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Eddie Davidson: Blog


Word of Advice: Do not suck your own dick

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If you are limber enough and have the time, you may think "Hey, this is going to feel like someone is sucking MY dick."

But, it's actually going to feel like you are sucking a dick.

Follow me for more practical advice.

Are stories about the journey or the destination?

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I have a dear friend who is an inspiration to my writing on here. I doubt I would have continued writing if not for his encouragement and feedback.

He is one of the best authors I've ever read on here, and yet he doesn't post much. Mike McGifford. I've been a writing partner on some of his stories and published a few. I have one of his amazing stories to publish/polish for him after I finish up with my current stories.

He gave me feedback on "Dare Devil Mom" (and all of my stories) and it is really food for thought.

He's only up to chapter four of DDM and the story is about to take a left turn. I usually tease and establish characters in the first few chapters of every story I write.

In Dare Devil Mom, I wrote an unusual main character for me. She is selfless, patient, energetic and she loves and owns her own sexuality. She knows what she likes and she isn't ashamed of it.

She isn't a saint and she has her foibles and insecurities. Her constant need to augment the size of her tits (and she bleaches her hair) is probably on some level a great example.

His first comment is that the kids remind him why he hates kids - always bickering and complaining. That was intentional. I wanted to establish that Tracy's four kids while they get along at times - they also don't and there is some chaos around the house.

When the left turn hits, and she gives them something to bond over it is all going to make a lot of sense.

However, he started talking about the point of the story. What is the goal of the characters?

If you look at many of my stories, they don't have a goal or they start out with one and they don't end up with that goal by the end.

A classic example is Road to Redemption. The Main character feels she is such a nasty contemptible bitch that she wants to be kept under discipline to prevent her from behaving badly. Whether she gets what she asked for or not was never the point of the story. The point was the journey of discovery of whether she wanted it or not.

Another reader wrote to me recently with a fantastic idea. One of my most popular stories is "Do you have a Big Dick, why not?"

This is a direct quote a woman once asked me. She was an aged stripper that was a lot like Betty in the story.

She was basically asking if you don't have coke or money then you better have a big dick, or else why am I talking to you?

In her world, if men wanted her time they had to do something for her. I wrote a story ostensibly about this woman as a mother with two daughters she raised. She was no longer a stripper - she made more money doing webcam stuff with her daughter.

I am not giving anything away by saying that the start of the story is that the story is about a shy boy that has a crush on one of her daughters. He thinks she is shy just like him (and she is at school) but when he comes to her house his life changes forever.

The reader suggested that I write four years in the future where things went.

He said a lot can happen in four years. Think of Germany before WWII and after. This would be a story about AFTER the journey - where did they all end up?

What happened to Justin's little brother and sister who were sort of background characters, now that they are teenagers.

That intrigues me! There is so much that could have happened in four years - but still I am not as interested in what their goal is, as I am in their journey and how along the way - they even change the destination or don't care about getting there any longer..

The Man Who Didn't Read Story Codes: A Fan Fic

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I stood there at McDonald's deciding what to order. I had no idea what I wanted, but I was hoping for a five star meal for free.

They had a menu posted with all of the food they do offer, but I didn't bother reading it.

"What's in the fish sandwich?" I asked the Cashier.

"Fried Fish, Tartar, on a bun"

I didn't waste my time listening to his short summary before I ordered it and took a bite. "This is terrible. I do not like fish."

"Okay, but I literally told you what was in it and fish was the first thing I said," the teenager behind the cash register replied defensively.

"Don't get defensive! One such as I can never be bothered with trivial things such as menus or learning what is in things before I try them. Now, I must announce to the entire restaurant my displeasure with your food!"

Then I wrote a really long screed on a napkin and left it as a comment. I hung it where EVERYONE could see in the restaurant in order to make MY displeasure known. The restaurant owner Mr. McDonald should CATER TO MY WHIMS, and for FREE!!! I do not pay for content or any of the things that I want to enjoy. I expect them to be suited to me - even though they clearly said they were not.

My unsolicited comment read;

"Dear McDonalds,

I for one won't be eating your food. I do not like fish. I had no way of knowing there would be fish in the fish sandwich that you served."

Then I went to the airport. I got on a flight to Saint Louis without first checking to see where it went. The ticket was free. However, I expected first class.

I got to the destination I demanded my money back because I had no interest in going to Saint Louis.

"Sir, the flight was free, and you knew it was going to Saint Louis. It was clearly printed on the complimentary ticket that we gave you."

"Dear Lady, One such as I cannot be bothered with trivial matters such as destination codes."

