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Eddie Davidson: Blog


They say I act like I do not give a shit - but I am not acting

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Time for a quick update.

I posted a review for GinaB's story "Your Wish-My command" -if you like FLR/Femdom this is a fantastic short story. We have a bit of a troll problem where immediately upon posting Femdom (no matter how well written) the story gets vote-bombed. I really hate that for FLR authors because it is discouraging which is exactly what the trolls want. I suppose they think if they get people to stop writing there will be more room for other stories?

I am wrapping up "Cunt Next Door" with Chapter 22 this week. This is one of my favorite collaborations with another author and stories overall.

I feel like there were a lot of 'loose ends' or strings that could have been pulled. As an example, what happens at school could have been detailed more. In a collaboration story, authors tend to leave 'hooks' for other authors to run the story in different directions. I think what happened is that we started to shift to subplots away from the main point which was the growing power exchange dynamic between brother and sister.

I wanted to bring it back to that and provide a satisfying conclusion.

There will be a brief hiatus while I travel before I start another story. I've got several complete. I also need to wrap up NIS Nude at Summer Camp, and I'll try to do a fair job this week. I do not want to rush it because it was a fun story to start. I think it was just getting good.

I have some fantastic new stories on the way. I tend to write more humiliation/BDSM themed stories, but often that is just a backdrop. What I am often trying to convey is how people change in these relationships, or how they express love.

I do not want to paint the domme as some cartoon villain who is just barking orders. I also don't want to make it too mushy and cheesy. I like to offer a realistic take where often the strict domme is providing exactly what the sub needs and wanted.

I like to tell alternative lifestyle stories - and paint interesting pictures about lives that COULD be real.

There are times when I am writing that sound 'over the top' because there is a lot of sex and kink. Then I get on Twitter and see a woman shoving a watermelon up her ass in the free section of her OnlyFans, with chains hanging from her pussy, tattoos all over her body and this is her life/reality 24/7 and her 9-5 job. Her husband's job to take photos of her many gangbangs. The woman seems Overjoyed to think of new ways to degrade and humiliate herself as a silly slut and they probably make twice what I make doing what they love.

That's nice though - seeing that there are people living the fantasies. If I can't live it with them, I at least want to read about it/write about it.

Keeping the womenfolk in line - bible story - NEW chapter

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I began an experiment to write a few short stories. The last time I tried to write a 'short story' I was working with Mike McGifford on a story called "Best Mom Ever" about women who were in a sort of competition of the most debauched slutty mom.

I fell in love with the characters I was writing and ended up writing "Keeping the Entire Family in Line" with over 50 chapters and then a second prequel story about the husband.

Yesterday, I wrote a short story about a female led relationship. It was just a slice of life from a boy growing up in a household dominated by women. No plot other than "Typical day"

Today, I decided to revisit characters from the story "Keeping the women folk in line bible story"

It's been a year, and now they've settled in. I enjoyed it, but decided to just add it as an epilogue chapter to the story. If you haven't read it - it's about a very busty mom who is part of the Adamite (a very real) faith that does not believe in monogomy, doesn't value virginity, and thinks that nudity is a virtue.

It didn't really feel like a "Day in the life" story and so I decided it belonged at the end of that one instead. If you enjoyed that story, here is a chance to revisit it and catch up with "Oscar Buloni" the main character. (Yes, he gets teased about his name, and no his middle name is not Meyer).

Since I had done a Femdom story, I thought it may be fun to write a maledom family. One thing I enjoyed about Oscar's family is that it works for them and the girls firmly believe in what they are doing.

I may have to try adding a chapter to some of my other stories. One reader suggested I revisit "Do you have a big dick, why not?"

The little sister and brother were very much background characters in that story, but now they could be teenagers growing up in that family.

I could also look back at HOA and write about Lindsay and her comeuppance. That was a blast to write. One of my favorite stories.

However, I was also hoping to tell new stories.

A few of them on my radar include:

Day in the Life -Hyderabad. I want to try my hand again at a Hindi erotic fiction. This would be about a boy growing up in a crowded flat in a big city in India. I want to capture the smell of Basmati rice, cardomon, and other Indian spices, and the sounds of Indian music. It would be a short story that covers his typical day. His mother is a prostitute and she often walks around with just a frock around her waist. No big plot - just a slice of life on his day to live vicariously through his eyes.

I've also considered doing a British family of Nudist from Kensington on Holiday in Cornwall. No bondage, but they are very incestuous. There used to be this author on Asstr who captured the voice of a chatty-kathy British 'mum' so perfectly. Calling after her kids 'you cheeky monkeys!!"

I'd like to write that.

Another I've considered doing is a woman in her 50s, still good looking, that is routinely sent to the neighbors house to be 'trained' as a pony and how she goes through intake and care while she is there. I'd probably have her go with her daughter in law, to share the experience. "The men are out golfing while we are galloping around this pony track...which would you rather be doing, Barbara?"

Those are just a few of the ideas percolating in my head.

Oh, you said PLUCK the turkey? Well, this is awkward

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As we prepare for Thanksgiving, I am often excited to write some good BDSM holiday stories. I have written a few short stories in the past around a kink-friendly BDSM family might spend the Holidays.

Moms tied up like a Christmas tree with colorful red balls hanging from their nipples, bound with electric lights.

Sister stuffed and mounted on the table like a turkey, with an ear of corn down her throat like a gag, while everyone treats her like a buffet.

