic archive larger than the scholars of the great library of Alexandria could have fathomed dating back for decades of filth and perversion I could read.

Yet, I am constantly looking for the latest greatest. Mostly because I've identified a few authors like Vulgus, MaryS,Vanessa Evans, Tail Weaver, Mike McGifford etc that turn my screws so I want to see if there is new stuff from them.

Lately, it's been a bit of a drought for old Eddie. No one's fault really - authors write what they want.

I did want to express an opinion on short stories, and It's not intended as a rant or to demean anyone who loves them - just my opinion.

I recently came up with an analogy about short stories

It's like sex with my wife.

She likes how I begin.
However, it ends before she gets anything out of it.

I can't bring myself to write short stories. If I care enough about the characters to write about them - I've got to see it through at least 6 or 7 chapters of about 9-11 pages typed each.

That's probably about 40,000 words, which does sound like a lot but to get a proper start, middle and end I need at least that much to give it a go.

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. I've found a single picture on the Internet sometimes that tells an entire short story inside of the photo.

I've thought about trying my hand at it. Just pick some photo and then start writing and try to keep it under 1,000 words. I just can't seem to do it.

Every time I sit down and do it, I begin to viscerally live the character's experience and I just don't want to stop, or else they were never interesting or real enough to write about.

I've had people recently tell me they don't have the attention span for long stories. I told them I don't write or read a long story in one sit. I just take it in bite size steps - do a little and come back.

it's not much different than 10 episodes on Netflix of your favorite tv show. I watch 1 episode, maybe 2 and then come back and see what happens. Some people binge watch all 10 and that may be what people think they have to do with the long stories.

Just try a chapter, see what happens, maybe you love it, maybe you don't. My goal is to make you want to come back and find out what happens.

I can't do that with a short story.

Anyway, read and write on whatever you like. Please don't take this blog post as a condemnation of your tastes. I am just saying mine which means all of shit.

Itty Bitty Titty Committee Conclusion

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Tonight chapter 15 should be published, I plan to have the final chapter 16 published this weekend.

The story *DOES* continue in Itty Bitty Titty Committee 2: What I did over my summer vacation.

Seventeen chapters that advance the story after the family leaves Myrtle Beach as told by Katie's little brother. This is going to be a more domestic discipline oriented story than the first one. They are both stand alone.

I will conclude Tig Ol' Bitties: a Mind Control Story

That has 28 chapters in total and I've published about 18 as of this writing.

Then I will post Itty Bitty Titty Committee 2.

I have several stories completed that I will work on editing and publishing. This includes a few interesting ideas:

Mother May I: Is a story about a woman whose kids are bored and want her to play a game with them.

Dare Devil Mom: is also about a very cool mom, she loves doing dares around the house. I think this is one of my best stories.

Visiting Aunt Scarlet

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I recently removed HOA 2: Dolphin Shores. This was a story that was not quite a sequel to HOA: Big Deal at Sunny Manor.

I had started it with the best of intentions to write a story about a family moving to a kink-friendly community in Tampa similar to the one in Sunny Manor but not quite as large. However, at some point I got sick and lost the plot and never went back to finish it. My recent contest produced one volunteer who accepted the challenge of finishing it and hopefully they will.

I have one other project that has been dangling for some time. It's a brilliant story really. I can say that because Mike McGifford actually wrote most of it. He handed it over to me and I added a few chapters. However, I couldn't decide how to give it a proper ending or continue it.

It starts with a woman arriving at her sister's house. The sister is a nudist, and she is also a part time sex-worker. It isn't a very BDSM heavy story, but it does have a little spanking. The story is really about the woman's son adjusting to the fact that the family there is very vanilla, but they accept that mom is a nudist and she is a sex worker.

That's it - brilliant in it's simplicity. A slice of real life kink. They aren't 24/7 master and slave or anything quite so grandiose. They work, go to the grocery store, do all the normal things. They do believe in spanking their two kids, but only for things they did wrong and not for pleasure/amusement.

There was going to be an arc where the teenage daughter got pregnant but I never finished the story.

I have a pretty extensive catalog of stories. If you are enjoying my current stories, I would always suggest looking at my old work too. However, this one in particular I have a request of the readers:

My request is simple: If you are a fan of my work, read these short six chapters and tell me where you'd like me to take it to end it. A short two or three paragraph summary.

I feel these characters deserve a proper ending to their story and not something tacked on that is abrupt. I hate it when authors do that and I do not like doing it myself.

Once that happens, I won't have any projects sitting out there unfinished. All of my published stories going forward will already be complete before I start editing and posting them to SOL.

I do post exclusively to SOL by the way. I have tried a few other sites. Especially for my fan fiction because I know that doesn't play well here. However, SOL is my home. It's a great site because it makes it super easy for authors to publish.

Write a chapter contest

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I won't be able to post new chapters until a little after Wednesday.

It occurred to me that it might be fun to ask readers to pick one of my old stories that they feel deserved an additional chapter.

There are a lot of them where things could happen after the story concluded. Visiting and Scarlett never ended and neither did HOA 2.

The rules are simple.

Send it to me as feedback and I will review it and and may edit or as necessary. Let me know if you want the credit as guest author or if you prefer to remain anonymous because I will respect your privacy.

I'll let the contest run for 30 days and post any results.

Welcome to publish it as fanfiction, including writing about something that happened during the story or with some of the side characters.

As an example, several people seem to really enjoy the story of Dancer. She was featured in two stories of mine the background. Resetting my bitch button is her origin story, and in the original HOA big deal in Sunny Manor, she was also mentioned.

She was never the focus of the story. If you want to submit a fanfiction of your own on this site about her or any of my stories that would be amazing.

If you want to send it to me first, I can definitely give you some feedback or post it up as part of the story as a bonus chapter.

I think it's fun to be creative and I always encourage people to write. It's especially fun if they write stuff I would enjoy reading.

I look forward to any submissions



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