Thankfully, I had a pre-printed comment detailing why I did not like planes, destinations or Saint Louis that I could spam her comments section.

I announced my departure over the loud speaker. Everyone at the airport needs to know that I am leaving. I presume their day won't be complete unless I make an announcement about my departure.

"I will be leaving this airport. I do not like Saint Louis."

Then I promptly walked into traffic by ignoring the traffic signs and was hit by a car and died.

In Saint Louis, of all places - thus confirming why I do not like it there. With my dying breath, I left a comment letting people know that I did not like dying and would not recommend it.

The End

Epilogue: The story has a happy ending, but "oblivious guy who won't read subject codes or the summary of the story" is alive and well on SOL, rutting around and posting his nasty grams about why he doesn't like stories with incest, in a story marked 'incest' in the story categories.

Stories are not an airport. You don't have to announce your departure as a reader. If you don't like a story - just move on, dude. Nothing of value will be lost.

Authors like me do this for fun and for free. If you want to leave CONSTRUCTIVE feedback - then do so. If you just want to say why you won't be reading the story - write it on a napkin and leave it at McDonalds.

Cum Dumpster: Mom has an Only Fans

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I posted up the first chapter of Cum Dumpster: Mom has an Only Fans here:

I will post a new chapter once or twice a week while I finish out Daredevil Mom. This story is complete and just needs editing. It won't slow down the Daredevil Mom story at all.

I hope you enjoy - it was a labor of love and a few of the people that inspired me make cameos as homages to their fantastic feedback and encouragement.

There is an overwhelming lack of erotica written for people with mobility issues, sight issues, hearing issues or issues in general. I didn't want to make Jerry's story ABOUT his issues or define him BY his issues.

I simply wanted to write a story where the main character was in a wheel chair and while that is in the story, it isn't a story about being in a wheel chair. It's an attribute of the character but not a definition.

Does that make sense? It's like if a character has red hair or is exceptionally strong. IF you wrote the story about how he was Hercules because of his ginger hair then sure - that defines him. However, if he is simply ripped and has red hair but the story is about how he evolves and grows as a character it is an attribute.

Jerry is in a chair - deal with it. No one gives a fuck or puts him down for it, except for Jerry.

I also included a few of my personal observations where people see you are in a wheelchair and feel the need to bring up other people who are in wheelchairs. I do not know why that is. "Oh, do you watch Ironsides?"

"Why? because I am in a wheel chair? fuck off."

(but if you want to know, yes, I watched Ironsides, but not because he was in a chair - it's because Raymond Burr was a bad ass motherfucker).

I didn't include all of my observations like that, but I tried to include those details that might resonate with readers who understand.

If you were going to start an Itty Bitty Titty Club

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I've been thinking about the Itty Bitty Titty Club stories I posted.

It wasn't a "Club". It was something the older sister said to tease her little sisters for now yet budding into women. It was ultimately used to humiliate them.

I was thinking, If I did a third story about different girls, and actually made it a club, what would the rules and purpose of the club be? It may confuse readers if it is a standalone story though.

Drop me a note if you have some ideas.

I haven't received any feedback about Daredevil mom yet. I am only on chapter four but I particularly adore this story. The main character of Tracy is not my typical main character and I think she was a lot of fun to develop. She is absolute honesty and she has no hang ups about sex - she enjoys it. She likes to give to others and in that sense she is submissive but she is not the kind of submissive I often write.

She gets off on doing dares and makes no pretense that she doesn't. I think you'll love the twists and turns if you give this story a chance. I have 13 chapters plus 3 bonus chapters - I could have posted as a stand alone but I think they should probably fold into this one. I am not sure yet.

Any constructive feedback on the story so far?

Votes put it in the middle tier but I think there are a lot of high votes and a lot of low votes from trolls that genuinely hate everything I post and simply try to 'punish' me by downvoting the story. There were two downvotes within a minute of the first chapter posting.

I have another story that is over 30 chapters that I am chomping at the bit to post up. It's about a guy in a wheelchair and his mom has an only fans site but it's about a lot more. It's not "over the top" and IMHO, it is another of my favorite stories because there is a lot of the MC in me as well. I've been tempted to start posting the story once a week until I finish out daredevil mom.

I am just not sure because it seems like if I wait between chapters the story languishes and people lose interest. I hate that.

it's almost like they only want to read the latest content and never go back and read my older content and if there is a gap/delay between posts they lost interest.

I just want to hurry up and share this one with you because I really do think many people will find something to enjoy about the story. It really is much more than a "day in the life" of someone who produces only fans content. it's about a power exchange relationship that develops and evolves naturally.

Should I dare try to post two stories at once again?



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