Naturally, these are slightly over the top stories (Which can be fun). However, I also like the more subtle ones where kink is in the background. Yes, Mom might get a new Dildo for Christmas a "Stocking Stuffer" but in general the family does a lot of the vanilla things that any other family does.

I'd love to see more stories like that. What is a vacation like for Mom and Dad when they have a Master/Sub relationship? Does she trade in her chastity belt for Mickey Ears and leave it all behind, or is there still aspects of their relationship even at Disney World?

I've wrapped up a lot of my writing projects and expect to go back and complete NIS: Nude at Summer Camp, and possibly even finally close out Visiting Aunt Scarlet.

I am doing a few short stories that I sprinkle here and there. I call it a "Day in the Life" and I may make it a series. Just stories about kinky people walking you through their lives.

The first one on my list is a female dominated household. There is an element of rabid toxic trolls in the community that vote-bomb any femdom stories. I assume they think by punishing authors who dare to write something that scares them they are sending a 'message' to the author.

My message back to them is 'fuck you, I'll write what I want to write."

I don't do a lot of femdom/FLR but every now and then I like my women on top.

Short Stories- Day in the Life?

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Yesterday was a real crazy day for Chapter 9 of Cunt Next Door. I will say that I am pleasantly surprised that so many people took the time to let me know that I fucked up with that chapter.

That wasn't my intention by any means, but what I think it also says is that Cunt Next Door is a really special story. I fuck up all the time and people almost never bother to let me know. This time I had quite a few nice people take the time. it was like their TV set suddenly went on the fritz during a favorite show.

The last issue was related to HTML not playing well with formatting codes from MS Word. I've fixed that in the latest update and added chapter 10.

in the meantime, I ALSO completed writing a story about a wife and her journey of submission. The general premise was that a husband and wife are giving each other midnight confessions in bed. The wife admits she would like to do humiliating and naughty dares.

The husband responds "Really? If we do this, you have to do whatever I say!"

"Wow! okay" the wife responds and off they go. Naturally, as I wrote the actual story though I found myself adding the complications of fantasies getting in the way of real life with jobs, kids, bills, groceries and the fun that also entails of being able to push some of that aside.

it's a fun 10 chapter story that I'll post up after Cunt Next Door.

In the meantime, I am left with some choices of side projects. One thought I had was to try to write a 'short story'.

I use quotes because the last time I tried to do that I ended up writing TWO stories about the family, and 50+ chapters in "Keeping the Entire Family In Line" because I liked the characters so much.

I was thinking that I may just take an unusual picture and start writing a vignette of sorts around what I think the context was of the picture.

That or maybe a "Day in the life" story. It begins with the main character waking up and ends with them falling asleep on a typical day. It doesn't have the "Act 1/Act 2/Act 3" format of a typical story where something surprising happens that leads the character on a journey.

It may just be a British mum and her nudist family off for Holiday in Cornwall, and be about packing sandwiches and how they sunned their buns on the Southern shores of Saint Ives. No blackmail, no life altering events, no mind control, no plot other than a fun day with the family.

It could just as easily be a big titted woman and her two big titted daughters in the trailer park, and how they spend their day, walking up to the store, looking out their patio, drinking a few beers, masturbating, etc.

Many short stories seem to be able to just tell the story of a pretty typical day and let you be a fly on the wall/see out of the main character's eyes. I've never been able to write one successfully. I was thinking perhaps it would be a good exercise for me.

Is that something you would like?

I also have plans to finish a few loose ends (NIS Summer Camp, Visiting Aunt Scarlet) and possibly re-explore Gladiator Brothel.

A few weeks ago I asked if people would be interested in a story about a woman that gets involved in an underground fight club called the "Gladiator Brothel" because wealthy patrons pay to be able to create the conditions of the battle and which women they want to be in it.

I started writing and realized that I suck at action/adventure and writing the gritty and visceral brutality of what combat between two sexy women might be like. It's not just two dudes with tits. There is a whole different vibe to girl fights that I wanted to capture.

I just lacked the skill to really do it. I still want to see the story, not sure if I am the one to write it.

I am open to suggestions/feedback and thoughts.

Polish or Polish?

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If you were able to hear me speak you would know that the first word was pronounced /Paul-ish/ which is what I attempted to do to "Cunt Next Door. The second use of the word was pronounced /Pole-ish/ which is how I like my single-moms dancing.

In any case, I don't know what kind of fuck up I had today on chapter nine of cunt next door. It was royal though.

I've had multiple errors. Here is the root of one of them; Mike and I worked on this together and there are times when a revised chapter sort of got folded into the flow of the story.

As I polish (the paul-ish kind) the story and add little details, embellish, and fix grammatical mistakes I missed key points when the entire text repeats between chapters.

The text seemed to fit nicely in both chapters.

My old process was to write a chapter and publish it IMMEDIATELY. I was so happy to share my stories that I'd just publish it as soon as I finished editing it.

However, my new process is to *COMPLETELY* finish a story and then go back and edit it, add illustrations and publish it.

What I am learning is that my memory sucks, and I am running into a new and unanticipated problem months after the chapter was written. I am hoping today's chapter nine was a one-time occurrence but thank you to the readers who are enjoying the story and pointed out the problems.

There were a couple others (chapter 3 somehow got copied into chapter 9). In any case, I think it is sorted now and there is NEW content in the final revised chapter nine, so if you read it earlier today, you may want to go back and double check.




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